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A Plan Comes Together

Posted on Tue Jul 9th, 2013 @ 6:49am by Lieutenant Commander Kh'ali & Admiral Ricky Wegener

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Kh'ali's Office

With the dinner done and plans to be made, Rick and Kh’ali needed a meeting to work on scheduling the advance units to the planetoid offered up by the Dendrians. With the information provided by the Ambassador’s staff it seemed like a no-brainer that this would be a good place for an outpost. Easily accessible to Federation personnel, close to the Dendrian planet and within a reasonable distance from the station for backup units, should they be required for any reason.

The Admiral had called the meeting with her but hadn’t specified where they were to meet. So he thought he’d surprise her by arriving at her office ahead of the appointed time. He wanted to get out of his office anyway and, despite her Klingon physiology, he felt she could use the break in having to walk.

Entering the foyer of the offices he waited until he was waved in by her aide instead of just waltzing into her office. “Good afternoon, Commander,” he said. She seemed to be very interested in a PADD in her hands.

Kh’ali looked up at the voice and smiled. “Just the man I want to see. Forgive me for not standing, Admiral. It’s getting to be a chore to do so these days.” She glanced back at the padd in her hands, then offered it to him. “This is what we’ve been waiting for. I sent off the official proposal, along with our joint recommendations three days ago and here’s the answer. We’re in.”

He skimmed over the information and nodded. “Good. So, we’re left with only assigning the survey team personnel and sending them on their merry way. I’ve notified the Hammond to be on standby for the trip and recommend Commander Sakkath to be in command of the away mission with Leroy as his second. The Hammond’s personnel can perform in-depth planetary scans while the away team is deployed to use in the overall determination of the best position for the outpost.”

Kh’ali frowned for a moment. “That sounds fine except for a couple of things. Patrick wants to send Edney and a security escort on ahead as soon as possible so he can start the initial scans. Also, and this request is likely waiting for you when you return, he has received an invitation for a science conference in the Jathlin Arm. According to him, it’s a big deal and I think he was surprised to be included. An experiment in stellar rejuvenation.”

“An invitation from whom? One of the locals?” Rick asked. “That could be big for us! Well, and big for Patrick as well, but if some of the local races are inviting our people to conferences like that then we’re definitely making some progress.” He smiled broadly. “And we can send an advance team right away. I have no problem with that. The Ambassador made it clear that we are welcome at any time, so once we’re through here I’ll alert the Takei to get ready to receive crew for transport. If you’ll let Patrick know, he can send whoever he wants. And I’ll send a few marines for the ride.”

Kh’ali consulted another padd on her desk before she answered. “The invitation came from the Lalnalyn government. You’re right, it is a big deal that they included us. He’s a little concerned over the timing, for obvious reasons, but I won’t let that keep him home when he should be there.” She looked back at Ricky now. “What about the team to go on the Hammond? Lt. Sukatov can cover in Patrick’s place. We’ll need security and intel and perhaps the engineer from the Hammond?”

“It wouldn’t hurt to utilize their personnel,” Rick replied. “Lt. Jenkins, our chief engineer, requested to remain on the base. She had several projects that she said she just couldn’t leave. So, that solves that problem. I’m keeping Oz here and, unless she has something for Aliso to do, I’ll be sending her with a security team. Oh, Colonel Travis asked to go. Now that I’m sending marines with the advance team I don’t see why he couldn’t tag along.”

She added the names to her list and nodded. “Travis should go with the first bunch I think, given the potential for rebel activity. That leaves some looking ahead, more specifically, future crew for the outpost.”

“I know that Chordata is hoping for something as massive as 900 out there, but that’s just not gonna’ happen. We’ll be starting small, maybe a few hundred personnel on site and that’s it.” He quickly ran through personnel numbers in his mind and realized that, even with that small amount of personnel, he’d have to get more assigned from Starfleet. “Once it’s established itself out there we’ll see about sending more personnel out. We’ll just have to make sure that Sakkath takes into consideration future expansion of the colony in his initial designs.”

“Agreed.” She paused for a moment before bringing up the next point. “I want to go with the away team.”

Her statement caught him off guard. “ that recommended? I mean, what would the doc say? Your expertise would come in handy, but I’m not sure that I should send you to an unexplored world to go traipsing around. You said it yourself, standing has even become a chore lately.”

“I’ll be needed as Chordata will have people on-site to assist as needed. As for Dr. Harding, we’ll see how it goes. And how much I have to twist his arm. Dr. Mi will be with the team so I’ll be covered if something happens. And worst case scenario, if a hospital is needed, we’re right there near Ozum.”

Rick sighed. “Short of ordering you not to go, it looks like I won’t be able to stop you. So, if Harding signs off on it you can go. And if something happens while you’re there, I reserve the right for a few ‘I told you so’ comments.” He grinned and winked.

“I fully expect them in that case.” She returned his smile. “Will is going to be the hard part of this equation. You know how he can be.”

“I do. And Patrick is also okay with you going this close to term?”

“Well, yes and no. He understands the need for it and my desire to go, but he has his reservations of course. But our trip will be a short one from here and even shorter should I need to go to Ozum, so that eases his mind a great deal.” Kh’ali pushed the padds on her desk aside and settled back into her chair. “This is really happening, isn’t it sir?”

“It sure is, Commander.” After he spoke, he stopped as confusion sunk in. “Wait--the outpost or you having a baby? Because I can see how they’d both be kinda’ huge for you.”

She laughed lightly and nodded. “Both are huge, yes, but I was referring to the outpost. We are making history with this. I want it to go off without a hitch. Or as few hitches as possible anyway.”

“Ah, well, yes. We’ll have to make sure we do this right and by the book,” he replied. “Having 900 in the Delta Quadrant is one thing, but establishing an outpost further in is quite another. Oh, and while I’m thinking about it,” he said and then tapped his communicator. “Admiral Wegener to Colonel Harris.”

=^= Harris here, sir. =^=

“Colonel, I’m sending an advance science team to the Dendrian planetoid. I want you to take a small platoon with them on the Takei. You’ll leave in two hours.”

=^= Understood, Admiral. I’ll have them ready to go. =^=

“Thank you. Wegener out.” Looking back to Kh’ali he said, “Could you send a message to Patrick and have him assemble a team ready to leave with the marines? And do we have any qualified candidates to run our little outpost?”

“Starfleet iis sending a short list for you, Captain Hawke, and Commander Sakkath to look over. I’ll be glad to assist in that if needed.” Kh’ali paused to send a text message to Patrick. “And that is done. He’ll have them ready to go I’m sure.”

“Good. In the meantime I’ll have the department heads send a list of at least six personnel that they can spare for reassignment. It’s not much but at least we’d have shift coverage, and I can have the marines fulfill a security role until we can get a full-fledged security force out there.” He stood. “Is there anything else?”

“For now, no. All the information from Starfleet should be at your terminal when you get there.” She smiled at Ricky, and now did stand. Her figure had grown noticeably in the last few weeks. I am due to have lunch with the Ambassador and Zee’Hrai so I need to get along as well.”

With a glance at her stomach he said, “Just don’t overdo it, Kh’ali. I’m not keen on you going on the away mission but since you’re determined to do so, take it easy until you leave. If I have to make it an order, I will.” He stopped at the door. “Have a good lunch.”

“I will, on all those.” She came around the desk and followed Rick from her office.

Admiral Rick Wegener
Trip Planner

Lt. Commander Kh’ali
Too Many Irons In The Fire


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