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Posted on Sun Jan 20th, 2013 @ 8:28pm by Lieutenant JG Ivor Biro & Commander Oralia Zeferino

Mission: The Struggle Within
Location: The Brig

Ivor descended in the turbolift, his thoughts in a whirl. A padd was clutched in his hand containing all the details relevant to the Hazari. This was officially an ‘off the record’ visit so that Ivor could see the man, ask a few questions, see what he was up against. So far the case wasn’t looking good for the Enforcer and he was growing more certain that his original plan hatched with Tog, to throw this one under the proverbial bus in order to save them, was the best idea. He had a part to play, however. He had to assure this man that things were going to be business as usual or they risked him spilling his guts if he suspected he was being sold out.

When he arrived at the brig, he greeted the officer on duty and requested to see the Hazari.

After a short delay, during which the Bolian officer on duty simply stared at Ivor, silently challenging the Prosecutor to complain about the wait, Ivor was shown into a small conference room where the Hazari was handcuffed to a chair. “What is this?”, he demanded.

Ivor sat down across from the Hazari and laid a padd on the table. He remained silent until the officer closed the door, leaving them alone. He pulled a small scanner from his pocket and switched it on. There was a faint hum, then a light flashed green.

“Now we can talk. First, I want to know exactly what happened that night in the Nexus.”

“You aren’t my attorney,” the Enforcer asserted, shaking his head.

“No, but you know who I am. I’m the man who’s holding your life in his hands now. How this case goes all depends on me. I can make it go away or I can see you hang for it. It all depends on you and our mutual employer.” Ivor smiled slowly. “So now do you want to answer my question?”

The Enforcer frowned. “I would, but I have no memory of any night in the Nexus. That isn’t a place I’d frequent. The music there is... not to my tastes. Nor is the lighting. I prefer dimmer places, louder places. Like Saturnalia.”

“So how do you explain an eyewitness who knows you were there? And this same witness is the reason you were arrested because you were in his quarters and attacked him?” Ivor crossed his arms as he watched the man. “A witness who insists you are the killer.”

“I don’t explain it,” he shrugged then got an eager and lovelorn look. “When can I see Eli?”

Ivor had heard the reports of this obsession but he hadn’t really believed it till now. “You won’t. He is my primary witness. Now here’s the deal. This station is sending a team to rescue those who vanished when Suresh fired on the Admiral. That means he will be returning. What do you think he will do when he finds you here and an airtight case?”

“Tog told me to keep quiet and hold out for a few days. He has a plan,” the Hazari said, though he looked uncomfortable with the idea of relying on Tog’s planning skills. “Will I get to see Eli at my hearing?”

“Will that make you cooperate?” Ivor’s smile was chilly. “Look, there’s nothing I’d like better than to get you out of here, then make you disappear but that isn’t likely. You know also that in here, you’ll be a sitting duck once Suresh returns. Do you intend to sell him out? It could help you.” Ivor really had no intentions of allowing that but it might get the man talking and tell him if other measures needed to be taken to protect Suresh.

“Sell him out? And end up dead? I’ll wait, as Tog suggested. But if I’m here beyond the few days he promised, unless Eli is here with me, then we’ll see.” He wasn’t making much sense, not even to himself.

Or to Ivor either, it seemed. “Umm...sure.” The rambling did tell him one thing, however. Time was running short and if this one started talking, they were all going down. “I’ll be seeing Tog when I leave here. Till then, keep your trap shut.” He lifted the pad, and slipped it into his pocket. Only then did he end the recording. Without another word, Ivor rose and exited the room.

The Hazari sat there a moment longer, waiting for an officer to come get him. All he really wanted was to see Eli.

The Hazari

Ivor Biro


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