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Dinner And A Show

Posted on Tue Mar 26th, 2013 @ 5:51pm by Admiral Ricky Wegener & El'Shar Blackhorse & Admiral Lucius Hawke & Captain Li Hawke & Commander Sakkath & Commander Oralia Zeferino

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: ADM Wegener's Quarters
Timeline: Current

The day after Oz’s promotion to Commander, Rick received some good news via subspace about another promotion that he’d requested. For anything up to Commander, Rick was authorized to promote at will and without having to ‘mother may I’ Starfleet Command. But a promotion to Captain was a different story. Once he’d returned from the alternate universe he had sent an official request to Starfleet for just that and, mere moments ago, he’d received the authorization he’d hoped for.

He immediately sent a dinner invitation to Li, Sakkath, Lucius and Aia for the evening in his quarters. Since he liked using his culinary skills so much he thought that he would spend the day whipping up something worthy of a celebration, and acceptable for everyone present, to make the occasion a little more memorable. In addition to the dinner, he would need to go find something to present to her as a gift. He’d been given a gift upon his promotion to Captain and thought it only fitting that he continue the trend with Li.

The only problem that occurred to him was Lucius. Rick desperately wanted to let him know so that he could be in on the celebration, other than just attending, but he was afraid that the surprise might be given away. Sure, respectable Betazoids didn’t go around reading people’s minds for fun, but family was a bit different. They shared a deeper bond and Li would quickly notice anything that Lucius was blocking her from reading. So, unfortunately, he was going to be the only one with the secret...unless he got all giddy about it and began broadcasting it to all the Betazoids in the room.

“Shit,” he muttered as he began prepping his oven. “Can’t really help that, I guess.” He was surprised at how quickly Li and Sakkath had replied that they would attend, almost like they’d been sitting right over their terminals. Lucius’ reply came a bit later, but he and the family would also be in attendance. “Time to get cookin’,” he said as he slipped on an apron and set to work.

* * * Four Hours Later * * *

He’d spent most of the day in the kitchen and luckily it was spacious. It was going to be quite an involved dinner starting with cheeses and caviar with crackers, then a warm spinach salad with brie, apple-smoked bacon, trumpet royal mushrooms, spiced pecans, gaufrettes, tart apples, sherry garlic vinaigrette and grilled quail. After that, the main course: grilled Ahi tuna, served rare with English pea hummus, baby carrots, pea shoots, spicy tomato & toasted coconut coulis. And for dessert? A Mexican Chocolate Mousse with caramelized bananas, pecan praline and Kahlua anglaise. He’d done some research on what all would be acceptable for a Vulcan, since their tastes varied from most of the other attendees, but if Sakkath wouldn’t enjoy everything, there were bits of each course that he would hopefully like.

He had just a few moments to take a quick sonic shower and put on some nice clothes before the group arrived. He’d requested that they not wear uniforms, just casual wear. He wanted the evening to be fun and not stuffy, which those uniforms tended to force on anyone. As he came out of his bedroom, freshly clothed, the chime rang.

When Rick arrived at the doors, he found Li and Sakkath there. As he’d requested, she was in regular clothes which, for Li tonight, meant a sleeveless silk dress with a v-neck in front and cut low in the back in a in a deep purple.

“Good evening Admiral.” She smiled up at Rick. It still hadn’t completely settled in that they were home and she was still adjusting to doing the ‘normal’ things she’d be doing in her real world. She gave Sakkath’s hand a squeeze, then let go of it and offered her hand to Rick.

“Come on in, you two,” he said as he pulled her in. “Sakkath, welcome,” he added. “Make yourselves at home. Dinner will be served in about thirty minutes.”

Barely perceptibly, Sakkath returned the squeeze of her hand before lifting it in the Vulcan greeting. “Admiral,” he said quite simply, “thank you for having us.” He followed her in, clad in a robe of emerald green trimmed with gold and adorned with ancient Vulcan script. Somehow it managed to seem both opulent and understated... perhaps opulent on its own, and understated when worn by someone who displayed no outward sign of pride or emotion.

A few moments later, the chime range once more and the doors opened to admit Lucius and Aia. He gave Li a tight hug, then a smile to Sakkath. “Good evening everyone.” His gaze settled on Li once more. She ‘felt’ far better to him than she had when they met for his and Rick’s promotions, and more at ease than she had in a long while. He was glad of it.

Li turned to hug Aia then. “No baby? I'm glad, not that I don’t want to see her but you need a night out.”

"This seemed more like an adult outing, rather than a baby-outing," Aia said, hugging Li back. "How is your homecoming?"

In answer to the question, Li simply smiled, a very secretive one. “I'm taking bar duty, what can I get for you?”

Realizing Li had taken her question to mean something more personal than intended, Aia lightly sighed and answered, "Just a glass of Romulan wine, if there is any." As Li moved to get that, she turned towards Rick, "You look like you're in good spirits, my dear."

“I am,” he replied. “Very much so. I don’t know if you realize just how much I like to cook!” He hoped that would satisfy her for now and that she didn’t go diving for any further information.

"I'm not sure you realize just how much I like to eat," she laughed in response.

Li returned with three glasses in her hands. The Romulan ale went to Sakkath, a single malt scotch for Lucius and then Aia’s wine. As she handed it over, her eyes met Aia’s and she smiled once more.

It was good, and I’m glad to be home with all of you. I’m better than I have been in ages.... The thought was passed to Aia in an instant.

"Excellent, thank you." Aia met Li's gaze and nodded.

“Everyone please make yourselves comfortable,” Rick said as he brought in the trays of cheese, crackers and caviar. “Just a little something to get us going before dinner.”

“Sounds good.” Lucius sat down beside Aia and reached to help himself.

Accepting the ale and choosing to nibble on cheese and crackers, all while inconspicuously avoiding the caviar, Sakkath found an armchair and made himself, as Rick had suggested, comfortable.

Li returned to the bar to get her own drink, and dig in to the appetizers as well. “So, have you adjusted to being home yet, Ricky?”

“Pretty much,” he said as he returned with a glass of beer and sat. “I’ve read through all of the reports and since nothing jumps out at me as needing to be handled immediately I’ve just been giving myself a bit to relax before getting back to the real work. I will let you in on a little secret, though,” he said with a grin. “I’m sore as hell, for some reason. I really need to get back to my running! I don’t know what it was about being over there but it sure wore me out.”

Li nodded. “Me too. Patrick might have some insight but I wondered if the dimension jump had physical effects. I’ve slept like a mummy since I got home.”

“An interesting possibility. The data on trans-reality shifting is quite limited, and rarely is a physician immediately on hand.” Sakkath turned to regard his wife. “You have in fact slumbered an average of twenty-seven minutes longer than usual since your return,” the Vulcan idly commented.

“I am not surprised. Perhaps a check-in with Dr. Harding is in order for all of us, just to be safe.” Li smiled at Sakkath for a moment, then reached for her drink.

Aia liked seeing that small smile, even if it wasn't directly returned by Sakkath. She smiled at the two then Lucius, and talk turned more mundane subjects, such as the new merchant on the promenade. Drinks emptied and appetizers disappeared as the minutes slipped by. After a time, Rick asked the group to refresh their drinks and find their seats.

As everyone moved to the dining room after the cheeses and caviar and settled around the large wooden table, Rick started to the kitchen to begin bringing out the salads. Before he could, however, the chime rang. He grumbled as he stopped and mentally kicked himself for not hanging a big ‘do not disturb’ sign outside. As he opened the door he stood silently staring at one of the most beautiful women he’d ever seen.

“Admiral Wegener?”


“Sorry to disturb you unannounced, but I thought it best to check in with you since I’m still technically with Starfleet and this is your command.” She smiled, which he thought was odd once he saw her ears, but it was a warm, genuine smile. “I am Captain El’Shar Blackhorse, soon-to-be retired from Temporal Affairs.”

He hadn’t even noticed that she had been in uniform, or that she had Captain rank pips, but finally his words and mouth connected and he snapped out of whatever idiocy he was stuck in. “Oh! Captain Blackhorse,” he said, and gestured her in, not thinking about the group waiting for their dinner inside. “Please, come in. So this is just a social visit?”

She stepped in and the door closed behind her. She stopped as she heard the voices in the dining room. “Admiral, I’m so sorry. I didn’t realize that you had company. I should go.” She turned to leave but was stopped by a familiar voice.

“Captain Blackhorse?”

She turned to see Admiral Hawke coming out of the dining room. “Admiral Hawke, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to disturb your dinner. I can come back later.”

“Well, not so fast,” Rick said. “You’re here, you may as well meet my first officer. Come on.” Leading her into the dining room he spoke. “Li, allow me to introduce Captain Blackhorse with temporal affairs.”

Li rose and came around the table, offering her hand to El’Shar. “My father mentioned your arrival. I’m glad to meet you, now that we are back from our unexpected trip.”

The Captain nodded. “I’ve heard a bit about it and I’m glad everyone returned safely.” She looked around the room and, having already met the rest of the group, she looked to Rick. “Thank you for the introduction, Admiral,” she said, “but it does appear that I’ve intruded. I can let myself out.”

“Stay, why don’t you? You’re just in time for dinner. And since this is something of a celebration, and you’re retiring, that counts.”

“I don’t think--”

Rick cut her off. “You know what? That’s an excellent idea. I have plenty of food here, more than enough room at the table and Li’s right. No one retires here without some sort of celebration.” He pulled out a chair next to his at the table. “Please, join us. And it will also allow us all to get better acquainted.”

She looked around the room and felt the urge to leave, but finally gave in. How often did one get to eat with two admirals? “Okay,” she said and sat in the offered seat. “Thank you,” she said to Rick, “and all of you for allowing me to join.”

Rick went to the kitchen and retrieved more silverware and asked what she was drinking. “Wine would be nice,” he heard her say. Pulling the cork on a merlot, he poured for her and came back to set the table as the others continued their conversations.

Once everyone was settled, Rick began trotting out the salad and then the main course. Everyone seemed to enjoy the Ahi and veggies, which brought a large smile to Rick’s face. Not only did he enjoy the creation of the meals but the feeling of satisfaction when his guests also enjoyed them. Through the conversation, which ranged from information about the alternate universe, to what they’d missed on the station and even some funny anecdotes from El’Shar’s time in TA, Rick kept trying to lose the goofy grin he had plastered on his face. He didn’t want to look like an idiot, especially not in front of Captain Blackhorse.

“You made all of this yourself?” she’d asked him.

“Every bit of it. Only used the replicator for the ingredients, but otherwise, I did it all the old fashioned way.” She looked impressed which resurrected the goofy grin again.

“Who’s ready for dessert?” he finally asked. Their conversation, and the dinner so far, had gone on almost two hours with the only quiet times being when everyone happened to have food crammed in their mouths.

He began clearing the table and El’Shar stood to help. She insisted on at least helping him clean up a bit since she was an uninvited guest and felt obligated. He didn’t argue.

The Mexican chocolate mousse was on the table and as he returned to his seat he stopped. “I guess it’s about time to let the cat out of the bag. This isn’t just a celebration of our return, or even Captain Blackhorse’s retirement,” he added. “I’ve just received a bit of good news that I wanted to share with you all and with one person in particular.” He stood behind Li and pulled her chair out as he continued and took her hand to have her stand with him. “I’ve just received word from Starfleet Command that my request for a promotion has come through, that being the promotion of one Commander Li Hawke to the rank of Captain.”

He waited a beat as words of congratulations were said from the table. “I know,” he continued, “that this may even be a bit early just based on age, but with your history and accomplishments in the brief time that you’ve been Exec out here, I and Command believed that you were more than ready to be promoted. And I can’t help but feel a little more excited than usual because you,” he said, turning to Li, “are my family. Maybe not by blood but since the day I first met Lucius and was part of his family as you grew up, I couldn’t help but feel a bond with all of you. And I couldn’t be more proud of you and happy that you’ve been promoted.” He handed her a small box with four brand-new, gold rank pips. “Congratulations, Li. Wear ‘em with pride.”

Li sat, utterly stunned and blinked back at Rick as he passed her the box. She took it but still was at a loss for words. Finally she opened the box and looked down at the pips. “I have no idea what to say, other than thank you, Admiral. I will try my best to live up to your expectations.” She looked up, first at Lucius and Aia, then to Rick. “You’ve obviously managed to get one over on me, which takes a lot.” She smiled finally. “This means more than you know.”

“Ah, you’ve just been tired from our little trip,” he replied with a smile. “But I have to say, in a room full of Betazoids, I was afraid I would let it slip somehow.”

“Congratulations!” El’Shar said and shook Li’s hand briefly. “They don’t have those out to just anyone, so I’m sure you’ve more than earned it.”

“She’s right about that, honey,” Lucius replied. “Congratulations, I am beyond proud of you.”

“Thanks.” Li’s smile grew brighter and she turned to Sakkath, offering him the box. “Will you keep these till we get home?”

Sakkath accepted the box without speaking, because what he wished to say, he could not. Wordlessly, he passed to her what he felt. I would be happy to, Imzadi.

He pressed the small box into the sleeves of his robe, and one of the many utilitarian pockets that lined it. Outwardly there could be no swelling of pride, no joyous smile, but across the bond they shared it was all there. Or shall I call you Captain? Sir? Ma’am? he very much teased despite his inner voice being just as monotone as his spoken one. An astute observer might notice the slightest tug at the corner of his lip.

A soft laugh escaped Li as she met Sakkath’s gaze, then she quickly covered her mouth. And people think Vulcans have no sense of humour. Maybe just a salute now and then.... She left the thought unfinished and another laugh came, unable to be stopped. Across the table, Lucius cleared his throat but he was smiling.

As her husband let her in on the joke, Aia smiled lopsidedly. "Congratulations, my dear," she said, beaming proudly at Li.

Rick then raised his glass. “Along with the congratulations, I propose a toast to Captain Li Hawke. The best XO a man could ask for.” Everyone else raised their glasses in toast then began enjoying the dessert. After another thirty minutes of lively conversation, the group began to disperse. It had been a successful dinner and Rick was satisfied with it, but even more so that he could promote Li to a rank that she deserved.

As they all stood at the door thanking Rick for the dinner, he opened the door. “Captain Blackhorse, if it’s not an imposition, could you stay for a bit? We never really got to discuss what brought you here in the first place and I have time to talk, if you don’t mind doing so while I clean up?”

“I don’t mind at all,” she said and then turned to the group. “Admiral Hawke, Aia, Commander Sakkath, it was a pleasure seeing you all again. Captain Hawke, again, my congratulations on your promotion.”

“Thank you,” Li answered. “Perhaps we can get together in the next day or two? Some reports have come in that bore your name and one that didn’t but is related. I’d like to pick your brain a little.”

“Absolutely,” El’Shar said. “I have no plans for retirement so count on me having tons of free time.”

She waved as the group left and turned to Rick to chat.

Admiral Ricky Wegener
Happy Homemaker

Aia Rios-Hawke
Glad for a Night with Adults

Captain Li Hawke
One Surprised Betazoid

Admiral Lucius Hawke
Pleased as Punch

Commander Sakkath
One Proud Vulcan

Captain El'Shar Blackhorse
Unwitting Party Crasher


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