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Julisa Gets Shut Down

Posted on Wed Jun 17th, 2015 @ 8:28pm by Lieutenant Commander Earl Crane & Lieutenant Bajun Julisa & Commander Ehlana Winter & Lieutenant Commander Solis

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Piper Medical

* Piper Medical Center *

Solis and Julisa had transported to Sickbay and now she was resting in an exam room while Earl began to check her over. Solis stayed out of his way, knowing that he wouldn’t be much use right now. He was too involved for one thing, and far too wound up for another. The deep passions of Vulcans had a way of taking over everything, especially in Solis’ case where they were usually given free reign. So, he sat in a chair in the corner and fidgeted as he watched.

"Couple of options, Solis," Earl didn't look up from where the computer scans of Julisa's neurophysiology were running. "Wanna hear them?"

Feeling a bit like an object, not a patient, Julisa frowned at Earl. "Never mind him, I want to hear them!"

Earl laughed, "OK, but they aren't for you. Solis, two options: leave or sit still. I can give you a sedative to relax you. But your fidgetiness is bothersome."

“No sedatives, thank you very damn much,” Solis grumbled. “I’d like to see you try to be still if you were in my shoes. And by the way Earl? She knows. All of it. Be happy I’m just fidgeting. I could be up and pacing and looking over your shoulder.”

"All of it?" Earl looked up Solis then at Julisa at that. "Everything?"

Her head hurt, a lance of pain right through the middle, as she thought about Betazed. "I died, Earl."

"Huh," he saw the activity on the scans, nodded and then tapped his commbadge. "Ehlana Winter, come to Sickbay, please," he ordered. He didn't wait for a response, instead he asked Julisa, "How? How did you die?"

The pain got sharper, but she told him, "A guy stabbed me the shoulder, left me to bleed out."

"Ah ha!" The older doctor crowed, gleefully. "Got it!" It earned him a glare from his patient.

Solis rolled his eyes. “Did you have a bet going?” He crossed his arms as he turned his attention back to Earl. “I didn’t think it would be this soon, actually. Neither did Dae.” He stopped short, giving Julisa a nervous smile. “Umm...Dae remembers both times lines too, it’s not just me.”

She eyed him a moment then closed her eyes. Relief came, both drug-induced and from thinking about other things. Like how she'd hurt Earl, Dae, Ehlana and Solis later.

Earl, however, frowned at Solis' accusations. "No, we didn't have a bet! Did you?" He waved that away then pointed at the scan, "No, I've got it here. Where the pain is and what's causing it. Look, a bundle of pathways, there," he showed Solis the scan. "Blocked by ...," he glanced at Julisa and dumbed down the explanation, "A bunch of stuff. You said Niro had done something? I'd bet this is what he did."

“He warned me earlier tonight that this was a problem, that the original memory was breaking through and it would be a real problem. He said he had tried to shore up the block to keep it locked away but he didn’t think it was holding. He was right.” Solis shrugged. “It seems that the truth was determined to come out. Your wife is going to kill me you know.”

"Better you than me," Earl muttered.

Julisa asked, "Can't you just unblock the pathways?"

“That’s tricky, Vina,” Solis answered. “If he does it all at once, it could be too much and cause….damage. If it comes back to you a little at the time, it will be painful but not dangerous. Does that make any sense?”

"I'm an attorney; I'm a lot smarter than you think," she snapped.

Earl chuckled; that was the Julisa he remembered from DS-15. Quick to go from normal to bitch in 0.2 seconds flat. "We didn't question your intelligence, Jules," well, Solis hadn't at least, "It's just that this is a bit more delicate than you might think. It's your brain, the jelly that stores all of you in it. This might help a bit more, though."

He glanced at Solis and answered the unspoken question, "Mild sedative and pain reliever, along with a neuroinhibitor to quiet her telepathy for now."

After a moment’s consideration, Solis nodded. “Agreed. That should ease things enough to let it filter back through slowly instead of exploding all at once. If that happened, you’d be enjoying some time in one of our lovely white padded rooms.”

"Okay," she frowned but reached out to catch his hand.

“Do it, Earl. Then you can get home. I’ll send word on to Will so he’s aware when he arrives in the morning.” Solis squeezed Julisa’s hand. “We’ll stay here tonight.”

The door opened and Ehlana hurried in. “Earl? What’s up?” She stopped, seeing Julisa on the biobed. “What’s wrong?”

"She remembers all of it, Ehl," Earl told his wife. "An Enaran tried to stall it, but that didn't work. She dreamed about it."

“I see.” Ehlana sank down into the chair beside Solis as the news took a second to process. She studied Julisa, whose eyelids were apparently getting heavy from Earl’s sedative. “And? What damage is there?” She knew very well what this sort of episode could do.

"Headache, some blocked pathways," he spoke quietly, "Which might be blocking other memories and knowledge as well. Otherwise, not much damage."

She turned to look at Solis and reached for his hand. “I know this put you in a difficult position but at least now you don’t have to hide it from her. How is she taking the news?”

“Better than I thought,” Solis answered honestly. “Though maybe it’s not really sunk in yet. Once the memory began to return, I had to fill in some details but not all of them.”

"She's always been a stoic little bit--," Earl stopped himself midword and, brows raised, looked at Solis and shrugged in apology. "Ahh... Anyway, it looks like thinking about the memory makes her headache worse. With anyone else, that might be enough of a deterrent, but with Julisa... probably not."

“True that. I detected that back in our quarters. Will that knock her out completely, Earl? Or do you think she needs a cortical inhibitor tonight?”

"I'd rather not, Solis. Dreaming is the brain's way of sorting through information and ...well, Jules needs to sort this through. She might not appreciate the nightmare, but it exposes her to the information, possibly in the best way," Earl said.

“Alright,” Solis answered but he was stopped by Ehlana’s hand on his arm.

“What details?”

“It doesn’t matter now, Ehl. What does matter is that it all ended up okay.” Solis covered her hand with his own. “She’ll want to see you once she wakes up. In the meantime, take your old man home. I’ll cover for him since I’m going to be here anyway.”

"Hmm... Much as I'd love to have Ehlana take me home and have her way with me, you're worrying too much," he paused and weighed that idea. "Then again, keeping you busy could take your mind off her...." He grinned lasciviously at Ehlana and said, "Take me home and take advantage of me!"

“You have no filters, Earl.” Ehlana stood and moved over to look down at Julisa. Gently, she touched Julisa’s cheek, then turned to the door. “Alright, Solis, I’ll get him out of your hair, which is quite a job, considering.” She laughed and opened the door, motioning to Earl.

"She'll be okay, Solis," Earl said to him, squeezing his arm lightly. He then hurried to follow Ehlana.

Lt. Commander Earl D. Crane
Prodding the Attorney

Lt. Bajun Julisa

Lt. Solis
The Man With The Hair

Commander Ehlana Winter
Concerned For All Parties


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