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A Late Night Meeting

Posted on Mon Nov 25th, 2013 @ 10:04am by Commander Dae Nalas & Camille Ross

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: The Nexus Club

******** The Nexus ********

Tonight was another busy night at The Nexus, and Camille was kept on her toes with the steady stream of people who wanted the best seats in the house, and would then turn angry when they couldn’t have them.

Just when she was to gladly welcome closing time, she spotted a figure walking towards the doors. She was about to open her mouth to tell them that they were no longer seating people for meals, when she realised the figure was Dae.

He stepped in and waited as two civilians moved past and on to the bar. Once they were gone he smiled to Camille.

“Evening, kiddo, how’s life in the trenches?”

“It’s nice tae actually see yer face for once Dae,” she joked before continuing “Suppose I cannae complain that I’m bein’ kept busy in here,” as she jestered to the crowd still enjoying the entertainment on stage.

“The bigger question is Dae, how are you and Marla doin’? It’s been quiet on the secret messages front.”

“It’s been a busy time for me and for her. Seyla took a little vacation and Marla had to oversee things. We’ve managed to squeeze in a little time here and there but I bet she’d like to see you.” He checked the time and then looked back at Camille. “You’re off in a few minutes, how about a drink before you go home?”

“Sounds perfect after the day I’ve had. Just lemme finish up and I’ll be right over. Could ye order me anything alcoholic? It’s been one a those days.”

“Absolutely.” Dae moved on past her to an empty table closer to the bar and had a seat.His arrival had not been a random occurrence but, as with most things where Dae was concerned, that was normal. He requested two Altairian brandies from the waiter then relaxed back in his seat to wait for Camille.

Sitting down, the first thing Camille did, like any other woman who’d been in heels all night, was kick her shoes off under the table. Then she took a drink from her glass.

“Ahhhh, that hit the spot alright. Now what brings ye here Cmdr?”

“Quiet night, which is a rare thing for me and usually makes me nervous.” He peeked under the table at her bare feet and grinned. “Long night?”

“Aye. Didnnae want to be on me own once Patrick left so came in early to give a hand. And haven’t stopped as it seems everyone on the ‘base wanted to come here the night.”

Dae nodded. “With Eli gone, you’re a hand short as well.” He glanced around at the last of the crowd, then reached for his drink. “And Patrick gone, yes. To be honest, that’s why I stopped in. I thought you could use some company.”

“Kinda glad Eli’s away as it means I can put in more hours here and stop moping ‘round my quarters creating death scenarios for Pat. And the thought’s appreciated, though you mighta gave a girl more than 12 hours on her before coming in to rescue her,” she joked.

“Hey, it’s the gentleman in me.” He laughed easily at the joke. “Seriously, though, try not to worry. This is a routine exploration of an uninhabited planet. I know you’re mind’s coming up with a thousand and one things that could go wrong but the chances are remote. He’s a flyer, he’s no longer in my area. That’s a good thing as far as the danger potential goes.”

“Aye but I’m female, worrying comes naturally tae us. But I know he knows what he’s doing so he’s not gonnae come home in a million pieces.”

Dae nodded. “That he does.” He took a drink of the brandy and sighed with satisfaction. “So tell me, besides working yourself silly, what do you plan to do while he’s away?”

“Tae be honest, I havennae had much time tae think about that. He came tae say goodbye, he left, and then I came here.” Camille sighed and took a drink. “I suppose I’ll find something to do, other than watch trashy 21st Century tv in my pj’s.”

Dae raised his eyebrows and gave her a look of mock shock. “Seriously? That crap will rot your brain you know. Unless you have popcorn. Really good popcorn.”

“Toffee popcorn, and a pint tub of ice-cream,” she replied with a matter-of-fact nod. “It’s either that or lie in bed all day and work all night.”

He considered a moment, then gave her a wicked smile. “Depends on who you’re lying in bed with.” Before she could swat him he raised his hands in surrender. “Take it easy on the old man, huh?”

Moving her hand to pick up her glass instead, she answered him back. “That is true. I’d give anythin’ to have Pat back, but a few weeks won’t kill us. Anyway, I can’t imagine Seyla being away fer too long so I’m assuming you’d want me to start meeting up with Marla again?”

“Oh, Seyla’s back already, so yes, I’ll likely need the help. Aren’t you off tomorrow night?”

“I’m supposed tae be, but with Eli away I may be needed in tae cover, but I’m sure if I say to Jackson, I can do an early shift.”

“Good, tomorrow night then. And tomorrow morning, pass that message along to Marla for me?” Dae motioned for another round of drinks.

Welcoming another round, she nodded in agreement. “I’ll arrange tae meet Marla at the usual place and tell her tae meet you tomorrow night. Where ‘bouts you taking her?”

“I was thinking about my place, dinner. And that includes you too. Can’t have you sitting around moping after all.” The drinks arrived and Dae sipped his. “Maybe bring Vic along as well?”

“I’ll tag along if you promise not tae keep us there all night and let us go when we want. To allow the two of you to be alone?”

“Deal.” Dae nodded and raised his glass, clinking it lightly to Camille’s. “As for Paddy, I’m sure he’ll find time to let you know he’s doing alright.”

“Aye, he knows I worry and would rather send home a brief “I’m alright” rather than have tae come home and know he hasn’t communicated with me at all. He’s a big boy and will take care ‘a himself.”

Dae nodded slowly, watching her. “Welcome to the world of Starfleet, Camille.” He moved his empty glass aside. “”Want me to see you home?”

“Naaa, I’ma scottish lass who can hold her drink. Thanks fer the offer though,” she smiled at him as she finished the rest of her drink. “And before ye start tae worry, I’ll be straigh home and intae bed. Today’s been a long one.”

“You can say that again. Take it easy, and see you tomorrow.” He rose and moved over to the bar to cover the drinks. Then with a wave, he strolled out the door.

Deciding that she was safe in her bare feet, Camille picked her heels up from the floor and set off for her quarters.

As bittersweet as the sight of her bed was, she was too exhausted to shed a tear, and after pulling on one of Patrick’s t-shirts, she was soon in the land of nod, dreaming of Pat’s return.

Lt. Commander Dae Nalas
Big Brother

Camille Ross
Little Sister


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