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The Storestone

Posted on Sat Jul 2nd, 2011 @ 7:52am by Captain Claudia Drake

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Claudia's Quarters
Timeline: Following Previous

Claudia finally arrived in her quarters, she walked in and found herself being jumped on by her two leopards. They forced her to the floor and began to lick her face. "I know, I know...I was out longer than I thought" she said laughing as their tongues licked her forehead, she continued to laugh as she pushed them off and got to her feet. She walked towards the large window near the main viewport, she too there in silence for a few minutes watching the stars, she could see several ships leave the Starbase. She placed the device on the tables' surface and stared at it in silence for several minutes, she lit a cigarette and inhaled deeply. She looked at the small white stick in her fingers, disgusted and pleased to be smoking both at the same time. She had given up what was close to 300 times, and have taken it back up just as many times...actually more. With the marvels of medicine she could smoke as much as she wanted and have a quick 1 minute scan every decade or so and have no side effects. She knew it was wrong, she knew it was a disgusting habit, but yet she still found herself clinging to one of the main activities of her youth. Even back then smoking was going out of vogue, but her friends smoked and then so did she.

She placed her lighter on the table, it was a gold plated Zippo lighter she had been given by her friend from the orphanage when she turned 18 and was accepted to University. Suddenly she saw the device begin to glow, and then she found herself standing back in the orphanage, Lewis standing next to her...literally next to her, Claudia was looking at her younger self.

It was so real, for a moment she thought she had been transported to a holodeck, but the people in the room with her were very much alive, they gave of the normal sort of static energy that she felt from all living creatures. The room was her bedroom in the orphanage, on the wall was her poster of the band HIM with their iconic Heartagram emblem in gold, their song 'Funeral of Hearts' was quietly playing from the large Hi-Fi. Claudia was rooted to the spot, it was a more than a memory, she was on the outside looking in, but still part of it.

"Claudia, take this." said Lewis as he took her younger-self's hands in his own and placed the lighter in them, "I saved up for it." he smiled broadly.

She could see her younger-self look at the lighter and flick it to life, "Lewis, it's fucking amazing" she said and hugged him. Then they began to kiss passionately. It was a bizarre experience, remembering doing it, and then seeing yourself do it. She could recall the heightened emotions, how she had never felt so in love with anyone before. That was the problem of youth, one was predisposed to live in the moment and not thing of the future. She knew what was coming next.

The door to her room suddenly flung open and Sister Catherine stood in the doorway, her face filled with fury. Younger Claudia and Lewis broke apart, a look of terror on their faces.

"Lewis Evans! You are not allowed in the girls rooms!" the Nun's voice roared, "I've told you enough times." she walked over to him and grabbed him by the collar, she pushed Claudia aside, "I will deal with you later Claudia!". The younger Claudia watched in silence as Catherine dragged Lewis from the room, "You are being moved to Liverpool Street!" The Nun spoke in reference to the other Church run orphanage in London.

As he was led from the room Lewis he turned to younger Claudia, "Tomorrow...I'll meet you outside"

"I love you Lewis."

"I know you do" he said with a cocky smile as the door was closed by Sister Catherine as she walked out.

Suddenly Claudia found herself back in her quarters, she could feel the tears begin to cascade down her cheeks. That was the last time she saw Lewis. He was moved that night to the other orphanage, he had text her to meet him outside her orphanage on Aldgate Street the next morning at 9. They would both run away until their 18th Birthdays a week later. Lewis never made it, at 8:50 two bombs went off on the underground. Lewis was one of the people who died instantly. One of many lives ended prematurely.

Claudia walked over to her sofa, and continued to cry. "Computer search historical music archives. Play album Love Metal by HIM, full volume"

The room was instantly filled with the music, drowning out the sounds of her tears. After half an hour or so, she wasn't sure if they were tears of loss, or of joy for finally finding a Storetone. She walked over to the table and picked up the Zippo and lit another cigarette, without realising it, she burst out in laughter.



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