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An Invitation

Posted on Sat Jan 26th, 2013 @ 8:36pm by Commander Oralia Zeferino & Admiral Lucius Hawke & Lieutenant Commander Kh'ali

Mission: The Struggle Within
Location: Hawke's Office

* * * Lucius’ Office * * *

“Kai, inform me the moment Commanders Zeferino and Kh’ali get here.”

“Aye, sir.” Kai turned back to her terminal as Lucius passed on into the inner office.

Lucius settled in behind his desk and turned the viewscreen just a bit to improve his view. He had several messages to see too and a soon had finished with the bunch, including an update to Starfleet regarding the missing crew. Out of a drawer, Lucius removed the pad that Captain Blackhorse had delivered. Entering his code once more, he scanned the information that appeared there, then laid it aside as Kai called to inform him that Oz had arrived.

Appearing in the Admiral’s doorway, Oz wasn’t aware of just how much her appearance had changed. She was looking older; the stress of the past few months was showing in the form of small lines around her eyes and darkened circles under her eyes. “Admiral, good to see you,” she smiled at him.

“Oz come in, close the door. Kh’ali will enter when she arrives.” He studied her a moment, then stood and came around his desk, stopping before her and resting his hands on her shoulders. It was a decidedly fatherly gesture. “Oz, you know I love you like my own, but you look like hell.”

She coughed out a short laugh. “Yeah... I suppose I do. I’ll thank good genetics that my hair hasn’t turned grey over the past few months. Once we bring Admiral Wegener and Li back, things will be better.”

“That’s what I am hoping. And in fact, I have some good news, which is why you and Kh’ali are here. Speaking of which.” He paused as the doors opened and Kh’ali stepped in.

“Hello, Admiral Hawke, Commander Zeferino.” Kh’ali smiled at both of them and in contrast to Oz, she looked radiantly happy. She turned her attention to Oz now. “How’re you holding up Oz?”

“Good,” Oz lied with a smile. “How are things on Archadia?”

“You don’t want to know. Lt. Smith has gone down there. The Prime Minister’s aide has vanished - with one of ours. And an assassin, at least we think that’s what she was, was found dead in his kitchen. Otherwise, life is wonderful.”

“Sounds like their security forces may need help,” Oz commented.

“I’ll have a better idea once we hear from Lt. Smith and see what’s going on.”

Lucius nodded. “I look forward to hearing the update.” It wasn’t a request. “And if action is needed, we can then consider our options. Oz will be assuming command of the station while Commander Sakkath is tied up with the ceremony for Chance. For your sake Oz, I hope action is not needed.”

“Sakkath and I discussed that, briefly. The chances are slim, but I’ll be prepared if action is needed,” Oz nodded.

“Good.” Lucius motioned them to the chairs before his desk. “And before we start, I have to ask, Kh’ali. Considering everything going on now, you look surprisingly happy. Anything you can share? We could use something good about now.”

Kh’ali looked from him to Oz and back. “Well, it is good news. Patrick and I just found out...we’re having a baby.”

Surprise lifted Oralia’s brows; an unwelcome pang of grief made her blink. It was a heartbeat before she got her breath and smiled, “Well, congratulations! That’s a huge surprise, isn’t it?”

“More than you know. The timing is also weirdly coincidental, considering the Aleksa from the alternate universe and her daughter.” Kh’ali shrugged lightly. “He took it better than I did.”

“That’s wonderful news, and pass along my congratulations to Commander Leroy.” Lucius smiled.

“Thank you sir, I will.” Kh’ali shifted in her seat and her tone returned to business. “So what’s on the agenda today?”

“An invitation,” Lucius answered. “From the Dendrian Order. You are familiar with them Oz?”

“I am. They were the first Delta Quadrant race the Ticonderoga met upon its arrival at the Pre-Warp Cradle. We’ve been monitoring them ever since,” she nodded. “What is the invitation for?”


Kh’ali updated Lucius and Oz on what was known of their current political situation with regard to the Tunisian War. “This far, Starfleet had refused to get involved overtly.”

Lucius nodded. “What we have is an invitation to open negotiations. Not specifically regarding the war effort, but to establish formal diplomatic ties. It would mean a broadening of Starfleet’s presence in the Delta Quadrant. Obviously, the war will be one item on the table so you have your work cut out for you Kh’ali.” He turned to Oz now. “As for security, I’d say you do as well. There is some concern that those in this quadrant who are not pleased with Starfleet’s presence might try to make the most of the opportunity.”

“I’ll talk with Intel, make sure they’re aware of the situation and see if they’ve heard anything yet.”

“Good enough. They will be arriving in one week. Make the necessary preparations and keep me informed. Till then, we’ll be waiting for news from the away team.” Lucius slipped the padd back in his drawer. “That’s all for now.”

“I’ll send an official reply to the Order as soon as I leave here. Sir. Oz.“ Kh’ali smiled at them and departed.

He turned back to Oz once she was gone. “What’s the word on Chance, Oz?”

Kh’ali’s news and departure were sudden, leaving Oz a touch breathless from it. “Chance.... Um,” she filled him in on the whole Vulcan ritual thing and what Doctor Harding was doing. “ once the Hammond is safely on its way, Chance will be a bit like ...Schroedinger's cat.”

“Understood. I hope it turns out as we hope it will. We have enough family that’s MIA, at least this one we stand a very good chance go getting him back. You’ll let me know as soon as you hear something?”

“Absolutely, sir,” she nodded, unsure of just how ‘good’ Chance’s chances were. “How are Saye and Aia?”

“Doing wonderfully and wishing I was home more. But that’s the way of the Fleet isn’t it? Once things settle down, and Admiral Wegener and Li are home, I’m taking a few days’ leave.” He smiled indulgently. “Before she scalps me in my sleep.”

“Good luck with that,” she laughed. “If you’ll excuse me, Admiral, I have a few things to get done before the Hammond departs.”

Lucius nodded. “Take care Commander.” Once Oz departed, Lucius turned back to his view screen and opened a newly arrived message.


Vice Admiral Lucius Hawke
Adding More To The Pile

Lt.Commander Oralia Zeferino

Lt. Commander Kh’ali
Adding More To Her List


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