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How Much Is The Little Spider In The Window?

Posted on Wed Feb 20th, 2013 @ 3:10pm by Jackson Banning V & Commander Oralia Zeferino & Lieutenant Commander Gilroy & Elijah "Eli" Samuels & Eldren Tohr

Mission: The Struggle Within
Location: Various
Timeline: Following "Seeing a guy about a spider" to current

Golden Nebula shuttle bay 3 (Joliet's Revenge berth)

"...and here's my comm frequency you ever get any more of these.", Eli said as he passed over a data rod to the "officer of the deck", a scruffy looking alien with pink hair and more scars than Eli could count.

"Yah....we'll be in touch.", the alien said as a pair of even uglier green skinned.....somethings loaded up 3 cases of an intoxicant drink that smelled like sewage they swore was popular among silicon based lifeforms. With a mental shrug, Samuels figured it was worth a hit in the creds to see if it would sell.

"Thanks.", turning to Tohr, he nodded toward the shuttle. "We ready?"

"Ready" Tohr replied "Let's go away from this useless place."

SB 900 Deck 300-Main Security Center

While it felt good to be back "home" and rid of that Tohr character, especially with credits in his pocket, Eli did not look forward to this. In fact, he tried to avoid security at all cost. Call it operational awareness. But here he was, not only voluntarily in the main security office, but quite possibly getting ready to seriously piss off the chief.

"I need to see Cmdr Zeferino." He told the young patrol man working the desk.

"The Commander is an extremely busy woman, sir..", the sir obviously forced, as he took in the scruffy looking smuggler, "....can I ask what your business is?"


When that got him an even deeper glare, Eli gave a sigh, leaning forward and lowering his voice as he took off his hat.

"Listen kid, I need to see the Chief about something that's really between me and her and....Ummmm..." he looked around as if making sure no one was listening. "....ummm....Doc Harding. You know? If you get my drift?"

He watched, slight, embarrassed smile in place, as the younger man's eyebrows first scrunched then went up in understanding.

"Oh. Ohhhh.....ummmm.....let me see if I can raise the Commander. Just have a seat.....Mister...?"

"Samuels. Elijah Samuels.", he said with a nod. "And thank you for your discretion."

Discretion? As if, thought the young patrol officer. He knew better than to let someone like this near Zeferino, at least not straight away. Instead, he contacted Lieutenant Gilroy, a better go-between than he was. He didn't make this obvious to the petitioner, though.

Moving away from Samuels, he gestured for one of the others to keep an eye on the man then informed Gilroy of the man's apparent claim: that he'd had 'personal relations' with Zeferino. An order came back: make Samuels comfortable and let him wait. The patrol officer did just that, leaving Elijah to sit in the waiting room and wait for Zeferino.

Several minutes later, the door to the waiting room opened and two men stepped in. One was Lt. Gilroy, the other Jackson Banning. Jackson glanced at Elijah only a moment, then greeted the officer on duty.

The patrol officer looked at Jackson, both eyebrows curled upward and eyes wide. Of all the people he wasn't expecting to see, Jackson was high on the list. His gaze shifted to Gilroy and he managed, "Ah, Lieutenant, Mr. Samuels, there," he gestured to the man, " waiting to see Commander Zeferino."

Gilroy eyed the scruffy male, glowering darkly. "Mr. Samuels, I'm Lieutenant Gilroy. This is Jackson Banning. If you'll come with us, we'll take you to see Commander Zeferino."

Jackson nodded to Elijah. "Hello." His voice, for a change, wasn't its usual laid back friendly tone, but was all business.

Escorting Mr. Samuels into an interrogation room, Gilroy gestured for him to sit and then laid into him, verbally. Together, he and Jackson plied the necessary information from Elijah. By the end of the interview, Gilroy was quite glad he'd not let the man speak to Oralia directly. She might have broken something, most likely something on Elijah that the pilot valued greatly.

Waiting till Elijah was escorted from the interrogation room to a cell in the Brig, Gilroy turned to Jackson. "Well. You'll tell Oralia?"

Jackson rubbed his eyes and muttered a curse. "Yeah, I'll tell 'er. But what the fuck, Gil? Karma's bein' a real bitch to her. Why?"

Shrugging, he shook his head. "Perhaps because she makes for an easy target: she holds a relatively public office, has an interesting life - particularly in her choice of pets - and doesn't back down when threatened. That makes some, like Suresh, eager to do their worst."

"And the power to put away those who walk on the wrong side of the law. " Jackson watched Gilroy for a moment, glad that Gil was on their side. They'd managed to thwart the man who killed Chance, now they had to get Iggy back. And then? Jackson hoped for a little peace and quiet. "Once Li and the Admiral are home? I'm taking her on a vacation. She needs a break."

"That would be good," the part-Klingon remarked, keeping to himself the thought that Jackson might have a tough time separating her from her job. "Mr. Samuels will be our guest for some time; I'll have a couple of officers pick up the Bajoran. Whenever we get him, I'll come see you at the Nexus."

"Sounds good. I hope we get enough to place Iggy so we can get her back. An' I hope that she's drivin' whoever's got her crazy. They deserve it." Jackson stood and moved off to the door. "We'll talk soon. In the meantime, I'll keep my ears open for signs of that Bajoran."

Gilroy nodded, "Good." He watched as Jackson headed out of Security's offices then turned and went about the procedure of finding a very shady Bajoran.


Eldren Tohr
Elijah Samuels
Jackson Banning IV


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