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Sex And The Station

Posted on Tue Dec 17th, 2013 @ 5:46pm by Commander Dae Nalas & Commander Oralia Zeferino & Seyla

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Seyla's Quartersi / Dae's Quarters

Glancing at the clock just beyond Darwin’s shoulder (fortunately, it was high on the wall, thus she could see it despite his height versus hers), Oralia grimaced. It was getting late already, but she knew of one woman whose night would just be getting started. “Hey, Mike, give Seyla a call, would you?”

His brows tried, for just a moment, to join his hairline. “Seyla? Ah...,” he thought for a moment that he’d bluff Oz, try to convince her that he didn’t have an ‘in’ with the Station’s most profitable and well-connected madame. Seeing the look on his boss’ face, though, he knew that wasn’t going to fly. “Right. I’ll get on questioning her about her presence in these quarters.”

“No,” Oralia nearly laughed but managed to keep it to a chuckle. “I’ll interview her. I just want you to make sure she’ll be where... ever... it is you two might normally meet. And don’t tell her I’m who she’s meeting.”

“Ah... Oh...,” Darwin hedged. If Li had still been there, she’d know just how bad of an idea Darwin thought that plan. Still, it was his boss’ idea. “Right. Give me a minute.” He held up a finger, made sure Oz was staying put then moved to Suresh’s former bedroom to make the commcall to Seyla, using his commbadge. A few minutes later, a red-faced Darwin returned to Oralia and nodded before saying, “She’s home. Said she has administrative business to do tonight....”

“Is that code for servicing someone in Command?” Oz asked, sounding more innocent and scandalized than sarcastic.

Stumbling over his tongue and looking horrified, Darwin shook his head, “No! No! No, not that I know of! She said some girl of hers has gotten out of line... so, sort of like you had to reprimand Hartley last week, she has to reprimand... or something... Anyway, I’m - you - You’re meeting her at her quarters. Now. She’s waiting.”

Pausing, Oz wondered just whether it was such a great idea to let Seyla think Darwin was on his way. Putting the thought aside, she wrapped up the last details in Suresh’s former quarters and headed for Seyla’s.

* * * Seyla’s Quarters * * *

“Come in, darling Darwin,” Seyla purred from the bedroom, where she was lounging in a very sheer green gown. It did nothing except make her green skin look darker.

Oh, yes... nothing like confirmation that your trusted officer is having relations with the local madame, Oz berated herself as she crossed the living room and entered the dragon’s lair. “Seyla--,” she started.

“Commander! Oh, I would not have expected this from you, ever!” Seyla, rather than appearing angry as Oz had expected, rose from the bed with a feline grace and speed and grabbed Oz’s wrist. She circled her closely. “I thought you were just a naive little girl from some po-dunk backwater on Earth. But here you are, having arranged to see me under the guise of having Darwin come see me. You must be much shyer than I thought you were.”

“I am not shy!” Oz protested and turned to face Seyla. Seyla, who was far too close for comfort. Forgetting where she was, she stepped away from Seyla, then stepped again when Seyla closed the distance, and found herself falling backwards onto the bed the Orion had just vacated. “Oh!”

“Hmm, perhaps you are, kitten,” Seyla purred, having fun with the Security Chief. She leaned in close and whispered, “I usually don’t do the women, but... for you, I’ll happily make an exception.” She pushed Oz back and straddled her lap.

“Oh! No! No! Ah, Seyla!” Oz found that Seyla must have more hands and arms than she appeared to have: the woman’s hands seemed to be everywhere at once. “Hey! Stop! Stop it!”

“I promise, you’ll enjoy it. I know things about women’s bodies that your Jackson will never even know he doesn’t know,” Seyla said, smiling at Oralia’s attempts to scoot farther onto the bed. She’d get even with Darwin; for now, she was having her fun with Oralia.

“Oh,” Oz managed to laugh and haul herself to the middle of Seyla’s bed, “I’m sure you do. Don’t offer him lessons, though, okay?”

“Fine, I’ll give you those lessons, then you can teach him,” she reasoned.

For just a moment, Oz paused, considering that, then shook her head and, rather panicked, said, “No, no! I’m here on official business, Seyla.”

“Oh, so you’re paying me for my time? Good. I do so dislike doing women for free,” Seyla replied, pursuing Oz across the bed.

Oz, though, rolled abruptly, caught the far edge of the bed and hauled herself over it. Tumbling to the floor, she quickly gained her feet and turned to face Seyla. This time, she made certain the only thing behind her was the doorway. Holding her hands out to ward off any more advances from Seyla, she said, “Really. Official business. My type of official business, not yours.”

The green-skinned female folded her arms in front of her breasts and pouted. “Fine,” she acquiesced, “What business?”

Oz relaxed and tried to find a place for her gaze that didn’t involve naked green breasts. “Suresh’s quarters. They were broken into and... sort of, ransacked, but not really. We can’t tell if anything is missing....” Relaxing had been a mistake on Oz’s part: Seyla lost no time in approaching her, circling her and playing with her uniform. She kept going on with her business, “We don’t think there is, but maybe someone’s been living there, or hiding out.” She rebuttoned the top placket of her uniform tunic and, briefly, played finger wars with Seyla. “We know you were one of those people,” she finished, just as Seyla, still being the seductress, nipped at the nape of her neck. “Seyla!”

“What? I’m listening but I haven’t heard any questions so far.”

Annoying.... oh boy... if Jackson did that..., Oz caught herself and asked, “Okay. Have you been in Suresh’s quarters since he was shipped off to Elba II?”

“Yes.” Seyla wasn’t really paying attention, but, then, she was rather an expert at conversing and seducing at the same time.

“Were you alone?” She pushed Seyla’s hands away and rebuttoned what they had unbuttoned.

“No, Oralia,” Seyla answered, sounding tired.

“Who else was there?” Oz realized Seyla wasn’t tired; she was bored.... No, something else. She couldn’t figure it out, since she couldn’t see the woman’s face. She tried to step back, but the Orion had a hold of her around the waist. “Oh....”

“Suresh,” Seyla gave her a one word answer.

“No, no, after Suresh was sent to Elba II. Were you in the quarters?” She grabbed for Seyla’s hand, which was heading for parts off-limits.

“Yes, after Suresh was sent to Elba II. I was in the quarters with Suresh.”

“That makes no sense, Seyla.” Again, she caught Seyla’s hand.

“It does if you remember where Li and your lovely old Admiral were.”

“What?” Oz wasn’t a rocket scientist, so Seyla’s cryptic message took a moment to filter through and make sense to her. It didn’t help that Seyla was doing that thing again... the one that she’d need to remember to teach Jackson.... “Hey! Stop that! Wait! You mean...! Suresh is.... Oh shit.”

As that nugget of knowledge hit Oralia, Seyla laughed, great peals of laughter that shook her whole body. Oz made good on the moment to slip out of the woman’s arms. “He’s not Suresh, but he is?” Oz was still piecing the idea together. “He’s from that other world. I have to go,” she said, extricating herself from Seyla again. At the door, she looked back and shook her head. “Damn it, Seyla. No wonder the men pay you.”

* * * Dae’s Quarters * * *

Dae turned slowly, surveying his quarters in the wake of the departure of Vic, Marla, and Camille. After the easy conversation and laughter, the place seemed too quiet. He ran a hand through his short hair, then wiggled his bare toes against the carpet. It was amazing, he thought as he crossed to the kitchen, how much more life this place had when Marla was here. That thought swirled in his head as he poured a glass of Saurian brandy. Up until now, he’d always relished the calm quiet that came at the end of a shift, at least when he wasn’t in the field. The change was surprising.

“Huh. Imagine that.” He raised his glass and took a sip. The mellow warmth worked its way through him, but the reverie was interrupted by the chime of the door. “Now who could that be?” He started across to the door, even as the chime rang once again.

“I’m coming, I --” The doors opened to reveal Seyla. “Wasn’t expecting you.”

The madame pushed her way past him, sniffing the air and looking about as if she owned the place. “No one expects an Orion inquisition, Mr. Nalas,” she said, turning to regard him coolly. “You had dinner guests?”

“I did.” He looked Seyla up and down. “Camille and Vic, not that it’s your business.” He sniffed the air, as a precaution, checking for hints of Marla and just in case Seyla decided to play dirty.

Seyla was already playing dirty and, with the scene in her own quarters still fresh in her mind, she wanted to play hard. “Oh, those goody-two shoes. Such sticks in the mud!” Turning on all her charm, even though she expected to get rebuffed, the Orion slinked closer to Dae and brushed her fingertips along his jaw. “You must be so bored, dear Dae,” she said; her voice promised to add some excitement to his night.

The deceit in her thoughts was clear as day to him, but he smiled slowly. “To be honest, I can’t say that I am. You never know what will turn up on this station. Or who,” he added. “I was just having a drink. Care for one?” He held up the brandy glass.

“No,” she declined the offer with a pout. Things weren’t really going her way this evening, not when it came to getting officers in bed, at least. “Let’s get to business, then.”

“And what business would that be?” He settled on the sofa and sipped his drink. “Since you’re here, lay it on me.” His nose twitched and he shook his head to clear it.

She laid it on him all right: with all the speed of a feline going after her lunch, she sat in Dae’s lap, not caring that she knocked his drink aside in the process, nor that she, effectively, pinned him on the couch. “The business is mine: Marla. I know you are still seeing her. Without paying. And that troubles me,” she said. She wasn’t in a seductive mode any more; now she was angry.

“I see a lot of people on this station, Seyla. I don’t pay them either, nor can I avoid seeing people when I am out and about.” He tried his best not to breath in too deeply, but so far, it wasn’t helping much. “Marla’s a popular person and she spends a lot of time out on the station.”

Shifting her weight to press on his ribs ever so slightly, Seyla frowned. “She is popular, but her income is down. Do you know what happens to girls whose income declines?”

“No, I can’t say as I do. My business is intel, not entertainment.” He wrapped his hands around her waist, his grip tightening just a bit. “And if you check your records, you’ll see I’ve been contributing to said business. With Marabeth.”

Her eyes narrowed dangerously. “Girls whose income declines get sent away, back to whatever backalley world they came from,” she hissed. “And ‘contributing’ to Marabeth’s income is all well and good, but it doesn’t help Marla. She now has two strikes against her.”

“Two? What, pray tell, has she been up to? And why do you think it concerns me?” Dae’s expression was unreadable, like a good intel officer’s face should be. He had no trouble, however, picking Seyla’s thoughts clean. What he found there was exceedingly interesting, though he did his best to ignore certain parts with Oz.

Ticking off the two points on her fingers, Seyla archly said, “One - she’s disobeying my orders to not see you and, two - her income has gone down. That means trouble for Marla. And this is your only warning. Stop. Seeing. Marla.”

“Maybe she needs a vacation. You work them too hard Seyla, ever think of giving them some time off now and again?” He lifted her up and off his lap, dropping her beside him on the sofa. “And last time I checked, slavery was illegal. When they’re off the clock, they’re not yours.” He reached down to pick up his empty glass where it had fallen. “Whatever, I can promise you I’m not the cause of her income issues. You’ll have to take that up with her. Sorry I can’t help you.”

“Go ahead, lie to me. Most men do,” she growled. Standing and smoothing her dress into place, she added, “You’ll regret it, Dae,” before smiling sweetly and leaving him to wonder what she had planned.

Commander Oralia Zeferino


Lt. Commander Dae Nalas
Keeping Mum


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