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Comparing Notes

Posted on Sat Apr 6th, 2013 @ 8:32am by Commander Patrick Leroy & Commander Ehlana Winter

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Galileo Center

* * * Galileo Science Center * * *

Following the departure of Eli and Camille, Ehlana had asked Marie to locate Lt. Commander Patrick Leroy. She intended to question Eli a bit more in-depth, thinking that he might be more forthcoming about what he’d sensed in camille’s quarters if she was not at his side, but for now she wanted to talk science.

Twenty minutes later, the doors slid open and she stepped into the main floor of the science center. She spoke not a word but stood, observing the crew as they went about their duties. A young woman at a nearby terminal happened to look up and noting the three gold pips on her collar popped to her feet in an instant.

“May I help you sir?”

“You may,” Ehlana answered. “I require Lt. Commander Leroy.”

“Of course. Right this way.” The woman turned and led her along and finally to a set of doors. She knew that Patrick hated being interrupted, but this woman outranked both her and Patrick and thus was to be obeyed. She rang the chime and waited.

“Come in.” came the response from inside the office as the doors swooshed open.

“The Commander has requested of you Commander.” The ensign explained.

“Thank you ensign.” Patrick responded standing from his desk “Please have a seat Commander...?” He ended nodding at the ensign to dismiss.

Once the ensign was gone and the doors closed, Ehlana spoke. “Commander Ehlana Winter, the new chief of Temporal Affairs. I need a few minutes of your time.”

“You may have them. What may I do for you Commander?”

She sat down before Patrick’s desk, crossing her feet at the ankles. “I”m here regarding the sightings that have begun on this station. According to my reports, science was called in on those reported but as yet, there is little data. I’d like to hear your views on this. Has anything new come forth since those reports?”

Patrick sat again and turned the terminal towards the Captain to make her have a better view.

“Actually investigations are in progress for every sighting, that we know of of course, but so far nothing decisive has come up. There has been a recent dimensional anomaly in which some members of this starbase have been involved and that required a certain kind of effort to retrieve them but I think all the material and reports about the matter are already in your hands.”

Patrick paused a little gathering his thoughts before reprising: “The test undertaken to see if a relation could exist between this anomaly and the sightings have given negative result as of now. Dimension and Time are not strictly related even if there can be connections and this is definitely a field where Starfleet knowledge is scant. Interviews with people involved in sightings are not very helpful and at the time we’re proceeding mostly by trial-and-error trying to find clues. I know that is not the best method for science but we do not have a clear trail to follow at the moment. All sightings have been too short in time and limited in space.”

“As well as being unobserved by anyone but the person involved.” She passed a padd over to him. “That in itself is significant. When reality intrudes, the vision goes away. It might make us wonder if the vision was a product of the victim’s mind....if not for your wife’s encounter. That proves that whatever it was was really there, for lack of a better term.” Ehlana indicated the padd she’d handed over. “A new report that just came in from a civilian, Camille Ross. In her case, a cadet arrived outside her quarters during her argument with the man she saw. He heard her voice but not that of the male.”

Patrick shifted on the seat: “That is really odd. As if each person was generating a personal ‘anomaly field’ from which all the others are excluded. Or better observation... They’re the ending point for the anomaly from which all the others are excluded, the source being unknown to us. This does not explain while some subjects are experimenting these phenomena while many others are not. All people involved do not seem to have common points many of them do not even know each other...”

“If they are not related, then we need to start examining where they’ve all been recently. Unfortunately, that could go back weeks, and including those who crossed over especially. The sightings began after their return, but that does not mean the cause is not before they departed.” She frowned slightly, knowing that was going to be some painstaking research. “I’d like the reports on the beginning of the anomaly in Admiral Wegener’s office. It might be a good starting point at least. We also need to consider the possibility that these are not temporal visions but alternate dimension ones. It might explain why what they perceive as reality is different from ours.”

Patrick typed some quick commands on the console “I’m forwarding them to your terminal they’ll be available right away. About tracking involved people’s recent activity I think we should ask for Security collaboration perhaps some of them could resent having Science peeking into their private affairs.” He paused again rubbing the chin between thumb and finger “And... Your observation is stemming other questions: If we’re having this kind of leaking into our reality is the phenomena going to increase? How much time do we have before the entire dam falls?”

“That, Mr. Leroy, is the million dollar question isn’t it?” Ehlana nodded. “I’ll inform Commander Zeferino. They certainly have the manpower to follow up on those who’ve reported incidents and get a timetable of their movements.”

“I will activate my team to conduct scanning and tests in every place indicated by Security regarding the subjects movement and we’ll confront readings to find a common indicator for further research. Is anything else needed from this department?”

Ehlana almost smiled at the question. “Don’t you think that is enough to keep us all busy for the foreseeable future?”

“Yes it is” Patrick agreed, “and speaking of future let’s hope that the foreseeable one remains just one.”

“You can say that again.” Ehlana rose and gave him a nod. “I’ll be on my way. Please call if anything new develops.”

“I will do, Commander.” Patrick said standing to accompany her at the door. “I will personally transfer all relevant informations to your office.”


Commander Ehlana Winter

Looking For A Needle In A Haystack

Lt. Commander Patrick Leroy
Virtual Plumber


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