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And Now For Something Completely Different

Posted on Thu Jul 26th, 2012 @ 3:46pm by Captain Li Hawke & Lieutenant Commander Leto & Major Patrick Smith & Lieutenant Valkris Edwardson- tSepeS & Lieutenant Nick Marcinko & Crewman Jorge Faisneis

Mission: Sections of the Delta Quadrant
Location: Intel

* * * Intel conference Room * * *

Li stood at the door of what was now her 'old' office, looking over the room. The one personal effect she'd had here, a small stone Easter Island head that had been given to her by Nick following a most interesting mission there, had been moved to the XO's office already.

I haven't had this much fun since we overthrew the government of Chile....

Nenita's words floated through her mind and she smiled. That mission had done exactly that and helped the island cut its protectorate ties and stand on its own. The voices of the Intel crew reached her now as they gathered in the conference room. It was time to go brief them on the changeover - and likely surprise the hell out of Paddy. She had left him a little gift in the bottom drawer. With Nick now reporting to him, or soon to be, he'd need it. With one last look, she left the office and moved along to the conference room.

"Alright, hooligans, let's get this started shall we?" Li took her seat and waited for them to settle.

"I just want to say," Nick said seating himself beside Nenita, "that it's extremely hard to sneak and peek on Archadia if I'm up here in this floating tin can."

"I'll have you and Nenita back on your way soon. And by the way, excellent work you two. The computer is already running over all the files, checking for codes, and I have Jorge working on it as well." She nodded to the Intel crewman who had joined them at the table.

"It was a rather inspired performance, I must say. But something smells, Li. I don't like it." Nenita reached for her coffee. "I'm gonna see how close in I can get to the Prime Minister's staff. See what the help is saying."

"Good idea. And I promise, I'll have you all on your way as fast as I can."

"Sounds good boss," Pat answered knowing he had been out of things as he had been fixing up his ship and making it more Suresh proof. "But why the trip up here when we have so much to do?"

"Two announcements is all, and I will make them short and sweet." She glanced to Nick for a moment, then to Valkris and finally Nenita. "An announcement to the crew and station at large is going out when we finish this meeting. As of last night, Captain qeraQ' has been assigned to oversee establishing a base of operations on Divitia Prime. You all are well aware of the situation there, thanks to our regular feeds. What that means for this department is that I have been promoted to the position of 900's Executive Officer. The second announcement is that with my departure from Intel, Lt. Smith is assuming the position of Chief Intelligence Officer. Congratulations, Patrick."

"Well, fuck!" Nick said. "Fuck, fuck, fuck! You're leaving dipshit number one in charge? Jesus Horatio Constantine Christ, Li!" He squirmed in his seat then stood and almost walked out. Pacing behind the table he said, "What did he do, bribe you? If that's the case, I'll give you everything I own to not have this wet-noodle running the show. We'll be considered clown shoes within a week!"

"Get it right Nick, that's fuckity fuck fuck," Nenita piped up. "Now sit down and shut up."

Li watched Nick for all of two seconds, and her eyes narrowed. They'd been here once before and she'd dealt with it then too. Rising, she rested her hands on the table. "Are you questioning my judgment, Nick?" Her voice was deadly calm as she addressed him.

"I think you know better than that," he said, realizing she was pissed, but he wasn't having any of it either. "I'm questioning his judgment! He's been in Intel all of, what, three months? He just has the luxury of rank as the next in line. I've forgotten more about being an intelligence operative than he'll learn in the next five years!"

Nick really didn't care who was in charge. He just knew that he and Patrick didn't see eye-to-eye, that and the fact that he seemed to be sniffing around Nenita more than Nick would have liked. So Nick would likely be getting all kinds of shit assignments. He could deal with that as well, but something about one Lieutenant Patrick Smith, former marine-turned-intelligence officer, just rankled him beyond belief.

Nenita turned to look up at Nick. She didn't say a word, her only reaction was a raised eyebrow. It was fair warning, however.

Li crossed her arms as she continued to watch him. "You know I don't stand on rank. If he wasn't good enough for the job, he wouldn't have it. What I do stand on, however, is who is best in what position. Would you rather be stuck behind a desk doing reports instead of out where the fun is?"

He didn't bother answering. Clenching his jaw tightly he yanked the chair out and sat again. He shot a death glare at Smith hoping he would die on the spot. It didn't work. Turning to Nenita, she narrowed her eyes at him and he could only sigh deeply through his nose. He wasn't about to piss her off.

Valkris sat back and listened to comments going back and forth, She'd spent quite a bit of time on the station but had only transferred into the intelligence department when the station closed down its Strategic Operations department. Her time within the Academy as a graduate student studying Delta Quadrant species and more to the point, their conflicts took more of a precedence during her first few months in the department. The business on Divitia had gone relatively unnoticed by her until the mission on Archadia III, for which a lot of her recent research had focused on.

"Congratulations on your ascension to Executive Officer commander!" Valkris offered "Mr. Smith, congratulations to you as well!" She said turning to the new Intelligence Chief "May you serve boldly and die with honor!. . Qa'plah! she added in Klingonese.

Patrick had just sat there with his mouth slightly ajar while Nick complained about the choice. "Hopefully less of the dying and more of the serving but the sentiment is appreciated Lieutenant." He looked over at Li. "On the plus side it's a good job I never used my desk here. It means unlike somebody else in the room who is moving all the way to the top floor I won't have a lot of moving in to do. Congratulations Commander."

"Thank you, all of you." Li shot a pointed look at Nick, then turned back to Patrick. "Now then, Patrick, you and I will go over everything required for the changeover and what's coming up. Then, Nenita and Nick are scheduled to return to Archadia. I suggest that you meet with Kh'ali as well regarding this military connection. She needs to be kept informed of what we find from these files and may have some ideas to offer as well."

"Sounds like a plan," Pat replied. "My office or yours?" he asked her wondering himself if he'd get used to calling it his office.

Li smiled back at Patrick. "Yours. We'll need to change over your access as well. There is one other situation you and I will need to go over and make some plans on, but no need to take up general meeting time. Are there any other questions?"

Nick sat there quietly fuming. He'd already been given the stink-eye by Nenita and Li had also shot one at him. He knew Li well enough that she was finished, but he wouldn't hear the end of it when he and 'Nita were alone. Maybe that's why Li didn't have to say anything else--'Nita would do it for her.

"That fuck-stick," he thought to himself. "He'll have us trying to act like those dim-witted marines before this is over."

After fuming a few moments, Nick blurted out, "I have a question. Can I be promoted too? Seems we're giving 'em out to just anyone these days."

Li's black eyes zeroed in on Nick and her jaw tightened. "Mr. Marcinko, my office, five minutes. My new office. The rest of you, you have things to do. We will, however, be getting together later at Lao's for dinner, my treat. Dismissed."

Pat shook his head slightly as he stood to follow Li out to his own new office. He had a rather founded feeling that he and Nick would have a lot of heated discussions in the future but for now he knew everyone needed to get back to work.

A joint post by:

CDR Li Hawke
Wielding The Big Stick

Lt. Patrick Smith
Getting A New Office

LT (j.t.) Nenita Quidley
Wishing She Had a Muzzle

SCPO Nick Marcinko
aka "Hugh Jass"

Lt. Valkris Edwardson-tSepeS
Well Wishes

Crewman Jorge Faisneis
Likely Wondering What He's Gotten Himself Into


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