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Academy Talk

Posted on Mon Jul 4th, 2011 @ 11:32pm by Captain qeraQ' & Captain Claudia Drake

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Academy Offices
Timeline: Following Previous

qeraQ' had found a little time away from his duties to visit the new Academy area of the station. A part of him felt a comradery with any educator, his time working with the young minds on Earth having shaped some of his admittedly 'robust' education techniques no end. The Klingon Defence Force had always encouraged learning by doing, no matter how painful, and a large part of him still felt that this was the only way to learn, there was, after all, nothing like a Plasma burn to focus the mind, even if it was only minor!

Claudia felt the presence almost instantly, she turned to see the one armed Klingon entering what was to become the main foyer of the Academy, she was over-seeing the installation of a main reception desk and computer terminals around the 30mx30m room.

"Commander, what brings you down these parts?" she said as she walked towards him, his missing fingers instantly noticeable. "We're not really ready for any visitors yet" she said with a smile, she patted a crewman on the back as she passed him carrying a table, her two Leopards at her side. They reached the Klingon before she did and began to sniff him, "Boys, be nice." she said, and the cats instantly stopped. They each did a quick tour around the Commander before gently padding their way back to her side, "Ignore the boys, they are just sussing you out."

"Fine beasts, reminds me of a pet I once had on Qo'noS! I find that animals such as this are often not appreciated for their power, human's can be scared quite easily by a little fierceness." He looked down at the animals fondly, "I was hoping to discuss the Academy. As you may remember I was a lecturer on Klingon Culture and Battlecraft until very recently. If you believe it useful I can dust off some of my material."

Claudia nodded, "That would be most appreciated, although I think we need to focus on acclimatising our Delta Quadrant Cadets with Federation culture and values before we expand to include our allies." she gave a polite smile, the last thing she would really want is a group of fresh cadets running around the starbase fighting with one another of perceived slights to their honour. Most of the Cadets she would be getting would be from very different cultures than the generally accepted Terran-centric model of Federation society and culture, and she needed to make sure they could all work and live in such an environment, "Although I would keep a pain-stick or 5 on stand-by" she said with a warm smile crossing her lips.

"Agreed, but given there are at least two Klingon looking senior officers they may at least need an introduction, forewarned is for-armed as they say!" he smiled before continuing, "I was also wondering whether you had considered a command rotation for the Cadets?"

Claudia remained silent for a few moments, "I have not." she looked at the Klingon, "We will be having First Year Cadets at first, and I don't feel a command rotation would be suitable for them, just yet, they need to get their basics covered before we let them loose working as officers." she smiled.

qeraQ' looked at the woman, carefully reassessing her. Her reasons were sound but there was a part of him that wondered if she wanted help. He doubted many of the department chiefs had actively sort the woman out, but perhaps he was just being paranoid.

"Very well, but if you should require my services, or perhaps wish for the cadets to do some shadowing, then I am more than happy to help."

Claudia smiled, "Thank you Commander, I am sure there may be a point where we feel it would be appropriate for a few Cadets to shadow in Command."

"I will await your communique. Good luck with the rest of the build." with a nod he left to return to his other duties.

As the Klingon walked out, Claudia could not help but let her mind wander to the thought of the Storestone in her suite. She needed to get her work done as soon as possible and then return to her experiments.

A post by

Professor Claudia Drake
"Don't cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me?"


Commander qeraQ'
Executive Office
Starbase 900


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