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Not Really a Social Call

Posted on Sat Feb 2nd, 2013 @ 8:43am by Commander Oralia Zeferino & Commander Sakkath
Edited on on Sat Feb 2nd, 2013 @ 8:45am

Mission: The Struggle Within

With the Hammond safely departed, where safely was a very relative word, Sakkath had retired to his office. After spending a few minutes in quiet reflection, doubting that this had been the correct course of action, he touched the intercom that connected him to Hope just outside.

“Lieutenant Beckman, would you kindly summon Lieutenant Commander Zeferino?" he asked, closing the channel to wait in meditation.

An affirmative answer came back and, several minutes later, Oralia Zeferino entered Sakkath’s office. “Commander,” she greeted him, nodding slightly, “Good work getting the Hammond off. Hopefully we’ll see them again.” She was well aware of the risks undertaken by those who had volunteered; part of her thought the endeavor was, potentially, a bit like throwing good money after bad: a waste of resources. Still, she’d support Sakkath, and Commander Leroy, in their decision that this was the best way to retrieve the Admiral, Li Hawke and her own Lieutenant Darwin.

And that was all well and good, but she knew Sakkath hadn’t summoned her about the Hammond. Harding had told her quite a bit earlier this morning. With a soft tone and without any preamble, she asked, “Do you think it will work? ...Chance’s... thing, I mean.”

"The honest truth is that I simply do not know, Oralia," he responded. "Chance's katra, if indeed that is what we are dealing with here, may resist removal from its current host. I may not be equal to the task set before me. Your brother's body may fail. All of this and more could go wrong."

The Vulcan paused and stood, walking around to the far side of the desk with his acting XO. "Normally, logic would advise against the attempt," Sakkath admitted, "but the Doctor made a point I cannot argue. In this case, doing nothing is a certainty of harm, versus the possibility that we should succeed and save two lives."

Working to govern her emotions, Oralia stayed silent a moment. Had she been having this conversation with anyone besides Sakkath, she probably would have cried. Anyone else having this conversation with her would have given her a pitying look by now, or a platitude meant to comfort her. “It’s hard to grasp the concept, Sakkath. Until he was gone, I didn’t even know he was half-Vulcan. And now? Now Harding wants to bring him back from the dead? It isn’t... It’s not natural.” She stopped, ran a hand through her dark hair and let out a shuddering sigh. “For humans, I mean. Will you need anything from me for the ritual?”

“Given the circumstances surrounding this event, the argument could be made that your brother never died, but merely transferred his consciousness... though I suppose that distinction does not make it any simpler to resolve the conflict in your emotions.” Crossing his arms, Sakkath leaned back against his desk, regarding the woman standing before him - a woman who had been through far too much but still managed to hold together, even if the cracks were beginning to show. He understood the stresses of maintaining a facade better than most.

“As for the ritual, it is best that as few individuals as possible are involved, though I can think of one consideration you might assist me with. I will require your brother’s body and the host. Doctor Harding will be standing by to monitor the former, and I would like a Security officer on hand given the nature of the latter. It is unlikely the Hazari should interfere with the ritual itself as it is in his best interest to cooperate... but in the aftermath, I cannot say.”

“I’ll give you more than one Security officer, Commander,” she said, thankful to have logistics to focus on. “Along with chains and shackles and... could we use a straitjacket or would that be too much? Not ‘too much’ for restraining the Hazari, but too much for the ritual?” She managed a smile; it came out a touch feral. “The more restraints, the fewer Security you’ll need.”

Sakkath raised a questioning brow, but he supposed Oralia’s reaction as a sister and as a Chief of Security was quite within the realm of the normal, at least for an emotionally-driven species like humans. “I defer to your expertise,” he answered diplomatically. “All I truly need is his body, a willingness to lie still and his face exposed.” And a miracle, he thought, choosing not to voice his own doubts as to the success of an amateur in such a delicate, ancient ritual steeped in secrets.

"Then I'll have the Hazari there." She nodded. "And Doc Harding said you're transferring acting CO status to me for the duration of the ritual." This was really why she was here. Though she was weirded out by the idea of her brother coming back from the dead (she'd already shed tears over his chilled, lifeless body), that was a surprisingly minor concern compared to accepting responsibility for the whole of the Station. What if the Archadians got a burr on their asses now, while Sakkath was attempting this ritual and the Admiral and Li were still unaccounted for? What if...? Oz could list a hundred other worries; the chances of any of them happening were slim. She derailed her negative thoughts by bringing up something else entirely.

"Also, completely off topic, but have you seen or... 'heard' from Ignatius? She hasn't been home in a few days and her computer chip isn't active."

Sakkath tilted his head in consideration for a moment before shaking it in the negative. “I have not. Though I have witnessed her inquisitive nature firsthand it does seem unusual for her to be absent so long. Unfortunate that she who is my wife should be absent... they seem to share a special bond. Perhaps she could have assisted you in discerning Ignatius’ location.”

“And yes,” the Vulcan went on, “command of the station will have to fall to you during the ritual. Once I begin, the course of action cannot be altered without sacrificing both of those involved. I will, effectively, be as absent as the Admiral.” And half of the rest of this Starbase’s command and seniormost staff, he thought grimly, keeping the scowl off his face. “Things do appear to be well in hand, at least, and Commander Kh’ali should be capable of placating the Archadians should anything diplomatic arise.”

“I have faith that she can keep things in check down there,” Oz agreed. “Who knows, it could be that the Admiral and Li will be back before you’re done with this ritual.”

There that word was again: faith. Sakkath did not understand how humans could cling so readily to it. It was simply not logical in the face of all that was set before them, both with the alternate universe and Chance’s katra. “Perhaps, though I believe such optimism is unwarranted given the number of challenges the Hammond is likely to encounter. We should be prepared for the possibility that it will take days or even weeks before they, or anyone else, returns...” He stopped himself just short of adding ‘if at all.’

Worry created small lines around Oralia’s eyes as she met Sakkath’s gaze and nodded. She had already filled in his unspoken addition and didn’t like it, not one bit. “All right, weeks.” Frowning, she rubbed her forehead. “Then I’ll have to adjust Darwin’s schedule, again,” she said, being only slightly facetious. Pausing for a beat, during which she realized that Sakkath most likely wasn’t following her emotional swings very well, or, if he was, then she was likely making him uncomfortable, she added, “Ah... so, I’ll leave you to your preparations, Sakkath. And... no matter what happens, thank you.”

"Of course," Sakkath replied with a nod, knowing that his schedule was about the last thing Darwin would actually be concerned with upon his return. The Commander made his way back around the desk. "And Oralia, if it means anything," he said, looking up before she departed, "I consider it an honor to have your trust in this undertaking." It was perhaps a feeling deeper than that, but such emotions were not for him to convey.

She nodded, knowing she'd trust him with far more than her brother's life. Not trusting her voice to remain steady, she left it at that as she left Sakkath's office.

Commander Sakkath

Lt.Commander Oralia Zeferino


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