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Posted on Thu May 14th, 2015 @ 5:58pm by Cadet Senior Grade Eli Ziyad & Jackson Banning V & Lieutenant Commander Gilroy & Cadet Senior Grade Chance Conradi & Ignatius Reilly

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Main Brig

* * * Main Brig * * *

Jackson has to hand it to Gilroy. As brig cells went, this one wasn’t bad. The bunk was Klingon-sized,so he had plenty of room to stretch out his legs and relax. It was quiet and it gave him plenty of time to think. He felt like Sherlock Holmes, kicked back in his armchair and piecing together the parts of a case. The only things missing were a pipe and a violin.

“Good thing,” he commented. “I suck at the violin.”

Gilroy heard this comment just as he came into the pod where Jackson was housed. "Violin? Is incarceration already getting to you?"

“Gil, my friend, you have no idea. But don’t mind me, I’m just havin’ Sherlock Holmes delusions while I try to figure all this out. Maybe tea time would help?” He grinned at Gil from his bunk. “What’s up? You come to watch a movie with me? If so, you better have popcorn.”

"No, I have something better: visitors," Gilroy gestured toward the door, motioning to someone standing there. "Just wanted to make sure you were decent first."

“I may be dressed but I am never decent,” Jackson answered.

Jackson! Iggy's alien thought came through loud and clear. We come to cheer you up.

“Iggy!” Jackson smiled and left the bunk, moving over to the front where the force field kept him contained. “Good to see ya, but I’m not overly..umm...un-cheery. Just a little bored.”

Chance, Iggy's current transport, glanced at Gilroy and said, "Forcefield? Really? It's not like we're here to break him out."

Frowning at Oz's brother, Gilroy agreed with him and order Moresi to drop the field. "Better?"

"Much," Chance grinned and winked at Gilroy. In another circumstance, someone might think Chance was flirting with the big part-Klingon.

“Move over, handsome, I brought food.” Eli stepped into the cell and handed over a white container with Lao’s logo emblazoned on it in red. “A double order.”

Jackson swiped the container, held it to his nose and took a long sniff. “Dumplings. I might live. Thanks son.” He looked to the rest now. “Well, y’all comin’ in or just gonna stand there like an oil paintin’?”

"Yeah, of course!" Chance went into the cell and lifted Iggy down to Jackson's bunk. She immediately crept over to Jackson and put two legs on his leg. Meanwhile, Chance snagged a dumpling.

The quarters are quiet without you. How long will you be here?

Jackson sat back down and reached for the dumpling container. After he’d swallowed down two, he passed it on to Eli.

“That seems to be the big question, Iggs. I don’t rightly know, but I hope not much longer.” Jackson glanced to Eli and spoke softly. “You readin’ at the moment?” When Eli nodded, Jackson shrugged. Oz and Gil think it’s safer in here right now.

Eli glanced to Chance to see if he picked up on that, then spoke aloud. “I hope not too. The club certainly misses you, as do we.” He passed the container of dumplings to Gilroy. “But Iggy aren’t you going to Kh’ali’s?”

Gilroy declined. There was something about Lao's he didn't like. The container was passed to Chance.

Yes, I am! I am the Nanny for the new infant. Kha'li said I could read to the infant. I think I will tell it the fairy tales Oralia told me. Her excitement was obvious.

Jackson laughed, appreciating the enthusiasm. “How’s Commander Leroy takin’ to this idea?’

I do not know. I have not spoken to him. Kha'li hired me.

Chance laughed. "Let's hope he's okay with spiders. Particularly one around his newborn."

“It will be interesting to see,” Eli commented. “During my sessions with science he seemed to be a little...tightly wound.” I’d give Jackson’s paycheck to see this in action, he passed to Chance.

Smiling, trying to keep from laughing, Chance asked, "So what is it that you're here for? Oz isn't around, so it's not like she tossed you in here."

Gilroy's brow rose slightly as he looked at Jackson. Telling him about the investigation was one thing; telling cadets another.

Are you here because Oralia is off the station? Iggy was partially distracted; Chance had given her part of a dumpling to see if she could eat it. She was currently rolling it between her pedipalps, tasting it.

Jackson laughed at the comments. “Yeah, for a change, it wasn’t Oz, and no Iggy, they don’t keep me locked up while she’s gone like I’m a pet bein’ watched over.” He glanced to Gilroy a moment. “It’s just an argument with an admiral. It’ll blow over soon.” No reading, Eli…

Eli nodded and closed off his link to Jackson, effectively removing Chance from Jackson’s thoughts as well.

Gilroy nodded. "Not that much to worry about here. It'll blow over before Oz is back."

Eli sensed concern but let it go for now as he closed off the link. “Well, let’s hope so. We miss your smiling face at the Nexus. And Vic said to tell you to stop being a slacker and get back to work.”

Jackson laughed once more. “Figures. You two keep an eye on Jan so she doesn’t go nuts while I’m out. And Chance? Do me a favor?”

"Me? What?"

“There’s somethin’ in my quarters I need. A book...Shakespeare. It’s on a shelf by the main terminal. Can ya run it down here later?” Jackson asked. “I promised to loan it to Gil.”

"Sure thing. I just need to drop Iggy off at Kha'li's first." Chance was curious as a cat, but stayed quiet about it. He knew Gilroy liked the old dead writer, but thought he'd have any book he needed on the subject. "On a shelf by the main terminal. I'll find it."

‘Thanks. And Eli, tell Jan no more’n a coupla more days I think. Then she needs some time off. Woodford’s due to arrive in a day or two so...yeah,,,’nuff said.” Jackson snatched the Lao’s container from Chance and scooped out the last dumpling. “And these. More of these.”

"Will do," Chance said, grinning. "Come along, Iggs. Time for work for you."

Goodbye, Jackson. Iggy's goodbye sounded ominous in her alien whisper. She slowly climbed onto Chance's shoulders.

“Later, Iggs, and come back when ya have time.” Jackson stroked Iggy’s back a moment, then was pulled into a tight hug by Eli. “Don’t worry, I’ll be home soon.”

“Better be,” Eli murmured. “Okay gang, to quote Chance, let’s hit the trail.”

The trio left and Gilroy waited a moment before having Moresi close the cell. "What's the Shakespeare book?"

“A little light reading.” Jackson casually pointed up to where the camera was hidden. “And it’s an old edition you might like.”

"Well, thanks. Till then, get some rest. When Chance comes back, I'll let you know."

“Thanks, Gil.” Jackson stretched back out on the bunk as Gilroy departed.

Lt. Gilroy
Cadet Chance Conradi
Ignatius J. Reilly
Cadet Eli Ziyad
Jackson Banning V
Party In The County Jail


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