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New Kid In Town...Again

Posted on Tue Dec 17th, 2013 @ 9:17am by Commander Dae Nalas & James Holbridge
Edited on on Tue Dec 17th, 2013 @ 9:30am

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Intelligence Spaces, Deck 32


Jim knew the drill with Intelligence arrivals. There was usually a bunch of in processing, 48 fun-filled hours of paperwork, clearances, verifications, code-generation and all kinds of fun-filled monotony that would drive most people to the point of craziness. The point to all of the insanity was maintenance of operational security. Once security was blown, a whole shitstorm of investigations, inquiries and a general Roto-rootering of the offending party occurred until the brass had a head to mount on their ‘Wall Of Shame’, so to speak. So, Jim patiently dealt with the entire required BS with an outward smile and inward curse.

Seated at a large desk that would make even a contortionist groan, Jim patiently slogged through the mire of paperwork, well paddwork as paper was only used for very special orders. Holbridge hoped his wife and kids were liking the new digs on Archadia Prime. He figured he himself wouldn't be around much to enjoy them, but weirder things had happened in the Intel business.

After some time, Jim heard the doors slide open and an officer in Intelligence grey walked in.

The man was tall, his dark hair short and his manner all business. He carried a padd in his left hand but didn't check it as he entered and offered his hand to Jim.

"Chief Warrant Officer Holbridge, I'm Lt. Dommander Dae Nalas, Chief Intelligence Officer. Welcome back to 900."

Jim grinned shamelessly. "Yeah, it's been awhile! I forgot what this place was like. It's still as big as I remember."

"And likely just as nutty as it was before." He motioned Jim to a seat, then sat down across from him. Once they were comfortable, he passed a padd to Jim. "This contains extensive updates on recent events that are of major importance - mainly the changeover of leaders on Archadia III and the evets that led to it, as well as an unexpected sidestep to an alternate dimension by Admiral Wegener, Captain Hawke and some of the crew. That's an interesting story and the details cover the cause of it. Well, who was the cause of it I should say. I've also included notes on the current away team mission and the planet offered to us by the Dendrian Order. Lieutenants Marcinko and Leto, you probably knew her as Lt. Quidley, are with that away team."

Jim briefly scanned the information, looking up the highlights. Marcinko and Quidley...Uh...Leto.....on an away mission to scout a planetary location; must be something going on. If the commander wants me in on it, he'll speak up. Jim mused quietly. "Is there something specific we're looking for on this rock, or is Marcinko just going for a joyride?"

"This is a look-see mission," Dae answered. "The Dendrian order has offered us this small uninhabited planet, Charu, to open a Federation colony. So an away team of mixed departments is off to give it a thorough going-over. And that includes several telepaths in the mix to see what's not obvious."

"Very sneaky," Jim commented, nodding his head in approval. "So what is the team's exposure on this run?"

"Expected minimal, which from our POV means we expect anything. The rebel activity in the area has been holding steady but this planet is somewhat off their beaten path. So, to borrow one of your human phrases, keep your fingers crossed." Dae shifted in his seat and leaned back. "Anything you need to get settled in?"

Jim nodded. "My wife is the CEO of my family's mining operations here in the Delta Quadrant. We have a residence down on Archadia Prime but she was wondering if it would be possible to set up an office suite and residence here on the base. Also, I have a small private security force for her and my family that would need to be included in that deal. They were the crew that assisted me in my search for my brother. Most of them are retired Starfleet operators who know the drill."

Dae nodded. "You'll have a residence and it's sized for family so that includes her. The rest can apply for quarters per standard procedure but shouldn't be a problem. If you plan to spend time down on Archadia, I'll rearrange the roster so you can be assigned there if you wish."

Jim grinned at the man. "That would be appreciated but I think I better stay on the station for right now. I'll make arrangements for Tricia and the kids to be brought up here immediately. One more thing, would it be a conflict of interest to my duties as a Starfleet officer if I were to disclose that I am CEO of the PMC I told you about?"

"Isn't your wife the CEO?" Dae asked. "And I suppose the obvious question is whether it will interfere with your duties to the station?"

Jim held up a finger. "Tricia is the CEO of the mining operations for Holbridge Mining Consortium. The PMC was folded into the Consortium as her personal security force, but it's my baby. So, that being said; I will just give operational command to Lorenz so I can focus my energies on Intelligence matters. I'm ready for duty, Commander."

"Very well, then, Mr. Holbridge. Go get your family settled in and report for beta shift tomorrow." Dae smiled finally. "Glad to have you back."

" Its good to be back sir!"

A joint post by

LCDR Dae Nalas
Chief Intelligence Officer

MWO James Holbridge
Infiltration specialist
Starbase 900


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