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A New Member of the Nexus Family

Posted on Mon Mar 4th, 2013 @ 5:03pm by Janice Gree & Jackson Banning V & Vic & Camille Ross

Mission: The Struggle Within

* * * The Nexus Club * * *

Jackson entered the club, a thousand and one things spinning in his thoughts. They mostly revolved around Iggy, Vic’s soon-to-be trip to retrieve her, and Eli. As he passed the bar, Vic waved him down.

“Hey, J.” Before he continued, he held out the customary glass of lemonade, innocent at this time of day. “I have some good news.”

“Thank god for that, ‘bout time. What is it?”

Vic smiled. “We got a message in this morning. Someone wanting to come work for you and Jan, believe it or not.”

Jackson smirked at the teasing insult. “Asshole. But really? How do they look?”

“Good,” was Vic’s reply. “And with Cass gone, we need someone again for the front.”

“Got that right. Well, send ‘em on back when they get here. It’s early enough, if they work out, I may put ‘em on tonight, let Eli give ‘em the rundown. And tell Jan when she gets in too.” Jackson strolled on back to his office and planted himself behind his desk and got to work.

Camille took a deep breath before she opened the door to the club. She wasn’t normally nervous in new situations, but this somehow felt different. It felt a good different this time though, like she’d fit right in.

With a final deep breath she opened the door and walked into the club, and found her way over to the bar where she’d seen an employee in a Nexus Club uniform.

“Excuse me?” She said in her Scottish brogue. “My name’s Camille and I’m looking for someone who’s in charge here?”

Vic dried his hands on a small towel, then offered one to her. “I’m Vic, the bartender. Those are some of the wait staff.” He motioned to those setting up the dining room. “Nice to meet you Camille. You’re the one who sent in your file earlier.” He smiled as he looked back at her, suddenly amused by the idea of her and Jackson having a battle of the accents.

“Nice to meet you Vic. And I sure am,” she replied with a flash of her smile. “I assume you’re not the person to ask what exactly’s required of me?” She asked, jokingly.

“Not yet,” he answered, then smiled. “That would be her.” He inclined his head towards the doors that had just opened.

A dark-skinned woman dressed in a pale ivory sheath smiled at Vic, knowing he was talking about her. Her attention quickly shifted to the woman at the bar. Of Vic, she asked, “Find a new girl whose heart you can break?” To the woman, she said, “Fair warning: he’s a rough one.”

“I am not!” He narrowed his eyes at Janice, then broke into another sunny smile. “Hey gorgeous. This is Camille. She’s applied for a job here. I tried to tell her she has no idea what she’s getting into.”

“And apparently he thinks you’ll just call me ‘hey you,’” Jan laughed. “Camille, I’m Janice Gree, owner of the Nexus, and his employer. Where are you coming from?”

“Just come in from Starbase 52. Had moved jobs from a lovely bar, almost pub like place, to a living hell hole that was attracting all the wrong people. It was better money, but I wasn’t happy. And I felt that it was just time to move on.”

“She hasn’t been in the Wormhole yet,” Vic muttered. “Jan, Jackson’s back in his den. He wanted me to send you both on back when you got here.”

She nearly asked Vic whether Oz was with Jackson, but then, if Jackson was in his office, it was unlikely Oz was with him. The Security Chief had avoided going back there the past few weeks. “Right, I’ll get to him when I get there,” Jan nodded. “Camille, we’re in need of a new hostess. What I said about Vic here is true: he ran the last one off. Try not to let him do the same to you.” That wasn’t the complete story, but Vic had been involved in the last hostess’ need to leave. She smiled from one to the other. “Vic, show her the ropes, would you? I have a man to see.”

“Sure.” He dropped the small towel he held and came out from behind the bar. “We’ll start with the reservations since we’re almost full for tonight.” He motioned to Camille to follow and moved towards the front door.

As they walked towards the reservations stand, Camille’s curiosity got the better of her. Someday it would end up getting her into trouble. “So Vic, what did you do that made the old hostess run off on you?” She thought for a second and realised how nosey it made her sound and quickly added “Y’know as without her I wouldn’t be here right now.” Camille just wanted the ground to swallow her up at that point as she knew she’d taken it a step too far.

Vic looked down at Camille as they walked and shrugged. “Would you believe me if I said it wasn’t as bad as Jan made it sound?”

“Depends on how you tell it,” she responded with a cheeky smile. “If you make her out to be the bad guy in all of this then I may have to stand up for my fellow woman. However if you’re entirely honest, then I suppose I’d have no choice but to believe you.” She never intends to sound mean, but sometimes her brain and mouth think otherwise.

“It didn’t work out,” Vic said simply. “She went home. There were reasons it didn’t work out but in the end that’s what it all comes down to.”

“Don’t just think that I’m being a typical girl here, but I can relate to you.” Camille’s smile fading from her face for a minute. “There was a guy back on 52 who I’d been seeing for a while. Can understand how it just dinnae work out sometimes. Anyway,” She began, perking herself up again. “Sob stories can be left for another day. Where’s this reservations book?”

“Terminal,” Vic corrected. “Here.” They stopped before the podium that faced the front door and had a screen embedded in the top. He touched it and with a few quick strokes, entered Camille’s information and a code. “That code will get you in and here’s the main screen.”

“Oops, still used to the old-timer earth stuff. My oh my that’s a lot of people for tonight,” Camille said looking on in awe. She’d been kept busy enough as a waitress in her first job, but she’d never had to play hostess to this many people in her previous place. “You think they’ll take to a new lass?” She asked Vic.

“This place is known for its civility and class, something to keep in mind. It’s a friendly bunch and problems are rare. When they pop up, we put them down quickly. As for the number of people? That’s typical. We are normally booked solid by 1400 hours.” As they spoke the terminal beeped and the screen changed, showing an incoming request for four. “Here’s all you have to do.” Vic began showing her how to process it.

“Doesnae look that complicated,” she said with a grin. “Just to double check, there’s no chance of her double booking is there? Only in my last place it used to happen if we had a flood of requests.”

“No. If you try, it will kick it back and tell you, then send a rejection notice to them automatically. The system also notes the VIP reservations when they come in and will assign them to the tables closer to the stage unless they request otherwise.” Vic touched the screen and it shifted back, showing the new reservation with a table number and an indicator that they had been sent a confirmation.

“Ahhh, excellent.” Camille said, trying to keep squeals of excitement from escaping. She had a feeling she was going to like it here, if not just for the sheer advanced reservation terminal, but also the people. “Thanks Vic,” she said flashing him a smile with her big brown eyes. “You’re helps appreciated.”

“Sure. Your main job will be seating them and seeing to socializing during the evening as you get time. And dress is formal. Everyone from the bar back to me to the waitstaff to the entertainers. Jan sings the second set, Eli has the early one.”

“What girl doesnae love dressin’ up?” Camille replied with a slight giggle. “I’m sure I’ll get used to the sitting arrangements in no time, and as for socialising, not a problem for a native Scottish lass like myself. Just as long as you don’t need a dancer, I think I should be able to dive into the deep end as we say back home.”

“Good. Eli will be in in a couple of hours, he is the one to spell you when you need a break and he can help if you have questions. Now, I’d suggest running home, kicking back for a bit and be back here in two hours, dressed and ready to go.” Vic smiled again finally. “We’ll give you the tour of the place then and you can meet Jackson.”

“Sounds good to me. As long as the shuttle journey was, nothing beats relaxing in your own space. Be sure to say bye to Janice for me. Dinnae want to be rude and interrupt her back there.” She said nodding towards the door that Jan had disappeared through a short time before. “If that’s everything I’ll see you in a couple of hours Vic. Thanks again for your help, Cheerio!” She said flashing him another smile before she left. And this time, when she got to the door, she knew that she would definitely fit in here.

* * * Jackson’s Office * * *

Jackson was still at his desk in casual clothes, since he had some time before he needed to change. Once the daily details were done, he turned his attention to the results of the scans regarding Iggy. He’d requested logs from the docking bay over the past several days and was now painstakingly watching the feeds.

Sweeping into his office with the dramatic flair she was sometimes known to have, Janice took a seat on Jackson’s desk. “So nice to see you hard at work!” She looked over the edge of the computer console at what was on the screen, catching just a glimpse before Jackson turned it off, and frowned. “Though... that... was that work? Or were you watching a show of some kind?”

“Just some security feeds. You came through the club, has whoever’s applyin’ for a job shown up yet?” Jackson smiled as he always did at Jan, but obviously didn’t really answer her question.

“Yes, she’s out there. Pretty one. Maybe you should go meet her and then reconsider marrying Oralia?” Her humor was off-base, but she let the comment stand. If he was going to avoid answering questions, then she was going to be annoying.

“And you hired her I’m guessin’? Did she get Vic’s attention?” His smile lingered. He knew his lack of any real answer was annoying the hell out of her and for the moment he was enjoying it.

“Oh, I warned her about that one. But she looks like an adult, so that’s as far as I’m going there.” She leaned a little closer to him. “Did you say, ‘Security feeds’? What are you doing reviewing security feeds?”

“I think Vic will be busy for a little while, Jan, so I wouldn’t worry.” He paused as he met her eyes. “Let’s just’s an old habit?”

Jan, who had once run with Jackson and Vic, simply said, “Oh. Well, if you think expanding the business in that direction is a good idea, so be it. I suppose that Oz demanded you stay put?”

“When the Hawke speaks.....” Jackson reached out to take Jan’s hand. “But I’m mostly gonna be used here. We are gonna need to spare Vic for a few days though. Iggy’s been spider-napped.”

“Spider... napped? Who the hell is stupid or crazy enough to steal a spider! Particularly that one!” Jan slipped from his desk and tossed her hands out in a flourish. “Of all the dumb things someone could do! Never mind that she’s gross and hideous and far too large for her britches - she also talks too much. Chatters about damned near anything if you let her - and you!,” she jabbed a finger at Jackson, “Let her! Encourage her, even! But she’s Oralia’s... pet. I’ll say it again, Jackson: that woman is bad luck incarnate.”

“I can see how attached you are to ‘er,” he observed, his tone dry. “Don’t worry we’ll get ‘er back. Vic’s part of that little team. With Kh’ali in the process of havin’ Iggy declared an official new species, this amounts to an actual kidnapping of a first contact subject. Not to mention the personal reasons too.”

“It worries me, J. That woman... she’s like a vortex and just sucks people, and spiders, in and chews ‘em up. I hate seeing how closely you’re flirting with disaster,” Jan tsk’d and shook her head.

“And most of it’s caused by other people, have you noticed? To be honest, honey, I’m a little worried about ‘er. How much can one woman take before she starts to crack?” Jackson frowned and ran his hand through his hair.

Janice could list off what Oralia had taken in what seemed like a short span of time: kidnapped and roughed up by her primary enemy on the base; then the loss of her lover and her child; then her brother’s death and now her pet’s spider-napping. Still, Janice had her own ideas about Oralia. “You might not want to ask me that. ‘Cause if you do, you know I’ll say that she arrived here cracked. Crazy as a damned jaybird,” she scoffed under her breath.

Jackson gave an exasperated sigh and shook his head. “Given what she’s been though, she’s entitled. But it will heal, Jan. I’ll see to that. She just needs a little time where nothing goes wrong and I intend to make that happen.”

“She’s lucky in one thing, J,” Janice gave him a small smile, “She has you.”

He nodded. “I went through so much for her Jan, and I finally have her. I’m not gonna let her sink.”

“Exactly. Now, tell me about the business venture Vic is off to research?” She took a seat and smiled blandly.

“I’ve had some thoughts about expandin’, maybe just on the other side of the wormhole. It’s a big stopover point for those plannin’ to come into the DQ and continue on past 900. What d’ya think?”

“Sounds like something worth sending Vic off to research,” Jan agreed, nodding sagely and smiling knowingly.

“I thought so too. And the sooner we move on it the better. He can go scope it out and get back here so we’re not without him and his information for too long.” Jackson smiled. “Ali can cover the bar while he’s gone. Or Woody.” That was an amusing thought and Jackson began to laugh.

“Something funny about that, J?” Jan watched him.

“Yeah, Woody doing what he sees as menial labor. Trust me we don’t wanna go there. The only way he knows to pour a drink is straight outta the bottle.” Jackson shook his head. “So how’s the new girl? She gonna be able to handle it okay?”

Jan shrugged, “Should be. She seems fast on her toes. Besides, we’re not expecting her to balance matter and antimatter or the power coming from a dilithium crystal. She’ll be fine. Like I said, she’s pretty. That gets her three-quarters of the way to where she needs to be.”

“Good.” Jackson stood and stepped out from behind the desk. “I’ll meet her tonight then. Why don’t you and I go get some dinner and you can tell me about you and Woody?”

“You sure you wanna hear about that? I mean, he’s your brother,” Jan, who was known for being secretive about her dating life, smiled. “There are so many things I could tell you about him. All of which you probably don’t want to hear. Instead, let’s go eat and discuss... plans for your wedding.”

“Sounds good.” Jackson draped his arm around her shoulders. “Eli will be back tonight, it’ll be good to have him. And by the way, dinner’s on you this time.”

“I look forward to hearing our resident canary,” Janice said, smiling as they left his office.

Camille Ross
The Nexus Club Hostess

Janice Gree
The Nexus Club Owner (well, one of them)

Jackson Banning V
The Nexus Club Owner (well, one of them)

The Nexus Club Bartender


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