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We're Not Alone Out Here

Posted on Thu May 14th, 2015 @ 7:38pm by Commander Worth Maxwell VIII & Major Anton Markov
Edited on on Tue May 19th, 2015 @ 1:45pm

Mission: Beyond The Wormhole
Location: USS Ptolemy

* * * Ship Wreckage * * *

Worth and Anton beamed aboard the wreckage along with two Marines and a medic. Scans from the Ptolemy had indicated that there were multiple hull breaches so EVA suits were in order. Once they fully materialized, Worth swept the small searchlight over the space around them - what had been the bridge. He focused on the one control panel still intact and muttered.

“This could get interesting Anton. This is a Devore ship.”

“Great. Just peachy. You two guard the entrance,” he ordered the marines. “Let’s try and get some forcefields up. Can you find internal sensors?” he said to Worth as he did the characteristic penguin EVA walk to the nearest console.

Worth scanned the control panel, digging through his mind for what he knew of the species and language. Finally, he tapped the panel and readings began to scroll up the screen.

“Got it. Funny, when I spent some time delving into this race, as a telepath-phobic race, I never expected to be involved in rescuing them. Sensors are working as is auxilliary power.” He entered another set of commands. “Three hull breaches, establishing force fields. Only a few lifesigns, Anton, on the middle decks. Total of four.” Worth waited while more information appeared, then gave the medic the locations. “Get to them and see what you can do.”

“And that’s basic life support as well. Ship will take about 5 Minutes to pressurize fully but we can get outta the EVA gear in 2.” Anton Looked around at the devastation on the bridge. “Whoever did this to this fleet sure as hell knew how to fight. Now not to point out the elephant in the room… But aren’t we close to Borg space if this is a Devore ship?”

Worth pulled up a chart on the panel before them and pointed to it. “By Aria’s heading, we are just about here.” He moved his finger about a millimeter to the right. Borg space technically begins here. The Devore Imperium is over this way so someone didn’t want someone going somewhere. This particular damage, you think it’s consistent with what we know of Borg weaponry?”

“No not from what the Ptolemys sensors showed. Borg weapons tend to obliterate or then assimilate rather than this. Are you able to bring up the sensor logs?”

“It might take a few minutes. This thing is gimping along so I don’t want to interrupt the pressurization.” Worth checked the control panel, then made a few adjustments as the pressurization completed. “Sensors are fully online. I’m pulling up the feed from the bridge now and --” Worth fell silent, then motioned Anton over. “Look at this.”

Anton looked at the screens and took them in. “Well shit. That would explain why the fleet followed them. Stupid bloody idiots. I’m assuming you remember your authorisation code for the tricobalts?”

Worth nodded. “Check the rest of the decks as well as the other wreckage. If there are signs of them, we have a serious problem.” He tapped his comm badge. “Medic, report.”

The voice of the Marine medic came back to them. “Four survivors, Devore, varying injuries. I’ve stabilized them and transporting back to sickbay now.”

“Acknowledged.” Worth looked back to Anton. “Anything?”

“Not here thankfully though there is a second ship with life signs on it.” Anton tapped his commbadge this time, “Major Markov to Ptolemy.”

=/\= Ptolemy here. Go ahead Major. =/\=

“This ship is clear sir. Waiting on the Medic and Marines getting back before we transport to the second ship. Sir…” Anton Paused for a second, “The sensor logs indicate the fleet was destroyed by Species 8472.”

=/\= Acknowledged. We will investigate further from here. Sensors also showing life support operational on the other ship so you will be able to breath. Ptolemy out. =/\=

The Major began taking off the rest of his EVA suit and reattaching his various weapons and tools to his combat gear, minus his rifle which he detached the sling so it could be readied quickly. With the medic now back and his two marines similarly set up he turned to the Commander. “Ready when you are sir. If you would stand between us.”

Worth stepped between them, then pulled out his phaser. “Ptolemy, send us to the other ship.”

Moments later, they materialized on the wreckage of the second ship, all with weapons raised. One quick look around told them they’d stepped into another world entirely. Worth gave a low whistle.

“Get a load of this.”

This time the away team had been beamed into a cargo bay on the lower levels. All around the room lay the bodies of Devore personnel and two Species 8472 warriors. “Medic check the Devore. Marines make sure those things are dead.”

“Aye, sir.” The Marines moved over to check the 8472 bodies while the Medic began sweeping the bodies with his tricorder.

“All dead, sirs,” he informed them. “What a fucking bloodbath.”

“I would say the same,” Worth commented. “If 8472 breached this ship, I don’t think the odds are good for the rest. It will be faster if the Ptolemy scans for us.” He tapped his comm badge, requested a scan for life signs. Moments later a voice came back to them.

“One, sir, two decks up from you.”

“Right then. Stack up on the door,” Anton ordered taking his place right beside it with his Marines and Worth lining up behind. “Medic use your tricorder to keep us going in the right direction. 1 metre spacing. Let’s go,” he said as he hit the door console. With the customary swish and a less normal creak the door partially opened and the group stepped through.

The corridor was badly damaged with one section being almost impassable and smoldering. Turning to the other side Anton led the away team up the corridor weapons raised. From behind him the voice of the medic whispered, “Looks like a shaft to this corridor on the right. Could be a turbolift.” Nodding Anton checked the corners before moving right towards where the shaft was. Stacking up on the door again he opened it and was greeted with an empty lift shaft… minus the turbolift and the bottom of the ship.

“Alright folks. If you fall here it’s gonna hurt. Door two levels up looks intact so get out you grapples. Commander you can follow me up,” he instructed handing the Commander a balt and latch for his waist. “It’ll let you move up but will tension if you try to fall so use the wall to pull yourself up.”

Worth smiled a moment, then suited up. “Let’s do this. I want to know who’s still alive up there.” He waited for Anton to start up the shaft, then hooked himself up and began the ascent.

Anton arrived just behind one of the Marines who had already started hacking the bypass for the door.

“This is about to open Sir. Be ready.”

“Got it.” Markov shouldered his rifle and opened it at the door as it slide fully open this time. “Clear. Going up,” he said pulling himself over the ledge and taking position kneeling with the Marine turning around to help the others out.

Once the medic was out he started scanning again. “Looks like the lifesign is about 30 meters down that corridor in a room. Judging by the energy readings it could be engineering.”

Using hand signals this time the Major gave his orders, indicating silence and a much closer spacing this time as they set off. Advancing forward cautiously they kept weapons ready for a possible Undine contact. As they neared they saw the door partially open and Anton gave orders for the two Marines to stack on the right and for himself, Worth and the Medic left. The oh so skilled tech Marine pulled out a snake camera and held it round the door using a small console to control it and look around the room. As they waited time seemed to slow to a crawl until finally the Marine indicated there was a hostile present.

Anton turned to Worth and indicated for him and the other Marine to grab and pull open the doors while the others piled inside, all whilst pulling a stun grenade out of one of his many pouches.

As soon as the doors were open, Worth followed the Marines in, his weapon ready. Just ahead, showing from beneath a counter, were two dark, semi-scaly feet. They were unmoving but Worth knew you can’t count on that. The group fanned out, forming a semi-circle around the area and closing in.

The medic focuses his tricorder towards the prone figure. “Life signs faint. 8472 so be careful, this one’s hot.”

As soon as the words left his mouth, the feet moved slightly and a muffled sound came.

“Immobilize him, Major,” Worth ordered. “Then we’ll see how the Doc wants to handle this one.”

“Aye Sir.” Anton took the pin from the grenade and rolled it below the counter beside the 8472. Briefly it turned to look at the object before it exploded blinding it. As it slowly pulled itself up the Marines fired stunning it and taking it down. “Rather not leave it to chance. Restrain it and stabilize it.”

Worth tapped his comm badge. “Maxwell to Dr. Sahli. We have one more survivor but you’ll need Security present and set up a containment field. It’s an 8472. We’ll beam him directly there.”

There was a pause before she answered.

=^= Acknowledged. I’ll inform Security and get back to Sickbay. Have you immobilized it? =^=

“We have,” Worth answered. “Sending the medic along as well. Maxwell out.” He then requested transfer from the Ptolemy. Moments later, the medic and the alien vanished from sight.

Once they were gone Anton walked quickly to the nearest console. “Looks like the systems are in much better shape. You able to transfer the data so we can take a look?”

“Worth a shot.” Worth moved over to the console and began to work. “I’ll send it over and let engineering start on it.” There were several beeps from the panel and then the transfer began. “Detecting anything else of note Anton?”

“Other than a room of dead engineers… nope. They complain less about damaging their ship like this. No ‘don’t be testing explosives in the holodecks, or no don’t be having wargames in the corridors using actual stun grenades,” he half joked remembering a previous engineering crew.

Worth raised an eyebrow at Anton, then shook his head. “You remind me of a fellow I once worked with. He’s on 900 now as a matter of fact so remind me to introduce you two when we get back.” He looked around the area one last time, then tapped his comm badge once more. “Maxwell to Ptolemy, four to return.”

The tingle of the transporter beams hit them and moments later, they arrived home in transporter room two.

Commander Worth Maxwell
Major Anton Markov
Going Exploring


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