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There's More Than One Way...

Posted on Fri Apr 5th, 2013 @ 9:17am by Camille Ross & Commander Dae Nalas

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Timeline: Current

* * * Dae’s Quarters * * *

After leaving Seyla, Dae had indeed gone home (alone) and after a big mug of hot chocolate, had crashed. He slept like the dead for a good seven hours before he stirred and began to climb to wakefulness. His first instinct was to reach over for Marla but his hand fell on the empty side of the bed and he grumbled. It brought him fully awake, however, and he sat up and rubbed his eyes.

Now, the encounter with Seyla at The Wormhole rose in his mind and with it came a sense of foreboding. He’d read enough of her emotions last night to know she meant business and Dae suspected that she was up to no good. At least no good by his estimation, and likely by Marla’s as well. The offer of a ‘free sample’ turned his frown to a smile. That was a sign of a desperate woman, if you asked him. The local madam giving it away free? Never happened, which meant that Seyla either had a strong reason for keeping Marla away from him or she was afraid of losing her.

The idea that he was causing Seyla so much discomfort buoyed his mood considerably. It wasn’t the first time Dae had been a thorn in someone’s side, nor would it be the last. That sort of thing came with the territory when you spent your life in Black Ops. In fact, it downright amused him and he laughed as he rose and moved out to the kitchen for some coffee.

He emerged from the kitchen, mug in hand to see the message light on his terminal blinking. No surprise there. Discretion had him putting on some casual clothes before he sat down to his messages in case he needed to return any calls. He began to sift through them, mostly reports he’d read later when he went to his office. The last was from Marla and seeing her name pleased him. That turned to dismay, then anger as he read:

Commander Nalas, I regret to inform you that I will be unable to keep our appointment scheduled for tomorrow evening at 2100 hours at Palaxia’s Playground. After careful consideration with Seyla, we think it is best that your future appointments be reassigned to another of our companions. Might I suggest Clare? I think she will suit your tastes very well. Should you wish to make an appointment, please call at your convenience.


That little, sneaky, low-down green snake....was Dae’s first thought. This message had Seyla written all over it and he slammed his mug down, splashing hot coffee over his hand.

“Dammit!” He hurried out to the kitchen to run some cold water over his hand and dry it, then returned to his terminal. His first instinct was to call Seyla, wake her up and give her a piece of his mind, likely in less than polite words. She hadn’t been able to sway him last night so she’d resorted to a heavier-handed method. Dae took a moment to settle down his anger and think. Demands would do no good with Seyla. He had to get creative. He was, after all, a highly experienced field agent who’d gotten around far more dangerous people than the woman who ran the prostitution operation on a space station. There was always more than one way.....

As he thought on this, however, the wording of the message caught his attention again. Palaxia’s? They hadn’t planned to meet there. Now he read the message more carefully. She’d obviously been hoping he would read between the lines, knowing that Seyla would read the message. And that gave him a little idea...

* * * Camille’s Quarters * * *

Waking from her sleep, Camille lay there for a few moments, allowing her senses to come together, giving her the stark realisation that last nights vision of Liam wasn’t a dream.

Getting out of bed and grabbing her robe, she made her to the replicator and ordered a strong black coffee. Breakfast would wait until she could stomach food again, but she needed something to keep her awake until her shift began at the Nexus.

Pottering around her kitchen, she decided to sit down at her computer and reply to Liam’s email, afterall he didn’t seem to have any recollection of being in her quarters last night.

As she sat down, she heard the chime of her door, and thinking it was Eli coming to go with her to Temporal Affairs, shouted “C’mon on in pet, just at me computer,” and she continued checking her messages.

The doors opened and Dae stepped in, a wide smile on his face. “Pet? Glad to see I made such a good impression on you last night.”

Turning round at the sound of the unfamiliar voice, Camille realised who it was. “Sorry Dae. Thought you were Eli, we’re due tae head up tae Temporal Affairs today tae report what happened last night. What can I be doin’ fer ye?” She asked, hoping it wasn’t going to anything too travelling around the base today.

Dae moved in and sat down in the chair near her computer. “I need a favor, and it involves putting one over on Seyla.”

Recalling Seyla from their wander last night, Camille pondered Dae’s suggestion for a minute. Seyla wasn’t someone Camille wanted to associate with, but her menacing side got the better of her. “I’m intrigued, what’s the plan?” She said, moving her hand to indicate Dae to continue on.

“There’s a woman I’ve been seeing, well hiring I suppose you could say. Marla. At first that is all it was but things have changed, you know? It’s moving beyond the business realm, if you get my drift?”
“Drift well and truly caught,” she said nodding her head in agreement. “How does Seyla become involved in this though?”

“She has decided that Marla’s attachment to me is bad for business, and informed me of that rather bluntly last night after you left. Apparently, her women shouldn’t have private lives. She’s convinced that Marla will feel too much for me, that I will toss her aside because I couldn’t possibly care for someone in Marla’s profession, that Marla will be so broken hearted she becomes useless for get the idea. I have to say that Seyla’s concern for Marla is astounding.” His voice was laced with sarcasm.

“Looks tae me like a case of an employer worried about selling faulty goods. But she’s got tae learn that these women have lives, and feelin’s. It should be up tae Marla whether she wants tae keep seein’ ye or not.”

“I suppose Seyla’s afraid that if whatever this is with Marla continues, she may lose her as a working girl too.” Dae shrugged. “The price of doing business I suppose. They are women, not androids. Nor are they slaves. And I, for one, refuse to let this lie.”

“Good on ye!” Camille said without thinking, her scottish fighting spirit making an appearance. “I may have been unlucky in love before, but I still believe in romance. Ye want yer girl, ye fight fer her.” She added matter of factly.

“I intend to but I am going to need a little help. According to the message I got a few minutes ago, she isn’t ‘allowed’ to see me any more. Now, it’s my thinking that what Seyla doesn’t know won’t hurt her.”

“But if Seyla does find out yer gonnae be in fer it as she seems that kinda woman.”

“That’s just it Camille.” Dae smiled once more. “I’ve spent years in undercover Intel operations. I think I can very well sidestep the local madame. What I need is a way to get her messages. The computer is out as I suspect Seyla keeps tabs on anything that comes into their main place of business. Hell, she may eavesdrop on their personal quarters. And if she is so determined where Marla is concerned, I wouldn’t be surprised if she has her watched so that excessive use of a public terminal would raise suspicion. That’s where you come in. A female friend that Marla sees now and again won’t raise any concerns.”

“I see where yer goin’ with this,” Camille paused for a minute to mull it all over. “If we can get Marla tae agreed tae it, I dunnae see why we couldnae get this tae work out fer ye’s. We just need tae be careful that Seyal won’t think it weird Marla meeting up with the new lassy, who isnnae interested in that kinda business.”

“A woman friend won’t trip her radar, and it’s not like she’ll see you together every day. Only occasionally. I want to keep you out of the crossfire as much as possible.” Dae relaxed now. “Thank you this means a lot to me Camille.”

“As I’ve been told a lot on this ‘base already, if ye need anything there’s always somebody here tae help. And today it’s ma turn to help you,” she gave him a smile. “If ye try and get a message to Marla tae meet me before I start ma shift at the Nexus, I’ll be able tae pass a message tae her tonight fer ye, or is that too soon?”

“I know where she will be. She slipped in a hint in that message to me. As soon as you’re ready to leave here, check Palaxia’s Playground. She should be somewhere close by it or in it. She’s free until 2100 hours. Tell her to go to the shop that has all the Risan goods in two hours. Speak to the owner who will show her some of the new silks in the backroom. I’ll take it from there.” Dae reached past Camille, entered a command on her terminal and a picture of Marla appeared on the screen. “That’s Marla.”

“Black haired beauty with brown eyes,” Camille said into herself, taking a mental note of how stunning she was. Raising her voice for Dae to hear properly again, she turned to face him, “got it. Though you’re forgettin’ one minor detail. The newbie doesnae know her way around the ‘base properly yet. Where on earth is Palaxia’s Playground?”

“Deck 276, the Promenade, one deck up from the Nexus and the Wormhole. It is overloaded with bright lights and dabo tables. Impossible to miss, trust me.” Dae reached for Camille’s hand, giving it a squeeze. “Call me as soon as you’ve delivered it and are out of there. I want to make sure you are alright. And you may be a civvie, but that’s an order.”

“Order received loud and clear. I’ll head straight there once I get up tae TA with Eli.” Noticing Dae’s face when she mentioned Eli, she knew he feared bringing another person into this. “Dunnae worry though, I’ll tell him i’ve got to meet you there or somethin’, I won’t get him involved.”

“Thanks. From what I understand, he’s got enough to worry about right now anyhow.” Dae gave her a wink and stood. “Thanks again, Camille, you’re a peach. I have to get to the promenade.” And as quick as he had come, he was gone.

Funny She thought once she had a chance to go over Dae’s conversation again. Barely here a week and being used as an old-fashioned carrier pigeon.

Sitting back down at her computer, Camille sent a message to Eli to get him to call round once he was ready so they could go to TA together. And after much contemplation, decided a reply to Liam could wait another day.


Lt. Commander Dae Nalas
Doing What He Does Best...Plotting

Camille Ross
Messenger Pigeon #1


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