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Passing the Buck

Posted on Wed Feb 20th, 2013 @ 3:13pm by Jackson Banning V & Vic & Lieutenant Commander Gilroy & Janice Gree

Mission: The Struggle Within
Location: Nexus Club

The Nexus Club

The Club was ready for the evening’s guests. Janice was in her dressing room, doing the same for herself. At the moment, she was almost naked in just stockings, panties, bra and a wig of glossy black hair that fell to the middle of her back in tiny spiral curls. She wasn’t alone in her dressing room. “Really, Vic, what did you expect?”

“That perhaps we could lock your door and delay your set a few extra minutes.” Vic grinned at her. “Do you always sit in here like this? Because if so, I know where I’ll take my breaks from now on.” He laughed aloud. It was an old joke, as always. She’d always turned Jackson down, but with Vic there was always a little ‘what if’ in the air. A what if that was just as unlikely. He was even younger than Jackson.

“Yes,” she laughed, “And maybe you could knock. Funny, Eli hasn’t ever walked in on me in this state. Just you and Jackson. Of course... him, I think he was already in the room when I took my dress off.” Moving around him and not minding how close she got to him, she pulled a sparkly gown from its hanger. “Have you got good reason for me to delay my set?”

“Lucky man. And hell yes, I can think of several, none of which involve you putting on that dress yet.” He smiled up at her from his chair. “You okay to do two sets tonight? You know Eli’s going to kiss your feet in thanks for it.”

“I’m fine doing two sets. He needs some time still. Could you see him up there doing love songs and staying even just misty eyed? He’d probably cry himself a river,” she shook her head, making her synthetic hair ripple and bounce.

“Or get so excited he’d leave the stage and drag Chance off to....somewhere besides Jackson’s office.” Vic shrugged. “He’s happy and that’s what matters. Now me?” He cleared his throat, still joking with Janice. “I could be happier.”

“Unfulfilled desires, Vic, are what makes life sweet,” she laughed and leaned over him to kiss his forehead. “Right now, yours is just full of sugar.” Carefully, she stepped into the dress she’d pulled out. “Zip me up, please?”

Vic stood and began fastening Jan into her dress. “Woody is a lucky man.” Vic laughed softly and goosed Janice’s ass. “And you look divine. As for the sugar? We’ll see.”

“I rather like Woody, myself.” She hopped forward slightly when he goosed her. “Is Jackson out there?”

The door had opened as she asked the question and Jackson slipped in. “No, I’m in here. Arrived too late as usual I see.” He grinned at them. “You’ve got about ten minutes, honey.” He dropped into the seat Vic had vacated. “How’s it going Vic?”

“Filling in for you in getting Jan into her dress, and no better luck than you getting her out of it.” Vic broke up laughing.

“While Woody’s around, why would either of you have any luck getting me out of it?” She smirked at both of them.

“I’m surprised he’s not beggin’ you to go back with him, or plannin’ to move out here. Though that would make overseein’ the business difficult,” Jackson observed. He watched Jan for a moment longer. “Unless he’s here scopin’ out the idea of a Delta Quadrant branch.”

She pressed her lips together and shook her head, winking at Jackson. “He’s your brother. You’d know about that before I do, I’d think.”

“I dunno, I’m not sleepin’ with him.” Jackson gave her a wink. “So tell me Jan, have you seen our boy?”

“Eli? No. I’ve assumed he’s spending every second he can with Chance. Didn’t you give him the time off to do so?” She arched a brow at him. “Have you talked with Chance since... since all of the Vulcan stuff?”

Jackson shook his head. “No, but Oz has. This whole thing’s kinda blown her mind to be honest. I’ll see him in the next day or so, though. It’s funny Jan, you and I inherited a son and now what is for all intents and purposes, a son-in-law.” He shook his head. “And I’ve never laid a hand on you.”

“A regular miracle worker,” Vic teased him.

“Yes, he is. Makes me a mother without ever having sex with me,” Janice laughed. “I just worry about the Zeferino clan, Jackson. Oz is dangerous to those around her and now, Chance...,” she frowned and shrugged. “Well, you know how it is.”

Vic cast a glance at Jackson and caught the tightening of his lips. He and Jackson had a bit more info on that but he was unsure how much he could say. “I have a feeling that might ease up some Jan.”

“Sure, we’ll keep saying that till someone ends up hurt,” she looked from one to the other and kept her frown. “What do you know that you haven’t told me?”

Both men shrugged at once, managing to look innocent. “Who us? Not a damn thing,” Jackson answered.

“Right, sure,” she rolled her eyes. When they did the innocent look in unison, they ended up looking anything but innocent. “You two and the secrets you keep. C’mon, I have a set to get to. J, will you do the introductions?”

“Of course.” He rose and straightened his jacket. “Vic, I’ll meet you at the bar.”

“Sure thing.” Vic rose and goosed Jan once more, then dashed out the door.

She smacked his wrist as he dashed out, her laughter following him. A few minutes later, she was up on stage, singing of Lady Luck.

* * *

Once Janice’s set was underway, Jackson returned to the bar where Vic had an innocent lemonade waiting for him.

“She’s getting more curious, J.”

Jackson nodded. “I know. And I know she worked with us before but even so, we have our orders, as much as it sucks.” He took a sip and turned as a tall man approached the bar. Gilroy. Jackson raised his glass to the security officer. “Evenin’ Gil.”

“Evening, Jackson,” Gilroy was out of uniform, as was appropriate for an off-duty visit to the Nexus Club. “Our little pilot friend is cooling his jets in the Brig. Oralia doesn’t yet know any of it. I’d rather not be the one breaking that news.”

“I’m not surprised that something happened.” Vic passed Gilroy his drink. “It’s not like Iggy to be unnoticed. Damn weird actually. So now? We go get her?”

“No, how about we just leave her wherever the hell she is and let Oz worry herself sick?” Gilroy growled at Vic sarcastically.

Jackson smiled as he looked at Gilroy. “So who peed in your sandbox, Gil? It’s a fair question. With Oz actin’ as XO and you missin’ Darwin, your department is stretched a bit thin. I think Vic’s question was an offer to go get her.”

“Yeah, Darwin should be in charge of any investigation into this, since it’s a ‘special’ one,” Gil sighed. “But you’re officially under our command, right? Then I’ll officially turn the matter over to you two. Makes things easier for me and Aliso.”

“Partly, yeah.” Jackson decided not to mention the fact that he now outranked Gil. Instead he smiled and ordered another drink for the security officer. “Vic can go. Anyone special you wanna send with him?”

“Edwards. He did quite well with Chance’s murder. I’d rather you didn’t go, Jackson, and that you’d be the one to break the news to Oralia. So we’ll send Vic and Edwards.” He tossed back the drink Vic presented him with.

“I agree. I am needed here, with Chance back and the boys adjusting. And yeah, Oz will need me here. She’s had a hell of a time lately.”

“Yeah, it’d be nice if we could reverse that trend. Having Chance... ‘recover’ goes a long way towards that. But now, Iggy. Has she talked to you about how that bandersnatch is like a ‘toddler’ to her?”

Jackson shrugged. “I live with them, remember? Never a dull moment, I’ll say that.” Jackson sipped his lemonade, then lowered it. “But don’t worry, I’ll take care of it. Vic, you get together with Edwards and get your plans made, I want that spider back here ASAP.”

Vic nodded. “Will do. I’ll find Edwards tomorrow.” The last he addressed to Gilroy.

“Good. By then, Oz will know all of this. I’ll forward the information we’ve gathered from the pilot to you, Vic. In the meantime, I’m heading home; I’ve had more than enough on my plate lately.”

“You have.” Jackson nodded. “Go home, rest, relax, enjoy your woman.”

“You, too, Jackson,” Gilroy mock-saluted the two and headed out of the Nexus.

Janice Gree
Oblivious Distraction

The Volunteer

Jackson Banning V
Owner & Soon-To-Be Messenger

Lieutenant Gilroy
Unwilling Messenger


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