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Turn About Isn't Always Fair Play

Posted on Thu Apr 18th, 2013 @ 4:09pm by Lieutenant Raymond Benson & Seyla

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Ray's Quarters

* * * The Wormhole Bar * * *


The not-so-endearing term rose in Ray’s thoughts once more as he considered Ivor. Close on its heels was the thought that he should have known, should have picked up on something at least. Then again, he wasn’t telepathic like the XO.

Li...his thoughts shifted to her. What he’d said to Ivor before her arrival was true. Telepaths made him wary and Li, with her intel background and her complete self-possession at all times, her unreadability even for Ray who was trained to read body language....she did frighten him just a little. But right now, he was grateful to her, and highly amused as well that Suresh’s obsession had turned out to be of some help.

That was life in the Fleet, though. You never knew from one moment to the next what might come at you with blinding speed and kick you in the nuts. Ray knew he was going to enjoy putting together the case against Ivor. They had Suresh’s information to Li on the security feed from the brig, they had Ivor’s own confession in the office. This time, Ray intended to put him away for a good while and then hope he enjoyed civilian life after.

Li was right though, he needed a night off to unwind. He could only hope that she was as good as her word and got him a replacement soon. He and Chelsea and Monique were already overworked; it was going to get worse before it got better.

What he needed was a source to satisfy his curiosity as to how far Suresh’s reach had extended with Ivor. What he also needed was something to take his mind off this case for a while. He raised his drink and drained it, then stopped, the glass still to his lips. Fortune seemed to be smiling on Ray tonight. He’d just spotted both.

* * * Ray’s Quarters * * *

Purring with pleasure, Ray’s consort for the evening leaned in and kissed his forehead. “You asked for release...,” she murmured and turned a key in the cuffs around his wrists. The silvery metal clinked together as they opened, letting him free. “I’ve delivered in more ways than one,” Seyla laughed as she spoke. She was still straddling him on the bed but started to move to get up; she had another client to see yet this night.

Ray smiled like a satisfied cat as he looked up at her. “There’s one more little thing you can do for me, Seyla.”

She paused, a brow arching elegantly, “And what would that be, Ray?”

He moved with surprising speed and before Seyla had time to react, she was beneath him and he was fastening the cuffs, tethering her to the bed’s headboard.

“This will probably cost me extra, but what the hell.” He smiled down at her. “I need some information.”

“Ray!” She shouted and struggled against the metal bracelets. “Damn right it’ll cost you!”, she hissed. As she realized he was only after information, her struggles eased and she eyed him warily, fully aware that her struggling had had an affect on him that had nothing to do with information. “What information?”

“I’m reasonable, and generous, so I’ll give you a little something first. And stop looking at me like that.” He’d noted her gaze had drifted downward, but now wasn’t the time. “So here you go - Suresh is gone. For good this time. He was shipped out to Elba II; the transport departed two hours ago. He won’t be back.”

The news was like ice on Seyla’s skin and she had to work hard not to show what she really felt about it. Not that she knew just what she felt about it, not yet, though the phrase ‘sucker-punched’ came to mind. Frowning at Ray with annoyance, Seyla said, “And? He’s involved in illegal activities that I have no interest in partaking of. All of my activities are above-board. So... good riddance to him.”

“Yeah, right.” For a moment, he envied Li her mind-reading ability. “If that is the case, I’m glad to hear it. It should make this little conversation easier. I want to know how deep into this web Ivor Biro fell.”

It was a name she recognized, and not from having plied her trade with him; the trade of one of her women, though... yes. Still, she wasn’t that easy: “Who?”

Ray studied her face, then without a word rose and strolled out of his bedroom and off to the kitchen. He took his time making a single cup of coffee, then sat down at the table to drink it, leaving Seyla to stew in the bedroom alone. He checked the time, then began to sip his coffee.

“Hey!” Seyla protested being left alone, cuffed to his bed. This was not part of her normal services. “Ray!” She kept up the one-word shouts while he got his coffee, though those single words degenerated into more vile names such as: “Bastard!” and “Asshole!”

Ray appeared in the doorway and leaned against the doorframe as he sipped his coffee. “I’ve been called worse. Gilroy is of the opinion that all lawyers should simply be killed. Am I to suppose that given your calling, your memory had been refreshed?”

She glared at him. “Why would you think I know this Ivor fellow? Do you think he has the cojones or the credits to call on me for my services?”

That got a guffaw from Ray. “Ivor’s all talk. It takes my law clerk exactly three seconds to shrivel his twig and berries to mere buds. What I want to know is how involved he was with Suresh. I’ve got him already, he’s in some serious hot water, but I want to have everything I can when I put this together. I’m just interested in what you’ve seen.”

“What’s in it for me if I tell you?”

“I won’t go to my next meeting and leave you handcuffed to my bed, for starters.” He took another sip from his coffee cup. “And I’ll give you my reservations for a floor-side table at the Nexus tomorrow night. My date will understand.”

“As if you have a date...,” she shot back. “Besides, I’ll just call for Security and have you charged with wrongful detention.” She could speak lawyer-ese, sort of. “You’ll have to do better than that.”

“Not if I cut comms in these quarters. Besides, Seyla, this is your golden opportunity. Nature abhors a vacuum. I am just being thorough. I want to make sure that you don’t accidentally get caught up in the crossfire and go down with the sinking prosecutor. I’m a nice guy like that.”

“The hell you are. You’re a lawyer.” She regarded him for a long moment. “Are you hinting that you might be looking to get as dirty as Ivor? Take his place just as I fill in the vacant seat of power?”

“I’m not that kind of lawyer. I just want to make sure that when I bury him, I have all the dirt.” Ray shrugged. “Suresh is the one who ratted him out by the way. To his beloved XO.”

The phrase set Seyla’s teeth on edge. Perhaps her first act in Suresh’s stead..., she let that thought go without lingering on or finishing it. “Uncuff me, Ray. It’s difficult talking to you this way.”

“Spill it and I will. And yes, I’ll cover your extra trouble.” He looked thoroughly amused now. Seyla’s reaction to his words had been slight and fleeting but Ray had caught it - and filed it away to examine later.

“How much about him do you want to know?” She wrestled with the cuffs and ended up sitting up against the headboard, one arm across her chest. “Do you want to know that he liked to hire Putna and put her through her paces at least once a month? After he was done with her, I had to put her in Piper Medical for a night and then give her three days off.” Putna was one of Seyla’s employees who handled the more sadistic of Seyla’s clients.

“Now that doesn’t surprise me. At the risk of sounding like Counselor Swift, I’d say he had control issues and she bore the brunt of that. Now what about Suresh?” Ray moved over to the closet and pulled out a pair of sweat pants and tugged them on.

"Hey, come on, unlock these," she urged him, rattling the metal against his headboard and scratching the smooth surface. "When it came time to pay, Suresh was always the one billed. For a while, when he first started seeing her, we weren't sure who the client was. It was only after I had her rooms watched that I learned Ivor was the sick puppy."

“I see.” Ray returned and sat on the bed beside her. “And I’ll quote you on that.” He leaned over her to unlock the cuff. “What a piece of scum. No idea how to treat a lady.” His own little joke brought back his smile.

"Oh, and you're just stellar on that count, aren't you?" She rubbed her wrists. "From that, the billing going to Suresh, I know Ivor was in deep with him. There's at least one video of him with Putna; Suresh probably has more."

"Suresh turned him out, though?" Seyla worried about that, though it was too late now to see Suresh. Had he spun tales about anyone else?

“He did. He revealed it to Li just before the meeting and she told us after he was taken away. Ivor had no way out of it.” Ray shrugged and reached over to gently rub Seyla’s wrists. “I’ll check through the files he’s stored while his things are being packed and sent off. Thank you, Sey.”

"Sure," she replied. "Do you have a replacement yet? I know your team is kept busy by this Station."

“No but Li’s working on it so it should be soon. I hope.” He raised her hand to his lips. “Thanks again. Anything I can do for you?”

"Not right now, Ray, but perhaps someday, when I'm in over my head," she touched his cheek and smiled. "For now, I'm getting dressed and heading elsewhere."

“Have fun then, but I’m sure you will. Want some coffee before you go?”

"No, thanks," she winked, pulling on her dress, "I keep odd hours and might go take a nap." She watched him a moment. "Do you want something more, Ray?"

“No, I’m good actually. And you’re right, I don’t have a date. I'm going to go pore over some files, then go torture Ivor a little.” He shook his head. “What an evening, huh?”

"Does that mean that table at the Nexus is available?"

“It is. Just have Camille take you to my table. And enjoy.” He gave her a mock salute then escorted her to the door.

Brushing her hair off her shoulder, Seyla waggled her fingers at him and disappeared down the corridor.


Not That Kind of Easy

Lt. Raymond Benson
That Kind Of Sneaky


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