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Marine On Deck

Posted on Fri May 20th, 2011 @ 8:43am by Major Maxim Kamarov

Mission: The Ties That Bind
Location: Marine Command Center
Timeline: 18 days after "Should Have Told The Missus"
Tags: Admiral Wegener


The docking procedure complete, the airlocks were cleared for passenger egress. Maxim and Natalya Kamarov, children in tow, exited the starship and set foot on the starbase's deck. A Marine staff sergeant was waiting for them. "Sir, Staff Sergeant Nguyen, reporting as ordered,"

"Excellent, staff sergeant!" Kamarov grinned, cutting Sgt Major Woodard off. "You will escort my family to their quarters and help my wife with any logistical assistance she may require."

"Aye, sir, but before I do that, I was told to brief you on the extraordinary features of the Immense-class starbase...."

"Sonny, stow it!" SgtMaj Woodard interrupted. "We're familiar with the base's operating system and knowledgeable in its capabilities. Move out,"

"Aye, sir! This way, Mrs. Kamarov!"

As soon as the young sergeant was out of earshot, Kamarov looked at Woodard, "He was an eager beaver, wasn't he?"

"Must have just got his stripes, sir," Woodard agreed. "Major, don't you think you better let the CO of the base know you are aboard?"

Kamarov simply nodded. "After the Mickey Mouse in the MCC. Let's go!"


Major Kamarov and Sgt-Maj Woodard entered the main foyer of the Marine Command Center to find the place in complete chaos. Marines scurried to and fro, each one hell-bent on his task. Kamarov finally corralled a competent-looking gunnery sergeant. "Gunny, where can I find Major Xorn?"

The gunnery sergeant stared at Kamarov's gold clusters and blanched. "Are you our new CO, sir?"

"So it would seem, gunny," Kamarov replied

"Major Xorn was relieved by the admiral and sent packing two days ago. Captain Billings has been in command. He's in his office, sir. That way!" The gunny pointed to the left.

"Thanks gunny." Kamarov grinned, then turned for the door. "Sergeant-Major, formation on the pad in fifteen minutes!"

"Aye sir!" Woodard smiled, then raised his voice and began barking command. "Listen up! I am Sergeant Major Hanley Woodard, your new NCOIC! This operation is a walking cluster fuck...."

Kamarov entered the CO's office and found Captain Billings at the desk feverishly entering data on a padd. Billings saw Kamarov and rose to his feet. "Sir..."

"As you were, captain," Maxim smiled waving the man back down. "You look a bit overwhelmed, young man."

"It's been a nightmare, sir. The admiral shitcanned...oops.."

"Quite all right, captain, I know how to curse myself!" Kamarov said, heading for the replicator. "What is our overall condition?"

"We're sitting pretty well, sir. We just took deliver of some Puller-class runabouts and have finished the mods on the Blackhawks. We're at strength as far as troops and materiel is concerned." Billings picked up a padd. "The admiral wants a plan for rapid-deployment..."

"Hold on, captain, one thing at a time." Kamarov said holding up his left hand, "First, you and I have some coffee and then you hand over command to me, then we get to work!"

Billings accepted the offered cup of hot coffee, brewed strong with a pinch of salt added for flavor "Excellent coffee, major!"

Maxim nodded. "The secret is to blend Jamaican Blue and Arabica beans in the replicator matrix, which will yield a superior cup. But good luck replicating a cup of coffee with the sergeant-major on deck, he thinks it's his duty to babysit the officers 24/7..."

"Page 212 of the NCO handbook, major!" called Woodard from the outer atrium. "Touch the coffeepot at your own risk, captain!"

"See?" Kamarov grinned. "Now let's go over the change of command....."


The station's complement of Marines was standing in front of their seats in the gigantic cavernous space that was the Marine Auditorium. A single podium stood on the stage. Captain Billings, Sergeant-Major Woodard, and Major Kamarov were all seated behind the podium. Woodard rose to his feet, and the entire complement of Marine snapped to attention. Woodard picked up a padd and began to read. "By order of Starfleet Marine Command, Major Maxim Kamarov is hereby ordered to assume command of the Marine complement aboard Starbase 900 as of this stardate." Woodard took his seat

Billings and Kamarov both rose to their feet, "I relieve you, sir," Kamarov said

"I stand relieved, sir! Computer, transfer all Marine command functions to Major Maxim Kamarov: authorization: Billings- alpha-Zulu-six-three-delta"

=^=Starfleet Marine Detachment, Starbase 900, is nor under command of Major Maxim Kamarov=^=, the computer replied.

"Hoo-rah!" Woodard shouted.

"HOO RAH!" came the reply form the gathered Marines.

"Thank you all! I'm not going to stand here and blow sunshine up your asses. We are in the Delta Quadrant; we are out here all alone. We are all that stands in the way of the enemy, and make no mistake, there are enemies out there who would love to blow this station into hell! But, thanks to the infinite wisdom of the base's commanding officer, we are here to keep the citizens of the Federation safe from those enemies, and we will not fail! That is all, carry on!" Just like that the meeting was over.

Woodard came up behind Kamarov and quietly handed him a padd. "All officers meeting in the wardroom at 1800, sir. And I think Admiral Wegener would appreciate a courtesy call letting him know you are aboard.

"Good idea. "Computer, begin message to Admiral Wegener; Greetings, Admiral, I arrived on the base ninety minutes ago and have assumed command of the Marine garrison aboard. I would like to know if there is anything specific you want the garrison to focus on as far as inner and outer perimeter AOR, deployments, and all that stuff. Kamarov. End and Send. That should take care of it!"

"Indeed, Major!" Woodard smiled. "You have a message form your wife, she loves the drapes!"

Kamarov gave Woodard a look and the sergeant-major grinned, "Just doing my duty to make your life easier, major!"



Major Maxim Kamarov


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