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How To Talk To An Angel?

Posted on Sat Jul 13th, 2013 @ 4:23pm by Lieutenant Riley Sukotav & Lieutenant Bryce Kendrick & Ensign Reva Madhava

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: USS Hammond

* * * USS Hammond * * *

Two months on a survey mission to the Velorum System was quite enough for the crew of the Hammond. Much of the system had already been surveyed by the USS Prometheus in 2384 but, as was always the case, things changed, regimes came and went and new areas were developed. Many of the races in the system remembered the Federation from the Prometheus’ visit and there were no issues with the Hammond being in their space. Most welcomed it and Commander Davis was successful in making many contacts in the area, which was exactly what Admiral Wegener had hoped would happen.

Now the ship had returned to 900. Just before docking they had received their orders to resupply for an immediate turnaround to ferry the large away team to Charu. They had 48 hours to get it done.

“Well,” Bryce said as he stood next to Lieutenant Sukotav, “at least the Delta Quadrant is keeping us busy. That’s one good thing about being out here.”

“You can say that again.” Riley tapped a few commands into the terminal before him to re-stock some supplies in science and put a rush on it. “That should take care of what I’ll need for this trip.” He turned back to Bryce and leaned back in his chair, looking up at his friend. “What do you intend to do with your forty-eight hours?”

“Sleep. And drink. Hell, I might go to that old-timey cinema and see a few of those old movies they’re showing. I just need to relax a bit.”

“You know there are women on this station, Bryce.” Riley grinned. “And unlike me, you’re good at talking to them. It would be a nice change from the faces you’ve been looking at for two months.” In fact, a certain woman’s face popped into Riley’s thoughts as he spoke - a green face. He needed to get hold of Reva, even if it turned out to be a halting hello. According to the orders, she was going on this away mission with them.

As if summoned by his thoughts, that green face appeared on Riley’s computer console, looking slightly more worn than the one in his thoughts. She had a smudge of something on one cheek and a lock of black hair, having escaped from a formerly neat French twist, curled in front of her ear. “Riley,” she smiled, “Long time, no see, it seems.”

Riley blinked in surprise, wondering if she’d read his thoughts all the way down in engineering. He glanced up to Bryce, then back to the screen. “Oh. Umm....hi...Reva. It has. Umm, two months and four days.” Smooth, he thought and groaned inwardly.

She laughed and flirted, “Counting the days... interesting.” She grinned and, showing a mildly sadistic streak, said, “Looks like I’ll be going with you when you leave dock this time. I don’t suppose you could make sure my quarters are nice and warm?” The last bit came out almost as a purr.

That seemed to put Riley’s thoughts in a complete maelstrom as he tried to figure out if she was flirting or simply asking an innocent question. What was he supposed to say to that? If Bryce had any compassion in him at all, maybe he’d come to the rescue since Riley’s tongue seemed to be tied at the moment.

“Warm?” Bryce said, cutting in. “While you’re fiddling with the temperature, make sure my quarters are nice and cool. I can’t stand it stuffy around here. I had sweat rolling down my back on the bridge yesterday!” He cast another glance at Riley and noticed he seemed to be struggling quite a bit. Then it hit him--he was nervous around Reva, hence the comment about not being able to talk to women. “So, engineering goddess,” he said, trying to interject some humor, if nothing else but for Riley’s sake, “looks like you’re gonna’ be the head honcho for the engineering team on this little excursion. I can imagine that you’ll probably be well in your element with this, eh?”

“Eh?” Reva weakly mimicked him. Her cheeks had turned a darker shade of green: teasing Riley was one thing, getting caught doing so another. Recovering quickly, though, she smiled, “Looks like it, Sir. I don’t think we’ve met yet. I’m Reva Madhava, though ‘engineering goddess’ will work just fine. I have a crew ready to move supplies onboard just as soon as we get the all’s clear.”

“Bryce Kendrick,” he said, only now realizing that he had probably made a major blunder in not introducing himself and then referring to her in a more personal style. Not exactly proper, or correct protocol for Starfleet officers. “Sorry, I sometimes forget formalities. Feel free to call me Bryce when we’re not doing ‘official stuff’,” he said, using air quotes. “And let me know if you need any strong backs and weak minds to help. My security folks don’t really have much to resupply.”

Her flirtatious smile was back in place; she wasn’t one to mind informality, particularly since he’d just caught her teasing Riley. “Strong backs, weak minds, I’ll remember that offer,” she said. “The supplies are for temporary housing and labs on the planet. We’ll definitely need your muscle to get those up. And, Riley, Science just forwarded your rush request to me: I already have a few of these things in the supplies. I’ll make sure the others are there, too.”

“Thanks for getting to that so fast. Edney is going on ahead but I am bringing the bulk of the supplies on the Hammond.” His mind on business, his words flowed smoothly once more. He was also looking to the computer console as he answered, which made things easier. “This says you can start loading anytime. That’ll get it finished and still give you time to --” He turned back to the monitor, the sight of Reva cutting him off mid-sentence. “”

With a quick roll of his eyes, Bryce clapped Riley’s shoulder. “Something like lunch. Which reminds me, I need to eat something myself before we start manhandling things for you. Have you two eaten yet? Probably not a good idea to start on this work without it.”

“That sounds lovely!”, Reva enthused over the comm. “I’ll get some of the plebes working on to load this stuff and meet you... How’s Cafe Zarn? It’s on the Promenade.”

Riley nodded, knowing when he was beaten. A hint of a smile curved his lips, then vanished. “Uhh...sure. See you there.” He decided this conversation had gone on way past his comfort level and closed the channel. “So, looks like the promenade and lunch for us. Ready?” He stood and moved towards the door, muttering about how easy it was for Bryce.

“Sure. And I don’t know why you freak out so much around her,” Bryce said as they exited the bridge. “You don’t do that around anyone else on the ship, not that I’ve noticed. So what is it? Just because you like her?”

“It’s not just her, it’s any woman.” The turbolift began to descend and he shook his head. “If it’s not science or in the line of duty? When it’s just personal talk? My tongue ties itself in knots. Unless I’ve had a drink or two that is, then things sorta smooth out.”

“I didn’t realize you had that problem. Maybe you should have a drink or two before you start each day.” He laughed as the doors opened. “I’m not sure how well that would work out, you being tipsy on duty and all, but at least you’d be able to have normal conversations with women.”

“Funny, real funny.” Riley’s tone was dry. They stepped out of the lift and exited the ship. The Fleet ships docking bay was quiet as they moved along the corridor to enter the station. “Can’t you see it now? Riley Sukotav, Chief Science Officer of the Hammond and wino. at your service.”

“Could be worse,” Bryce said with a shrug. “But I’m sure there’s a way around you feeling so...out of sorts with women. We’ll figure it out.”

The two found a turbolift and shot down several hundred levels to the Promenade. As soon as they stepped out of the lift it was like they had arrived on a different planet. People were bustling around, live music from different places filled the air, the smell of real cooked food was all around them, and the women!

“Hello,” Bryce said to a few ladies as they walked. He hadn’t gotten fifteen steps from the lift and was ready to begin flirting. A civilian woman made eyes at him. A marine saw him, slitted her eyes a moment as if considering, then smiled and turned away. That was all it took.

“Hey, us, listen Riley. I’m not gonna’ be at lunch, but you go on ahead.” He stopped, grabbed Riley by the shoulders and turned him to his face. “Don’t lose your head. She’s just a person like anyone else. I know you like her, but you can’t act like a drooling idiot the whole time. Just be yourself and don’t try too hard. Okay?” He didn’t wait for a response, slapped one shoulder and walked off. Within seconds he and the civilian and marine ladies were all arm in arm headed back to the turbolift.

“Hey Bryce, you wouldn’t--”

But apparently Bryce would, and Riley watched as they disappeared into the crowd. Great. Just great. He stood as the sea of people eddied around him, then with a resolute shrug began to walk again. He couldn’t very well stand up Reva. There was nothing to be done about it but show up and hope for the best.

Lt. Riley Sukotav
Forty Eight Hours...And Counting

Lt. Bryce Kendrick
Up All Night To Get Lucky

Ensign Reva Madhava
Engineering Goddess


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