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Be Kind, Please Rewind - Part III

Posted on Tue May 12th, 2015 @ 12:32pm by Commander Ehlana Winter & Commander Dae Nalas & Lieutenant Commander Solis & Lieutenant Bajun Julisa & Lieutenant Commander Earl Crane

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: SB900 / Betazed

* * * Ehlana’s Quarters - SB900 * * *

Ehlana snuggled down into the sofa, leaning against Earl with a contented sigh. “This is lovely, Earl. I can honestly say it has been a quiet day, at least for me. I know you have your hands full, but at least we have the night to unwind.” She raised her feet, displaying the fuzzy pink bunny slippers that covered them. “And these I love. Thank you.”

"Of course, my love." He briefly held her a little tighter and kissed her temple. "On you, those are stunning." He rubbed her arm and added, "As busy as I might be, it's okay: I'm here with you." He'd do anything to not go back to the days when they were at far ends of the Federation.

“All the cool girls are wearing them I hear.” She laughed softly, a laugh cut off by a chime from the bedroom. It came again almost instantly and then repeated. “Oh dear.” It was her emergency call and she was off the sofa in a flash and into the bedroom.

Earl waited, curious as always, but mindful that he wasn't supposed to be privy to some of these alarms. Still, he strolled after her, curiosity threatening to kill his cat. "Anything interesting?"

Ehlana stood, looking at the padd in her hand as if transfixed. Her face had gone a ghastly white and she reached out with her free hand to grab for Earl. For an instant, she felt the room tilt as she tried to process what she’d just read.

“….” was all she managed.

He was there by her side in a flash, moving faster than his old man body would imply he could. "What?" He saw the message and couldn't comprehend it for a moment. "That's not possible."

“He won’t survive this,” she whispered as Earl seated her on the edge of the bed. “How could this happen? What have they started?” Tears misted her eyes as she looked up at Earl. “It isn’t supposed to be possible.”

"No, he won't survive this," Earl agreed as the idea of Julisa's death hit him. "You didn't see him when they were just separated. Oh, Ehl, he was so annoying. Especially on the way here. He had no patience and wanted to know how much longer till..... The Admirals did this. They sent her off on that investigation!"

He paused, sitting on the bed with Ehlana. "But it's okay, right? You got this so you could go fix it." He smiled, hope flooding in.

Ehlana’s voice was husky. “Yes. That means I have to go Earl. This one is time-sensitive, if you’ll pardon the expression.” Logical thought was beginning to return to her and she was already making plans in her head. In a moment, she was up and moving, shedding the slippers, pulling some nondescript clothes from the closet. She continued to talk as she changed. “This shouldn’t take long, assuming I get to the right place at the right time.” She sat on the bed again and began pulling on her shoes.

"I could go with you, Ehl. Make sure...?"

“No.” She rose and crossed to the safe in the wall. Once it was open, she removed a small device, then relocked the safe. “Give me fifteen minutes, then we’ll get back to the movie, okay?”

Fifteen minutes to save a life... Way better deal than the ancient commercial that phrase brought to mind. Two lives, really. "Be careful, love." He stepped aside so she could do her thing.

* * * Betazed - Take Two * * *

"How in the hell did he get gone so fast?” It was Solis speaking as he and Dae approached their small ship.

“That’s what I want to know too. I suspect a hidden door, unless he beamed out but he didn’t have time. I want to get at those chips and then get us the hell out of here,” Dae answered.

Solis nodded. “Me too. Jules should be back here if she followed the plan.” The two men rounded a corner, moving towards the main docking station. “With any luck --”

They were stopped by a woman who stepped out from a building and blocked their path. She wore plain clothes, dark glasses, and her light hair was pulled back. A feeling of familiarity crossed Dae’s mind and it hit him and Solis at the same moment.

“Ehlana?” Solis asked. He was instantly on alert. “Why are you here?”

“Turn around,” she ordered. “Get to Bar Nine. Third floor. Now. And run for god’s sake.” She touched Solis’ shoulder. “Go!”

They didn’t have to be told twice. Moments later, Dae and Solis sped out of sight.

* * *

When the man turned his back, Julisa grabbed the knife holding her fast to the headboard and yanked at it. It came away, making her scream and bleed freely, but she was loose from the bunk and kept herself in motion - a second of hesitation and she'd freeze up. Rolling to her feet, she dropped the knife and scrambled toward the door, all thoughts on escape.

The man was almost a foot taller and a hundred pounds heavier. His long legs gave him the advantage and he lunged across the room, wrapping his arms around her waist and taking her down.

“You really think I am that stupid?” he bellowed at her ear. “Where are they??”

“Where’s who?” The door had flown open and now two men stood there, phasers raised.

"Solis!" Julisa shouted, relieved. Silently, she started thanking every Bajoran god she'd called upon in the last several minutes.

The man grabbed at the knife and just as his fingers closed around it, Dae fired, hitting him square in the chest. The burn spread, black and lethal, and the man dropped like a stone.

“Stun, my ass,” Dae muttered. “This one doesn’t deserve to wake up.” He knelt down to check the man’s pulse and finding nothing, stood back up, satisfied.

Solis rushed over to sweep Julisa in his arms, holding her so tight she could scarcely breathe. He was silent, letting it sink in that she was alright. As he held her, memory shifted, and a shadow appeared at the edge of his consciousness. He glanced to Dae, who was looking back at him. Dae nodded slightly, and Solis locked the memory away for now, knowing Julisa was too distracted to have seen it.

“I need to examine your hand.”

"Okay," she agreed, nodding, before bursting into tears. "Oh gods... He hurt me! He was... he was going to kill me! What have these Admirals sent us out to find?"

“We are going to get you back to the ship, seal it up tight, then look at those chips,” Dae answered as Solis set about repairing her hand. “Then I think we will have our answer. And if so, it’s time to get the hell out of here.”

Solis put the small scanner aside, then got to work with the regenerator. “There’s some bone damage that I can’t get to till we get home, but this will get you through, Vina.” He smiled as he always did when he used his pet name for her. “Better?”

She nodded, her tears fading as quickly as they started, leaving her with just a hiccup and sniffles. "Always, when you're here. Let's go." She held onto his arm, clung to him like he was a life saver. This time, she didn't object to leaving a dead body behind.

To Be Continued...

Lt. Commander Dae Nallas
Lt. Bajun Julisa
Lt. Solis
Dr. Earl Crane
Commander Ehlana Winter-Crane


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