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Lost Horizon

Posted on Sat Feb 15th, 2014 @ 7:39pm by Lieutenant Commander Nicolao & Lieutenant Commander Robin Swift M.D., PhD & Petty Officer 1st Class Drusilla Dupree
Edited on on Sat May 23rd, 2015 @ 2:17pm

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Drusilla's Quarters / Robin's Quarters

Drusilla entered her quarters, tired after the long night and the day after down on Archadia. She’d enjoyed the trip but it had left her with more questions than answers. What had seemed at first a puzzle now resembled a Gordian knot, and one that had strange effects on her. She’d known plenty of Black Ops officers over the years, but none like Nico. She had the strange feeling that hanging around him was like dancing your way across a minefield. Any moment could be a misstep.

With a sigh, she entered her bedroom and peeled off her clothes, changing into a pair of pajama shorts and tank top. It was going to be an early night but first a drink - hot chocolate sounded perfect. she looked into the mirror and smiled for a moment. The sun had left its mark. Her nose was pink and there was a faint blush across her cheekbones as well. It was nice she decided. It added a healthy look to skin that spent far too much time under artificial light.

A stop in the kitchen yielded a steaming mug of hot chocolate and she carried it to the living room, placing it on the coffee table. On impulse, she returned to the bedroom and retrieved the blue stone. once settled on the sofa, and a couple of sips taken, she picked the stone back up, mesmerized as the soft lights caught it, sending flashes of blue cascading over the furniture and walls. It certainly was a remarkable thing, and so full of fire for something no bigger than an almond. Just what was it?

She probably shouldn’t be messing with it but she couldn’t help it. It seemed to draw her eyes, making it hard to look away. Finally, she forced herself to let go and set it on the table by her mug. She was more tired than she thought. Her eyelids were so heavy...maybe she’d close them for just a minute….

A chill breeze blew across Dru and she stirred, her body stiff from the cold, hard ground. Wait...ground? Her eyelids opened to reveal a flat, grey landscape, the ground dry and cracked and stretching out for what seemed like miles. There was nothing save a bare tree beneath which she’s awakened. Okay, she’d had some weird dreams before but this had to take the cake. Everything was grey, even the sky. The far distant horizon was impossible to distinguish as the clouds matched the land. The wind came again and she shivered.

Where am I?

There were no audible words, but she had the feeling that if she spoke, the words would be swallowed up by this place. It was utter desolation and she felt panic begin to rise in her. How was she to get away? There was nothing as far as she could see.

The wind picked up again and now the sky began to shift, a black stain spreading through the clouds. They began to boil and a bolt of lightning snaked down, striking the ground inches from her.

Get out! Now!

The voice echoed in her head, strangely familiar, but she saw no one. She stood now and began to run. Direction didn’t seem to matter but the lightning followed her.

It’s not safe!

Once again, the voice in her head. Yeah, you can say that again buddy. She pushed forward, picking up speed. The wind kicked up clouds of dust, making it impossible to see. Suddenly she felt the ground vanish beneath her feet and she was falling.

No scream came but far off she heard a crash and jolted awake. She could feel the nubby carpet against her cheek and he face was wet. Tears. The stone lay on the carpet inches from her face and the coffee table lay over on its side. That explained the crash, but Dru didn’t take the time to set it right. Moments later, she was out the door at a run.

* * * Robin’s Quarters * * *

Dru has no idea what time it was and frankly didn’t care. Nor did she care that she was barefoot and wearing only her shorts and tank top or that her hair was in disarray. Luckily, the corridor was deserted. She reached his door and began to bang on it.

“Robin? Robin! Let me in!”

It took a few moments for Robin to figure out what was going on at his door, but he set down his book and hurried to it. It slid open and Drusilla came rushing in.

“Dru! What’s happened?” he asked as he closed the door. “What’s wrong?”

She grabbed the front of his shirt in her fists and stared up at him, not entirely sure she was seeing Robin or if it was still the dream. The images in that landscape had been far too real and she didn’t entirely trust her senses at the moment.

“I….I don’t know.”

He put his arms around her and led her over to the couch. “Okay. Alright. Come over here and sit. Take your time and try to remember what happened.” They sat on the couch and he held onto her. She was shaking like a leaf. Something had really freaked her out.

Dru fought to get a deep breath and try to get a grip on the here and now. The couch beneath her felt real enough, Robin’s familiar after shave certainly was real, she had to be awake now, right?

“I was...somewhere…” She knew that wasn’t a very helpful start.

“Take your time, Dru,” he said in a soothing voice. He realized he was using his counseling voice on her. “Take another deep breath, think about what you saw, or where you were, and explain it best you can. You’re safe here.”

Dru closed her eyes tight, breathed as directed, and then, haltingly, began to describe what had happened once she’d returned to her quarters. “I remember feeling drowsy, but then it was as if I’d been poofed to Then I woke up, at least I think I did, on the floor with that stone by my face.”

“This all started with the stone?” he asked with a frown. “That may be why Nicolao seemed so disturbed by it.” Turning his attention back to Dru he asked, “So there was no one there but someone, or something, was speaking to you? That is interesting.”

Dru gave a slow nod. As she sat, the voice came back to her clearly and it was only now that she had calmed somewhat that she recognized it. It was Nico’s. Her mouth fell open.

“Oh. It was Nico.”

“Nico? Are you sure?”

“I - I think so. He said it wasn’t safe there.” She rubbed her eyes, then looked to Robin. “Has he mentioned anything like this?”

“Not that I--no, wait. He did make that comment asking me about dreams,” Robin recalled. “I wonder if this may have had something to do with it?” He looked at the chronometer. “It’s a bit late to call him down. But I’ll definitely talk to him first thing in the morning.” He squeezed her closer to him, trying to calm her still. “Will you be okay? I can prescribe something to help you sleep easier tonight.”

She looked at Robin in disbelief. “Sleep? Seriously? I think that’s the last thing I want to do right now.”

“Maybe so, but you can’t go without sleep forever.” He stood and ordered her a tea from the replicator. “And there are meds that will ensure you don’t dream. You won’t feel as restored when you wake but it’s better than nothing, Dru.” Handing her the cup he sat again. “You’ll have to sleep at some point.”

She sipped the tea and frowned. “I suppose so. It’s was so surreal, Robin. I’ve had realistic dreams but this...was beyond anything. I was so sure I was there.”

“Well, we know we need to talk to Nicolao about this. Maybe he can explain the dreams and exactly what type of stone that is to be able to manipulate dreams like it does.” He frowned and sighed, patting Dru’s knee. He’d never seen her this scared in the time he’d known her. And from experience, he knew that dreams could really mess with your head if you didn’t learn to get control of them.

“I suppose so. Maybe, given his physiology, it doesn’t affect him like it does this mere mortal.” She shrugged, then drank more tea. “We’ve already seen I am no match for him even when he’s not trying hard.”

After a wry look from Robin he said, “Well, it may just be that his own abilities have imbued that particular stone with properties that normally wouldn’t occur. Then again, it would take a very special type of stone for that to happen. Where is it now? I think I’ll take it to the science lab for them to have a little look at it.”

“On my floor, at least it was when I left.” She brushed back her hair and gave him a rueful smile. “I’m sorry, I know how much you like your evenings in undisturbed.”

“I always have time for you, Dru,” he said with a warm smile. “Especially in a situation like this.” Slapping his hands to his knees and standing up, he asked, “So, do you feel okay enough to try sleeping on your own or would you like some help? And a follow up question is, would you like to sleep here? I can take the couch and would be here if you think something else might happen.”

Had the offer come from anyone but Robin, she might have hesitated but she trusted him and besides, she was not his type. With a smile, she nodded. “That would be great, thanks, but I”m taking the sofa. I am not going to put you out further.”

He shrugged. “Your call, but it’s not all that comfy. I’ve fallen asleep there many a night.” He disappeared for a moment and returned with a few pillows, sheets and a blanket. “Here you go. My very own backup linens. Egyptian cotton.” After he’d made the couch up for his guest, he asked, “If you want to stay up for a while, to talk or whatnot, I don’t mind.”

“Maybe a movie? And the hot chocolate I never got to drink? It’s been a long day.” The blanket looks awfully cozy to Dru, and maybe a movie would be a good distraction.

He smiled. At least she was getting back to her old self. “A movie might be a good distraction. I’ll even let you pick,” he said as he called up a large, extra chocolatey hot chocolate with whipped cream and chocolate drizzle for Dru.

“You’re a saint, Robin. Truly. And thank you.” She set the tea cup aside and took the hot chocolate. “How about Casablanca?”

“I think you know me too well, lady,” he said with a smile. “Casablanca it is. Hungry? I could go for some popcorn. And I always get mozzarella sticks and marinara sauce when I watch Casablanca.”
“Sounds good.” Dru settled in on the sofa next to the pillow and little by little began to unwind, Bogart replacing the more disturbing thoughts running round in her mind.

CPO2 Drusilla Dupree
In The Land Of Confusion...Definitely Not Paris

Lt. Cmdr. Robin Swift
Rounding Up The Usual Suspects…in the morning.


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