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The Captain and I

Posted on Sat Jul 2nd, 2011 @ 11:37am by Commander Patrick Leroy & Commander Oralia Zeferino

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Varies

"Lieutenant Darwin, have you...," Oralia Zeferino was just about to ask Darwin whether the cordoning off of the Divitians' suites was working well when the Admiral's aide's voice interrupted her.

"Commander Zeferino..." Oz couldn't help but grin at hearing her still-new rank, "...the Captain of the Divitian Security Team is ready to meet with you." That announcement wiped Oz's grin away. She'd forgotten about the Captain's request. He and she had met earlier and gone over plans for maintaining the Divitian Speaker's safety and security. Based on that meeting, she'd adjusted her departments staffing and placement of personnel. This meeting, she knew, was to go over that new staffing and to see if the Captain had other adjustments he wanted made.

She guessed that he did have changes to make. "Very well, Yeoman, I'll head to his suite right now." To Darwin, she shrugged and said, "Looks like your report will have to be made on the fly. Walk with me." She headed off and Darwin started briefing her. By the time he was done, they'd arrived at the Captain's door and Oralia requested entry.

***** Divitian 'Security' Office Abroad *****

Quietly trying to keep a lid on her temper, Oralia was fuming. She'd come here knowing that the Divitian Captain wanted changes to the Security Department's plans, but she hadn't really expected the pompous ass to lecture her with complaints for what seemed like the whole of the day. Not-so-subtly, she checked her watch and frowned. He'd been prattling on for only half an hour. There was, however, only so much she could take before causing a diplomatic accident. Yet, still, the Captain rattled on.

"Your men seem unprepared. I do not need them inside the sector that Admiralty has given us. My guards will take care of everything, especially Speaker's safety."

"Your guards may take care of everything security and safety related within the suites the Admiral has assigned to you. My staff, however, cannot and will not cede the entire section of the Starbase to you and yours. We have our own safety and security concerns, Captain." Her irritation with the male's unabashed insult to her personnel and his attempt to force her into leaving a portion of the Starbase wholly in Divitian hands shone through in her tone. She pointed to the outlay of the suites again and continued, "There are access points to highly sensitive components within the sector you're trying to lay claim to. I would be remiss in my duties if I allowed those access points to go unguarded."

Ignoring her glare Ehr'raal watched the places she pointed on the map: "My men can guard them for you, until we stay here, that is. And also it would be better to have adjacent sections evacuated and made off limits to anyone. anyone. I'm sure your superiors have informed you of the importance of the Speaker's mission and the disaster should something happen to his person. So I'm not going to brief you on the matter again, one time should be enough for any competent officer, even a Larr* one."

She nearly laughed. Might have, if his snide 'Larr comment hadn't irked her so much. "Adjacent sections? You are out of your gourd! We've already cordoned off the decks above and below your suites and we've posted checkpoints at all entries and exits from your section. We're not going to evac all of the areas around that section as well! That's overkill and far more of a buffer zone than what a competent security staff should need." If he was going to continue insulting her and hers, then she'd give the same back. She'd already noticed how he'd taken an interest in where she'd pointed on the map - good thing she hadn't actually pointed to where anything important was. "I know how important the Speaker's mission is to the Divitians, Captain. The security we have in place is more than sufficient to let the Speaker accomplish that mission. My personnel will continue to patrol that sector and will maintain the checkpoints into and out of the sector."

"I'm surprised to the leniency with which your high command bestows ranks to women and stubborn ones at that. This must be the reason Federation always chooses such 'peaceful' approaches to any other race. This is a weakness that should be eradicated for the well-being of the nation as a whole. Would you be born in a Divitian protectorate you would know your place in no time."

The Captain had just put the last straw on Oralia's camel; she sucked in a breath, her jaw set, and was saved from her own temper by Lieutenant Darwin, who had remained for the meeting for just this reason. He'd been warned by LC Kh'ali that the Divitians had a 'thing' about females. "With all due respect, Captain Ehr'raal, the Federation seeks peaceful resolutions where possible because we value life not because we are weak."

The Lieutenant's interruption had given Oz the moment she needed to tamp down her anger. Even so, she wasn't above tossing an insult back, "Ehr'raal, I am equally surprised by the leniency with which your high command bestows rank and authority to those with no common sense." She closed the map function on the console and announced, "It seems this meeting is over, Captain. If you have other demands, we can arrange a meeting with the Admiral."

Ehr'raal regarded her in silence for a moment, "You show some backbone after all. Have it your way then... And no, I do not think there will be need to bother the Admiral. You are the Security department head of this starbase and it is with you that I'll have questions solved. That I'm liking it or not."

"Very well, then, Captain. If you have other concerns, comm me. For you and the Speaker, I am always available," she said, bowing her head to him slightly and taking her leave. On the way back to her office, she grumbled to Darwin, "The nerve... testing us like that...."

*Larr: divitian word for: Not-of-the-people, stranger (usually pejorative)


LC Oralia Zeferino
Hot Tempered Female


Obnoxious Divitian Captain


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