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First Impressions

Posted on Thu Jul 14th, 2011 @ 10:23am by Lieutenant Commander Kh'ali

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Promenade, SB900
Timeline: Current

Kh'ali left Zee'Hrai's quarters with a little time to kill before she needed to be back on duty to show him some of the station. It had been a busy two days and a walk seemed like a good choice, just to relax. Her first stop was the main promenade where she picked up a double raktajino, sipping it as she went. This area was always a fascinating place to people watch and she slowed her pace.

Zee'Hrai had been a complete gentleman (for someone who reminded her of a fish), and for that she was most grateful. She'd been uncertain how she, as a female, would be received but the meeting had been surprisingly casual on his part - likely due to the absence of his Captain.

The final draft of the agreement between the Federation and the Divitians was complete, another load off her mind. It was in Zee'Hrai's hands at the moment for his review, then it would go to Admiral Wegener. So far, for a first contact situation, things were going well. She'd done her research and made sure everyone was prepared. Now they'd just have to see it through and hope the rescue teams were successful.

Her thoughts drifted on to Eli as she stopped to look in a store window at an unusual, and large, plant displayed there. Eli had been meeting with Dobry as scheduled, though now that Dobry was off with the away teams, she'd assigned Ensign Aur'el to step in while he was gone. No issues there.

She continued perusing her mental to-do list and next on it was the CSO. Patrick had departed with the away teams as well, and it was rather ironic, in Kh'ali's view. That seemed to be a trend with her and men, but at least she wasn't distracted during such a crucial time. Soon, the diplomatic visitors would depart and life would settle back into something approaching normal. Until then, she had the Speaker to oversee and any amendments to their agreement to deal with if they were requested.

Still somewhat lost in her thoughts, she turned from the store window to depart and bounced right off the chest of a taller and larger man. The raktajino sloshed out of her cup and over her hand, pulling a muttered curse from Kh'ali.

"My apologies miss." The man spoke in a deep voice, and a quick glance over him pulled his race from the storehouse in Kh'ali's head: Thanatoksin. She'd seen few of them but enough to recognize their features. He whipped out a handkerchief and dabbed at her wet hand. "I'm terribly sorry."

""My fault, I was preoccupied and wasn't watching. I'm fine, thanks." She smiled briefly as he pulled away the hanky and shoved it into his pocket. She noted the intent look he gave her, the full-body sweep of his gaze.

The man nodded. "Have a pleasant evening, then. Perhaps we'll see each other again."

Kh'ali moved on down the promenade, dropping her cup in a recycling bin. She was curious to find one of the Union's citizens here, but then again, 900 had become a veritable crossroads. She picked up her pace as realized she needed to get to her quarters and get changed. She was meeting the Speaker in two hours.

* * *

Thumb turned and watched as Kh'ali hurried on through the moving crowd on the promenade. The reports were obviously true - a female Klingon was in charge of the diplomats here, and thus, closest to the Speaker. The irony of such a savage race being a diplomat, and a woman being the one to deal with the Divitian leader was the funniest thing he'd come across in some time and he gave in to a deep laugh. A few people spared him a glance, then moved on. Thumb himself began to walk, his pace unhurried. Visions of what he'd do to a certain Klingon before he turned his attention to the Speaker began to simmer in his thoughts. Things were definitely looking up.

Lt. Commander Kh'ali
Chief Diplomatic Officer

Resident Evil


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