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Flowers Watched Through Wide Brown Eyes - Part II

Posted on Thu May 14th, 2015 @ 6:07pm by Lieutenant Commander Ophelia Payne & Lieutenant Commander Nicolao & Lieutenant Commander Robin Swift M.D., PhD & Petty Officer 1st Class Drusilla Dupree

Mission: Breaking New Ground
Location: Piper Medical Center

“What will they do to me now Robin?” Nico avoided her question, turning slowly to survey the room, still a little foggy. The room looked like a horror movie scene, and he was sure he did as well. No wonder he’d scared Dru. He looked back at her and noticed that her shirt was bloody. He didn’t care and pulled her back tight against him. Fear still danced within her, he could sense it, but it was easing up a bit at least.

They have no say in what happens to you,” Robin replied, still thinking about that bitch of an admiral who got Nico into this state in the first place. “You and I, and Dru,” he said, turning to her then back to Nico, “need to have a session, like now. And when I say session, I mean you spill your guts and tell me everything that’s going on so I can help you. No holding back, no cryptic bullshit,” Robin said, the intensity of what was happening obviously affecting him, and his language, “just pure, unadulterated truth.”

“Security will want that card,” Nico answered. “Anaar….is the one who started all this. Apparently I was wrong and she is still alive and well.” He pushed his hair out of his eyes, leaving a bloody smudge on his forehead. “I can tell you what I know, what I remember, or I can show you.” He closed his eyes tight. Already the memories were flooding back of the days following Anaar’s betrayal, bringing with them the old terror and hopelessness. He tried to push it down, knowing it would affect Robin and Dru.

“Okay, easy, Nico,” Dru said softly. “Robin, can we get a room for this? A...different one?”

Robin was thinking the same thing. As several security officers finally arrived--Robin had to remind himself just how big the starbase actually was--he directed one to take possession of the card and to try and figure out where it, the shattered vase and the flowers had been purchased. “The rest of you, follow us,” he said as he marched through medical like he owned the place and found an out of the way room. “No one gets through this door. I will be in session with my patient, but I need you here. Understood?”

The trio nodded and took up positions beside and in front of the door after Robin led Nico and Dru inside. He activated the privacy glass on the door so no one could see them. Inside it was sparse, several chairs and a small workstation. It was a doctor’s consultation room to speak with family or friends, but it would work for this.

“Okay, everyone relax and let’s hear this from the beginning,” he said before finally seating himself behind the workstation.

“Do you want to see? It will be faster.”

Robin let out a big sigh. “Okay, but if I start convulsing or whatever I did last time, I won’t be happy.”

Dru looked at Robin then to Nico. “Me too,” she said. “I need to see this, Nico.”

Nico nodded. “Maybe it won’t be as bad this time since you’ve experienced it before.” He drew them close, then leaned in to Dru, pressing his lips to her temple. Again, I’m sorry. Seeing you afraid of me is harder than anything I had to deal with in the past.

I didn’t think you would hurt me. I was more concerned about you.

“Stop passing notes and let’s do this,” Robin said, realizing they were likely chatting each other up. “I’m ready.”

Nico nodded and closed his eyes.

* * *

They were in the prison, the stone walls cold and damp. Shouts were heard in the background, along with cries of pain. Flashes of memory came and went, most out of focus…..distant…

Hey, Enaran!"

A voice pierced the gloom, pulling Nico’s attention to the grey sky of his no man’s land. He knew they were not here but somewhere else, somewhere out there he couldn't reach. This voice brought no pain, however. It tried often to tether him. As always he clung to what little hope it offered.

'I'm here!' His voice didn't work, no words ever came from his mouth but he desperately pushed the thought out, hoping to reach them.

"Are you in there? Come on man!" The voice paused, then spoke once more. "Still nothing. Fuckers have scrubbed him I think."

The voice faded and came no more.

The scene shifted to a small, brightly-lit room, clearly Cardassian design. Fear laid heavy on this room and a voice came, piercing the vision.

"I really don't like doing that but you left me no choice. I am a reasonable man, and I think I've been more than patient with you. Let's try something simple, shall we? Tell me, what is my name?"

Nico couldn’t answer...he was capable of nothing but a guttural mumble and he knew the pain would begin soon. Without a word, Zikar held up the remote and pressed the button and the screams came once more. Sometime later, the pain stopped. It could have been minutes or a millennium. But then the pain had continued, coming in wave after wave of agony until he'd begun to fall over into unconsciousness. They would zap him with something to revive him, and it would all start again. His throat burned, raw from the screams. He managed to open his eyes, seeing Zikar now seated at the desk, the glass of water in hand.

The fire in his throat was almost unbearable and he cried out, trying to ask for the water. The words made no sense to him but Zikar seemed to understand.

"This? You are correct, water is wonderful for easing the throat after such prolonged screaming. I'm glad you suggested it." Zikar raised the glass to Nico in a toast, then drank down every last drop. "Much better don't you think?"

The world darkened at the edges and threatened to snuff out altogether. From somewhere above Nico’s place on the floor, another voice spoke.

“Is that the all you can do Zikar? He’s useless! And you are supposed to be the best.”

Nico could see feet beside him now and the boots were familiar. Regulation Starfleet issue. His world was rapidly greying out but he managed to shift his gaze up, finally meeting the eyes in a face that seemed to float above a command red Starfleet tunic. One of the boots connected with his ribs and the darkness swallowed him.

Nico cried aloud and the connection was broken immediately. He drew his feet up in the chair, hugging his knees, his breathing rapid and shallow. A rapid string of ‘nonononono’ fell from his lips.

Dru slid closer to him and held onto him. “Nico, I’m here.”

“Do you realize what just happened?” Robin said, his face looking somewhat drained but more shocked at the imagery. “What we just saw--or more importantly who we just saw!?” He tried to stand, but thought better of it. “That was--”

Nico’s hand whipped out, covering the Counselor’s mouth.

No! Considering what you just saw, we don’t know who’s listening or where. He studied Robin’s face, looking to his eyes to see if he understood.

Robin understood. He also didn’t seem pleased to have a bloody hand on his face. “Yuck,” he finally said. Unsure if Nico could hear him like he did with Dru, he tried to ‘think’ toward him. You’re right. We’ll keep it secret for now. And stop popping into my head. I’m not used to that. It’s a little...weird.

Robin stood. “We need to get you both cleaned up, and maybe something for my face, and go see someone. Are you okay to walk around the base?”

“No. As long as I am here, I’m safe. So is Dru. Considering all this, I don't think they’d hesitate to use her.” Nico reached over to take Dru’s hand. “I think it best if things appear to be just as they have been.”

Dru squeezed his hand, happy to see him returning to some semblance of normalcy.

Robin nodded. “Okay. I’ll have Ophelia put you in another room with the same visitation restrictions as before. Also, nothing will be allowed into the room except food or medication. I don’t want another vase showing up causing the same sort of reaction. So whatever you need, take it in with you.”

He moved to the panel by the door and cleared the glass. Asking the security staff to hang around for just a bit longer, until he could see Nico and Dru safely into another room, he waved them over and out of the room to find Ophelia at the nurse’s station.

“He’s showing improvement, despite...well.” He didn’t need to reference what happened before. It was understood. “But I need them in another room, same type, same restrictions but nothing else goes in there that’s not medically necessary.”

“Understood.” Ophelia stepped out and led them down a corridor back to the isolation rooms. She unlocked the new one, showed Robin the code, then let them go in. “I’ll be by to check on you later. We’ll note the chart as an isolated episode, no change in status.”

“Sorry Ophelia,” Nico mumbled as he shuffled past her into the room and crossed to sit in the corner once more.

“There is a bed in there, you know,” Robin said with a roll of his eyes as he cleaned his face off.

Once the door was locked, Ophelia turned to Robin. “I should apologize. We never thought flowers could set off something like this.”

“I don’t guess they would, normally,” he said. “This seems to be a personal issue from his past hence the security procedures. Oh! Speaking of which…” He turned to thank the security staff and relieved them. “Hopefully,” he said, turning back to Ophelia, “this will be over soon. And thank you for attending to this personally. I am grateful, Ophelia.”

“I’m happy to do it.” She eyed Robin a moment. “Now, you need to go rest. Pardon my saying so but you look wiped out. The excitement has died down, we’ll be okay here.”

“Oh,” he replied. “That’s from...a...thing--you know, I’m good, but thanks for the concern. I have somewhere to be, though. I’ll check back in later. Thank you, again.” With a quick turn, and a quick step, he made a beeline to the turbolifts. This couldn’t wait any longer.

Back in his room, Nico reached for Dru, pulling her close. Be careful if you leave this room. Now that I know, we need the Admirals to find some proof besides me. I can be disregarded as incompetent but that doesn’t mean we are safe. As long as things here look the same, however, perhaps no one will suspect that I do remember.

“I won’t leave,” she said aloud. “I’m staying with you until this is all over and done.”

“I would never have hurt you.” This time he spoke aloud too, knowing she liked to hear the words. “You don’t have to be afraid of me ever.”

“I know that.” She touched his face. “I do. I was just concerned that you may hurt yourself. You were so angry.”

“Anaar stole my life from me. She took everything I was and left me...broken.” He stopped and leaned his head back against the wall, not looking at Dru. “I don’t know if I’ll ever get it back.”

“I’ll help you,” she said, looking up at him. “But if we don’t, we can still help make your future.”

Nico nodded slightly, remaining silent. He drew her in closer, however, needing the contact, needing her. He knew they would come to clean him up soon but he was so tired. Perhaps just closing his eyes for a few…..and in moments, he was asleep, his head resting on his knees.

Dru, realizing he was asleep, sighed and looked longingly at the bed shaking her head and smiling.

Remembering Too Late

Lt. Ophelia Payne
Enaran Tamer

Rage In A Cage

Lt. Cmdr. Robin Swift
Going to Tattle

PO2 Drusilla Dupree
Team Nico


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