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Stepping Out

Posted on Wed Jan 1st, 2014 @ 10:50am by Jackson Banning V & Lieutenant Commander Nicolao & Janice Gree

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: The Nexus Club

* * * The Promenade * * *

Nico stepped out of the turbolift and almost stepped right back in. It seemed the docking bay wasn’t the only place that was full of people. He stepped out of the way to avoid being bumped into, then surveyed the area. Logic told him that this many people could be a blessing in disguise. There were so many people he could get lost in the crowd and remain virtually anonymous. That was a state he’d grown used to over the years and one that suited Nico just fine. The likelihood that he’d run across someone he knew here was remote at best - unless it was an operative he’d encountered in the course of all his hidden business, and again, that was unlikely.

Feeling somewhat better, he stepped forward, merging with the crowds.

* * * The Nexus Club * * *

After the chaos of the Promenade, the mellow atmosphere of the Nexus was a welcome relief. Nico appreciated the lush decor, the soft indirect light, the low hum of conversation. The musicians on the stage across the way were playing an old earth tune he recognized as Frank Sinatra. One of the orderlies at the Starfleet clinic had been a fan and sang Sinatra songs often. Witchcraft, the song now drifting over to him, had been a particular favorite.

He moved to a table that was comfortably in the middle so as not to stand out too much and had a seat. Looking around and noting those present, he realized he was underdressed. Nothing to be done about it now. A waiter approached and he ordered a double Macallan, then returned to his people watching. The tense knot between his shoulder blades began to unwind, little by little.

“Well, as I live and breathe, if it ain’t trouble come to town,” a voice, female and sultry, said behind him. Janice set the man’s drink in front of him and looked down at him. “You’re a sight I didn’t think I’d ever have to lay eyes on again.”

“You must have me mistaken for someone else --” Nico began but then he looked up. Damn. Just when he thought he could be alone in a crowd. He knew her face, though it had been years since their paths had crossed. He sighed inwardly. “Hello Janice.”

Hello Janice? That’s all you got for me, Nico?” She sat down next to him and co-opted the drink for herself. “You don’t seem happy to see me.”

He eyed the drink, then motioned the waiter over. “Get another.” Once the man left, he turned back to Janice. “A lot’s happened since we last met. It’s been a while.”

“It has been,” she agreed. “Where have you been? Last I knew of you, you were... in Cardy space.”

At her words, he closed his eyes for a moment, then glanced past her to look for the waiter. Where’s my drink?

“I was. It was...interesting.”

Indelicately, she snorted, surprising the waiter who set another drink on the table and moved away, after a confused glance at Janice. “Interesting and Cardassian are not words I’d use together. Are you on duty here on 900 or just passing through?”

“No.” He took a sip of the drink and lowered it. Bring two more… The thought was passed to the waiter before he clarified for Janice. “No, I’m not on duty here or anywhere and I’m staying for a while.”

“I see,” she said, guessing that he was ‘retired’, much as Jackson had been, was still as far as she knew. “Then are you looking for work? Looking for a place to just be?”

Nico lifted his drink and downed it in one go. “Look, Jan. Things are a little strange right now. I’m technically on medical leave.” The waiter appeared with the drinks and left both of them before Nico. “Things have been better.”

She gave him a look much like one Jackson or Vic would get from her: a little condescending, a little motherly, a little disbelieving. After a moment, she said, “Things have been worse, Nico. Much worse.” She stood before adding, “Either way, I’ll leave you to your wallowing.”

“I am notwallowing!” The words came out sharper than he meant and he held up a hand to stop her, though he didn’t make contact. “Sorry, you’re right, things have been much worse.”

"Try not to forget that, Nic," she said, her tone softened. "If you need anything, you have friends here."

“I know no one here except you. Well, and Robin.”

"Robin, the head doc?" Janice wrinkled her nose as if she'd just smelled something foul. "To each their own, if you want to count him as a friend. There's more here than you know. Jackson's a part owner of this place."

“That’s a long way from the past, isn’t it?” He looked up at Janice, curiosity in his eyes. “I suspect his retirement went well?”

"That it did," she confirmed. "You should stop by and chat with him sometime. Right now, he's off somewhere with his wife."

“Wife.” That news seemed to surprise Nico. “Sounds like retirement is going well.” He paused to take a drink. “I can’t retire, you know.”

"What? Why not?"

“Code 99.”

Frowning, she stared at him a moment, then shrugged and said, "I see," even though she didn't, not really. A bartender waved for her attention and she told Nico, "I need to get back to work, but you're welcome here, Nico."

“Thanks.” He raised his glass to her. “Good to see you.”

* * * Jackson’s Office * * *

Jackson finished up a call to Oz, then pulled up the figures from the precious night. The earth holidays, and those celebrating them, had been good for the Nexus. His gaze shifted to a red box wrapped in gold ribbon and he smiled. It was a new year’s gift for Oz. The whoosh of the doors pulled his attention away and he looked over to see who needed him.

"How's Oz?" Janice walked in, eyeing the box on his desk.

“Runnin’ herself ragged bein’ the XO. Just because the Admiral’s on vacation doesn’t mean things grind to a halt I guess. I swear, Jan, I sometimes think that people wait for the higher-ups to leave, then start kickin’ up their heels. With the Admiral and Sakkath both off-station, I bet it gets interestin’. How’s things out there?”

"Interesting. Remember Nico?"

“Nico?” Jackson searched his memory for a moment and finally a face appeared. “Yeah, I do. Last I saw him was a few years ago. We did that little jaunt to Q’onos, remember?”

"I do. He's here. He's been Code 99'd." Janice sat on the arm of an office chair.

Jackson’s eyes widened. “He’s where? And he’s been what? That’s….hell, I’m not sure what that is.”

"He's here - in the dining room. And... Isn't code 99 something like 'unstable, not fit for civilian life'? If that's so, why would he be allowed to wander a starbase?"

“Too dangerous to release. It’s a no man’s land for our type, Jan, and it sucks. Can’t work, can’t retire. What the hell’s goin’ on?” Jackson frowned. “What else did he say?”

"That he's seeing Robin," she paused, her lips pursed, "I didn't clarify whether that was professionally or personally."

“Based on what you just said, my guess is professionally. Well, shit.” He fell silent, contemplating the situation.

"My sentiments exactly," Jan agreed. "And, on that note, I'll leave you to stew on it. Some of us are actively working." She winked at him.

“I’ll be out in a few, I wanna see what I can dig up.”

"Have fun!" She left his office with a flounce.

“Yeah, I will,” Jackson muttered. He was reminded of that old Chinese curse...may you live in interesting times. That seemed to be a way of life here. turning back to his terminal, he pressed the panel. He needed to send a message.

Getting The Lay Of The Land

Picking up and Passing on all that's interesting

Jackson Banning V
Owner & Curious Cat
The Nexus Club


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