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Preparing For The Trip

Posted on Tue Jul 5th, 2011 @ 1:34pm by Commander Patrick Leroy

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: SB900 Labs

The labs on the starbase had never been in such a flurry of activity.
From the start of his shift, where he had imposed himself to get a significant advance on the study of molecular collision inside the plasma storms of the nebula, Patrick had been interrupted more times than he could count.

Members of the staff stormed around the labs busy with preparations for the mission to Divitia Prime. Smiles, cheers and concerned looks where everywhere around him. The youngest members between those chosen to embark literally quivered with anticipation at the thought of the upcoming voyage and mission.

Patrick regarded them with a point of envy as he could not share their enthusiasm. Especially after having seen the first batch of data provided by Divitian Crisis Commission about the situation on the planet. Of course everything should have been thoroughly examined before getting definitive conclusions but the start wasn't certainly one of the best.

He only hoped their intervention would have been able to stop the degenerative process started by the ion wavefront before having the capital planet of the Republic compromised beyond repair.

"Commander, would you want to check on the list of the mission team names one last time?" Asked Rutheridge offering him a Padd.

"Yes Ensign." Replied Leroy taking the Padd and browsing quickly the list shown. "I think they're all. Have they already presented to the Takei Ops for embarking?"

"They're doing that right now, Sir."

"Very good. I'll follow them shortly." Patrick responded giving back the padd to Rutheridge. "What about the equipment? Do we have a final list of what is being stored on Takei's and Hammond's cargo bays?"

"Yes Sir." Answered Rutheridge taking out another Padd.

"Thank you. Let me have a look."

Quietly Patrick scrolled down the list stopping here and there to make some unspoken considerations. "What's that?" He asked suddenly "A cyclotronic spectrum compensator?"

"Yes Sir. It is going to be loaded on the Takei in a couple of hours." Rutheridge responded "It is part of the list filled out by Operations staff."

A soft chuckle escaped Patrick "Mr. Sakkath efficiency is to be commended once more. If there is something you might need out there, you can rest assured he's foreseen it and already provided to have it available."

"Well I consider that a luck, Sir."

"I too, but I'm sure Cmdr Sakkath has gone to a great pain to find out enough space in the cargo bays to store all the equipment to satisfy any possible need. Maybe this time we can help him..."

"Help him how Sir?" asked Rutheridge rather curiously.

"Erase the compensator from the list. It is a very bulky piece of equipment and I'm not sure we're really going to need it. But if we do, Commander Frost's team will be able to replicate the parts from Engineering on the ship and assemble it on the spot."

"Aye Sir, anything else?"

"I'll check this list to find if we can delete some other gear like the compensator. I'll give it back to you when I'm finished. Inform the Ops on the Takei then that they will have some more space for much needed supplies, like medical and provisions for the refugees."
"Yes Sir. I'll be waiting for your final list then."

Rutheridge then walked away chasing some other task around the lab and Patrick took his seat at the desk while keeping to browse the Padd, until a blinking on the terminal got his eyes.

"A message from Kh'ali..."

Lt. Cmdr Patrick Leroy
Chief Science Officer


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