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One Last Playday

Posted on Thu May 16th, 2013 @ 8:36am by Jackson Banning V & Commander Oralia Zeferino

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Archadia III

* * * Archadia III * * *

The sun rose on the small bungalow that stretched out over the water, illuminating a solitary figure sitting in a chair on the deck, his feet propped up on the deck rail. In his hand was a cup of coffee and he sipped it slowly, his gaze moving slowly over the sea that spread out before him. As the sun’s rays hit the surface, it glittered like a million tiny jewels, causing him to narrow his eyes as he raised the cup for another sip. Even at this early hour it was plenty warm, the heat clinging to his bare skin. The chirp of her comm badge had awakened him and it brought news that Iggy was home safe and sound. He needed to go in and wake Oz, but decided to give her a few more minutes.

She didn’t need the few more minutes. Stepping out from the shadows of their rustic little hut, Oralia moved behind him and put her arms around his shoulders. Her dark hair brushed his arm and she kissed his neck, tasting salt. “Morning, love,” she murmured, barely enunciating her words so thick was her Georgian accent. “I heard you talking to someone; the Station? Do we have to go back already?”

“In a bit.” Jackson smiled, the expression slow and indulgent as he turned his head just enough to brush his lips along her jawline. “I told ‘em we’d be in sometime today. They found Iggy and she’s now back home and is just fine. An’ you have an official diplomatic dinner to get to with that bunch from Ozum.”

Thrilled that her ward? was safely home, Oz stepped around Jackson and carefully sat in his lap. Her happiness was only slightly tempered by the news that she had to go to a diplomatic dinner. “Ozum? You’re not invited, are you?”

“Nah, it’s department heads from what I gather. To be honest, I’m kinda glad, but I’m not out of this loop. I gotta request from Dae to come see him when we get back.” Jackson shrugged. “I expect our contribution will be a little less obvious.”

“Wish mine could be a little less obvious,” she whined and pouted. “I’m no good at these things, interacting with ambassadors and such.” Not for the first time, she felt a pang of restlessness, a desire to be out exploring the Delta Quadrant instead of having its denizens come to her.

Jackson recognized the truth hidden behind the words. “Yer better than ya think, but I know they drive ya up the wall. Maybe we’ll find a reason for you to go next time I’m off-base. Give ya a taste of what the dark side is like.” He winked at her and set his cup down on the deck.

Kissing him and chuckling, she replied, "I think you've already given me that, husband mine."

A knowing smile lit Jackson’s face. “True that. But I mean a little professional excitement. Now that Suresh is gone, things might be kinda calm on the work front.”

"I can hope that's true, but someone will fill that void. I want to influence who gets that spot, J." She watched his face, the fingers of one hand gently stroking his jaw.

“How so?”

"How so?" Her brow furrowed slightly. "I'm not entirely clear on the how, or even the who, but if we could have a venomless viper overseeing the Cherry Pit, it would make life easier."

Jackson nodded. “Now that Suresh is gone, there’s a big void to fill. I’m reminded of that old sayin’ about the devil ya know versus the devil ya don’t.”

"Yeah, we could end up with someone who makes Suresh look like a pansy. I'd rather have someone easy... like Seyla."

“Or me.” Jackson’s smile returned. “Just an idea. And one word of advice. Don’t ever think of Seyla as venomless.”

"She gives me a headache, but beyond that she's pretty tame," she eyed him. "You? As the Station's crime boss? Are you thinking to make me look incompetent or corrupt?"

“No one says it has to be a den of crime, though it’s pretty much the county seat.” He prodded her gently. “Too early for jokes?”

"Better to have someone like Seyla, who already has dirty hands, sitting in that seat. Her, I wouldn't mind tossing in the brig occasionally. Granted... tossing you in the brig would be much more fun these days."

“Like old times, huh?” He leaned in for a quick kiss. “What do ya say to one last swim and beach time, then lunch before we start back?”

“Sounds like a plan, except that you left out ‘sex’ in there.”

He gave her a wicked wink. “I thought that went without sayin’.”

“Then I do adore your plan, Mr. Zeferino,” she kissed him languidly, cutting off any further intelligent conversation.


Jackson Banning V
Owner & Sybarite
The Nexus Club

Oralia Zeferino
Plotting and Underestimating


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