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Reports Of Visions

Posted on Sat Apr 6th, 2013 @ 2:15pm by Camille Ross & Cadet Senior Grade Eli Ziyad

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Temporal Affairs
Timeline: Before Comparing Notes

* * * Temporal Affairs * * *

Eli had come to pick up Camille shortly after she called and while his manner was friendly, he has kept enough distance between them not to be touched. They’d made their way to the Temporal Affairs offices and now stood outside the doors.

“Are you ready? You seem a little nervous.”

“Ready as I can be. Isnnae every day you have tae report seeing your ex-husband in your quarters, insistin’ yer stil tae-gether. But if we can get tae the bottom of this and stop it from happenin’ tae anybody else i’m more than willin’ tae help.”

“That’s the idea. the more reports they get, the easier it will be to figure out this mess. I’ve been lucky so far.” Eli mentally crossed his fingers as he’d seen Chance do for luck. Given his past life, what might appear wasn’t a thrilling prospect. He reached out to open the doors, and let Camille enter first.

A blonde woman was just emerging from her office and by her collar, she was a commander. Seeing the two enter, she paused. “May I help you?”

“I hope so,” Camille started. “It’s about the visions that keep happenin’ on the ‘base. I had one last night...” tailing off at the thought of having to explain what happened again.

Eli gave her an encouraging smile and the woman immediately nodded. “Step into my office please. I’m Commander Ehlana Winter, Chief of Temporal affairs on this station.” She turned and led the way into her office and sat behind her desk. “Please have a seat.”

Camille went to grab Eli’s hand to bring him in with her, but noticed he pulled away before she could, but he still followed her in and they both sat down. “Me name’s Camille Ross, Hostess at the Nexus Club. And this is Eli Ziyad, co-worker, friend and Junior Cadet. He heard the shouting in my quarters last night, so I hope you dunnae mind that I brought him along.”

“No, that’s fine. I’ll have some questions for him after you’ve finished.” She glanced to Eli, noting the tiny red spots at his temple. Having an Enaran on the scene was a lucky break, in Ehlana’s opinion. “So Camille, tell me what happened, in detail.”

“Well, I had just come home from work, and was in ma quarters, windin’ down on the sofa, when I heard footsteps coming from ma bathroom. When I turned round, my ex-husband of four years was standin’ there with a towel wrapped round him. He insisted that we were still tae-gether and had been living here since we got married. We married and lived on earth all the time we were tae-gether, so I knew somethin’ wasn’t right, but I just thought he’d smoked somethin’ that had gone tae his head.”

Pausing for a moment to take a breath and recall what happened afterwards, Camille continued. “After a lot of calm conversation asking him what the hell he was doin’ on the ‘base let alone in ma quarters, the discussion got heated. He started insisting we were living in married bliss, and of course I insisted we were divorced. Our voices grew louder and more angry as Eli knocked on the door. When I called for him tae come in, I ran tae him, tae get him tae prove tae Liam, my ex, that I was only here a week, and couldnnae be living here for seven years. But when I turned round tae face Liam again, he wasnae there. He vanished as quickly as he appeared.” Camille finished with a lump in her throat, trying not to break down having to relive last night all over again.

As she sat, a sudden feeling of sympathy washed over her from Eli. “Easy, Camille. “It’s done.”

She went to grab his hand again, to give it a squeeze, but he pulled it away again. Strange, normally Eli’s more comforting that this. “Thanks,” she whispered to him instead.

Eli smiled, then turned to Ehlana as she addressed him. “Now for you Cadet Ziyad. You arrived to hear the shouting?”

“Yes. I was about to ring the chime when I heard Cami’s voice loud and clear. She sounded upset and from what she was saying seemed to be in danger so I went in.”

A frown passed over Ehlana’s face. “You heard Camille’s voice. Did you not hear the other?”

Eli thought for a moment, running the scene back through his thoughts, then finally shook his head. “No, I didn’t. How strange.”

“It is. But it fits the pattern that is beginning to emerge and that is that whenever these visions arise, the intrusion of reality makes them vanish. In this case, you Cadet Ziyad. You are unrelated to her past, knew nothing of her ex-husband and thus represent her current reality.” Ehlana made a few notes, then set the padd aside. “It’s not an answer yet but it helps us begin to make some method out of the madness.”

Camille let out a sigh. “So I’m not losin’ my mind then? Even though Eli didnae hear Liam’s voice?”

“No. These sightings have been happening all over the station. It’s my job to get to the bottom of it and the more we hear about them, the more we can begin to see a pattern and get to the cause. I appreciate your time though. If anything else happens, please do call.” Ehlana’s manner was polite but it was clear they were finished here. “Unless you have some questions?”

“None that I can think of Commander. Ta for yer time, and if there’s anything ye need me tae do fer ye in regards to yer investigation over all of this, just lemme know.” When she finished, Camille stood up, once again nodding her thanks to Ehlana, and made her way to the door.

“Cadet Ziyad?”

Eli stopped and looked back to Ehlana. “Yes Commander?”

“If you have some time later today, I’d like your help with something.” Ehlana’s expression gave away nothing.

“Of course, Commander Winter. I’ll stop in on my way to the Nexus this afternoon.”

Ehlana waved him on out with a nod and once they were back in the hall, Eli smiled. “See? That wasn’t so bad.”

“Aye, yer right,” she followed it with a sigh of relief. “I’m glad I’m not goin’ mad, couldnae be doin’ with go do-lally after only a week or so here. Eli, can I ask ye a question?” she added, a tone of concern in her voice.

“Sure, what is it?”

“Earlier, before we went in, and whilst in there, I went tae grab yer hand and you pulled away. Is everythin’ alright?”

Eli’s expression turned thoughtful. “Well...yes. Mostly.” He paused, then sighed. “I should explain I guess. It’s not you. Well, not exactly. It’s Chance. You’ve heard that he recently died and Commander Sakkath was able to restore his katra to his body since he’s part Vulcan?”

“Umm, didnae really know that. I guessed there was somethin’ up, just from a few things everyone’s come out with. Didnae expect that now. But now that I’m up tae speed, that Chance died, but was able to get brought back to life, go on. Though I can probably assume it’s got somethin’ tae do with him still adjusting tae the whole dying and being brought back tae life?”

“It’s been a big one for him yes. It’s caused a little...uncertainty and worry where I am concerned.” Eli didn’t want to get too much into personal details if he could help it. “Do you understand where I’m going with this?”

“Completely,” Camille reached out to pat him on the arm, then caught herself. “I’ll keep the touchy feelyness tae a minimum, especially when all three of us are on shift tae-gether.”

Catching a look at a chronometer, Camille nearly jumped. “Sorry tae be so rude Eli after ye helpin’ me and openin’ up about things whey Chance, but i’ve got tae get on. Have a few errands tae run before our shifts start. See ye at work.”

Waving him goodbye, she jumped into the turbo and ordered it to go to deck 276, hoping she would catch Marla in time to deliver Dae’s message.

Camille Ross
Not Entirely Insane

Cadet Second Class Eli Ziyad


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