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Oh, The Places Iggy'll Go

Posted on Wed Jan 1st, 2014 @ 2:45pm by Commander Oralia Zeferino & Cadet Senior Grade Chance Conradi & Ignatius Reilly

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Varies

It had been days since the Hammond had departed; days during which Oralia was busy first with her temporary Executive Officer duties and second, much to Darwin's irritation, with her oversight of Darwin's (third, maybe forty-third) stint as temporary Chief of Security. At the moment, she was ignoring all of those duties in favor of talking to her brother.

"Things are going all right out there?", she asked, nodding to indicate the answer she wanted.

"Oz..., we just left."

"Days ago! A lot can happen in that amount of time, Chance!"

"Don't be so alarmist," he scolded her, willfully refusing to recall that she had good reason to worry about him, all things considered: he was newly undead, after all .

Oralia was about to retort when she stopped and squinted at something past Chance on the screen. "Is that... IGGY! Chance! What are you doing with Iggy? I didn't give permission for her to go off-Station!"

Chance, looking confused, twisted about and nearly jumped out of his chair. "Iggy!" He went silent a moment then, laughing, looked back at Oralia and said, "You know, the Admiral really has been a bad influence on her language. She's.. ah... rather colorfully debating your ability to give or deny permission for anything she does." He could see Oz's jaw muscle twitch and was glad for the space between them.

"Chance, did you take her aboard with you?"

"No, no, it wasn't me!" He glanced back at Iggy, who was crawling onto his shoulder to look into the screen at Oz.

"Oh, she stowed aboard while supplies were being transferred. Apparently the yard dogs didn't notice an enormous black and blue spider hiding amongst the science supplies."

"I'll have a shuttle dispatched to bring her back---," Oz stopped as Chance shook his head. "What?"

"A shuttle can't catch us. I'll make sure Iggy stays safe."

"Do you need schematics for an Iggy-proof cage?"

This time, Chance winced as he glanced at Iggy and then laughed. "We'll be okay without a cage, she promises."

"Uh-huh. Iggy, your promises suck."

"And on that note, Oz, we'll talk to you later!" Chance signed off quickly.
Cmdr. Oralia Zeferino
Cadet Chance Conradi
Stowaway Ignatius J. Reilly


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