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Relocation Part One

Posted on Wed Dec 18th, 2013 @ 9:17am by James Holbridge & Major David Lorenz & Marine Captain Quentin Harrison

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: HMC Office Suite

Jim calmly walked into the Holbridge Mining Consortium's office suite and marveled at the thoroughness of the starbase crew and decorators. He could see where his wife's decorating style was not only accepted by expanded by the base's crew. Patricia Holbridge was a woman who knew what she liked and wanted and normally got her way, much to her husband's chagrin.

A familiar face greeted him at the entrance to his wife's office. The burly form of Quentin Harrison, erstwhile security officer of the USS Berkeley, Ghost Team Ranger, and now security specialist for Patricia Holbridge. The big Scotsman looked at Jim and grinned. "Sure as the day is long, Jimmy-boy, you are looking like fifteen kinds of a damned fool in that Intelligence getup." Harrison was dressed in the traditional urban camouflage fatigues favored by the Ghost Team operators.

"Well, Quint, I may look like a damned fool, but I sure don't feel like one. I feel like a man who has come home but has been locked out of his room." Jim sighed, reaching for the pot of coffee next to Harrison's large frame.

"You will always be a pilot at heart, boss," Quentin said gently as he made adjustments to a padd. "You have many friends here on the base and in the Fleet. Another thing, ye're not here because they need to fill a hole in their roster. The admiral knows what ye can do, both in the cockpit and on the ground. He didnae have to make room for ye on this base, but he did. Might be the reason why Command ne'er dropped your pilot's rating from your records, hm?"

"You have a point there, big man," a new voice said from the doorway. Jim looked up to see his Ghost Team Commander and long-time comrade-in-arms David Lorenz approaching, a big grin on his face. No longer a Marine, Lorenz still sported a salt-and-pepper buzz cut and looked ready to gut a Klingon warrior in full battle rage to the untrained eye. Lorenz was a Marine and always would be, a product of a career of fighting one enemy or another.

Jim waved Dave over to the group. "I'm glad you two are here guarding my wife and family. I know Dad is paying the bills, but I want Ghost Team to be an integral part of this operation. Lorenz will coordinate all on-site security operations while Quint will look after my family. Stone, Rockenfield, and Oregg will be at-large, doing what is needed when they are told to."

"You expecting trouble?" Dave asked.

"I'm not taking chances here in the Delta Quadrant," Jim said firmly. "My family will be protected, no matter what."

"Too bad we weren't on the surface of Archadia Prime. some of those lasses I was seeing looks like they could be protectors for your wee ones, Jimmy." Quentin said, a gleam in his eye. Since his retirement from Starfleet, Harrison had turned into a notorious skirt chaser. Many females, human and otherwise, often lost their resolve to the big, bearded Highland man with the ferocious temper.

"Keep it in your pants, you hound!" Lorenz laughed. "We are here to keep the Holbridges safe. Speaking of which, James, did you know your son is in Holosuite 94 working on his dogfighting skills?"

Jim shook his head in exasperation. His son was so much like him. "He knows enough to keep it safe, guys," Jim sighed. "Back to business. Dave, my official start day is tomorrow so you will be in charge of keeping things running for Ghost Team. Quint, you have family duty."

"What about you?" Dave asked.

"I'm going to get the private quarters set up, then get a feel for the place. I suggest you five idiots do the same. Quint, look up Jackson Banning and let him know you're back in town. Intro him to the troops and make him aware of things in Ghost Team." Jim said, slipping into commander mode again. "You guys will have to set up some ECM on the offices and my place as well as your own. don't filter out the Fleet, but keep the know idiots out of our business. My wife has a few scouting runs to make n the weeks ahead and I don't want some jerkoffs kidnapping her or my kids cuz of a leak in SIGINT."

Dave nodded, realizing he'd just been given an order. "The Archadians have sent us dozens of women security officers for the mining operations on the planet. How do you want it handled?"

"That's my wife's job. I'm only stepping in during critical situations." Jim rebuffed the question.

"Beggin yer pardon, Jimmy, but I think ye need to reconnect with some of the boyos in Flight Operations," Quentin suggested. "Maybe arrange to get yerself a fighter or runabout for use...."

Jim held up his hand. "The Consortium bought me a personal Gryphon-class fighter to use. The Marines are getting her ready for duty as it relates to my job. Also, you guys have the Ghost docked in Bay 6. Starfleet is making a few modifications to the sensors and weapons packages. It will be great." The Ghost was a Spirit-class ship, one of two hulks scheduled to be scrapped after the Sprit-class program was cancelled. HMC Acquisitions quietly bought the medium-sized cruiser and spent several years automating her for "specialized support missions", meaning the Ghost was an anti-pirate ship and had several kills to her credit before being appropriated by Ghost Team.

Dave nodded. "Sounds good. Leave it to us, Jim."

Jim nodded and walked out the door without another word. Both Dave and Quentin exchanged a look, then went about their duties. There was a lot to be done before Mrs. Holbridge arrived.



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