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Three Women and A Lily

Posted on Sun Aug 14th, 2011 @ 8:16am by Commander Oralia Zeferino & Captain Li Hawke & Lieutenant Commander Kh'ali

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Kh'ali's Quarters

"Tricorder says...," Oralia paused, not for dramatic effect, but because she'd been ahead of the tricorder by just a second or so, "Came from the group of lilies in Norval's quarters." She was standing in Kh'ali's bedroom, holding the offending lily in one gloved hand. By appearances alone, she could have confirmed that the flower came from the bunch that Norval had in his quarters, but having scientific readings do the confirming was what Starfleet preferred.

Turning slightly, she looked at Li and said, "So someone broke into Norval's place, moved stuff around to mess with his head then took a lily from there and left it here?" What sort of insanity is going on?

"That, or they were looking for something specific and were a trifle sloppy in putting things back. The bottles in the bathroom got my attention. I'm thinking it was the sloppy theory, and perhaps because whoever it was can't read the language and didn't realize they were out of order." Li looked to Kh'ali now. "Anything else missing? Moved?"

Kh'ali shook her head. "No, everything's just as I left it. I have purposely not kept anything related to the Divitian delegation here, just in case something like this happened. I wasn't gone very long either, so it's possible I was watched while they slipped in to leave the flower. But why one from Norval's quarters? Not that I don't like getting flowers, I do, but I prefer the normal delivery."

"Besides the fact that you're both working in one way or another with the Divitian delegation, are there any other connections between you and Norval or what you're working on?" It was a typical 'detective' question and Oz had to ask it.

"With Sakkath away, Norval is running Ops, and thus has all the information on their quarters and who is in which ones. If someone meant to do them harm, that information could be useful. My part is obvious, I spend more time with the Speaker than anyone." Kh'ali shrugged. "Have there been any other odd things happening?"

"A few," Li answered. "I ran into a man with Norval and I've seen the man again. I get the feeling that he was looking for Sakkath as well as me. He's also a telepath. The whole thing was just...odd." She looked to Oz and the lily now. "I'm inclined to think this is more serious than a prank, Kh'ali. This lily is often used at funerals."

"You think this might be some sort of warning to Kh'ali, Li?" Oz raised a brow at the idea. As for odd things occurring... well, she was in Security and saw lots of 'odd' things every day. This, and the break-in at Norval's, were mild. Annoying, but mild.

"I don't think we can afford to ignore it. It's just a little too coincidental, you know?"

Kh'ali dropped into a chair with a grumble. "The Speaker wants to go out tomorrow night, to the Nexus. I was going to see you in the morning regarding the security details, Oz. I'd like you there too Li, to 'monitor' things."

Blinking back her surprise, Oz started off on a comment, "You...." But the comment devolved, mentally, into a string of curses. Taking a calming breath, she tried her statement again, "Tomorrow night, you're taking the Speaker to the Nexus Club? Are you nuts?"

Li glanced over to Oz as she caught the thought and fought back a smile. "It should be interesting."

"That's one word for it, yes," Kh'ali answered. "But he's smothered by his own guards, and he's been so limited in where he can go and what he can do. He's feeling cooped up. And I want a distraction, not to become the source of his only entertainment." She looked up at Oz. "You get my drift?"

Sourly, Oz frowned but nodded. "I do. I'll have my team ready - and in plain clothes so that we don't make the Speaker feel like we're smothering him," she agreed. "Do you think any of his people might have done this...," she gestured at the lily, " some misguided attempt to... do... something...?" She couldn't fathom a reason why the Divitian's Speaker's guards might break into Norval's place.

"No idea, I do know they are not wild about the idea of him going out, but he has insisted." Kh'ali looked to Li. "I'll keep my eyes open around them and report back if anything strange comes up. Honestly, I'll be glad when it's over and he's safely back in his quarters."

Li nodded. "There is also the idea that since the Nexus is so very public, it would be a bad choice if anyone does mean to do him harm. They would have to figure that the place will be full of security."

"Which it will be, much to Jackson's dismay, I'm sure." Oz commented and looked around Kh'ali's quarters. "Ok... There's not much more I can do here tonight. Kh'ali, I'll talk with you before lunch tomorrow about the Speaker's Nexus visit."

"I'll be there. Thank you both." Kh'ali finally smiled, but it was brief.

"Goodnight, Kh'ali."Li took one last glance over the quarters, then left with Oz. Once they were out in the corridor and the doors closed, she frowned. "I hate things like this. It's usually a sign that someone's playing with their target."

"Why would Kh'ali or Norval be the target? Yes, they have information about the Speaker and the accommodations the Station has made for him, but...," Oz shook her head. "Unless this is just a test, to see how we'll respond?"

"Unless they intend to use her as bait. From what I could see in Kh'ali, the Speaker seems very comfortable with her and enjoys her company. Perhaps they think he'll give in if they have her to bargain with."

Not liking that idea, Oz bit her bottom lip and realized that she wasn't heading home to Connor anytime soon. "I need to get to my office, Li, and take care of some of this. I'll see you tomorrow?"

"You will. In the meantime, Nenita and I have some things to do. Goodnight Oz." Li turned and moved away down the corridor.

"Night, Li," Oz watched her a moment then turned and hurried towards her office.

Lt. Commander Kh'ali
Chief Diplomatic Officer

Lt. Commander Oralia Zeferino
Not the Chief of Diplomacy

Lt. Commander Li Hawke
Somewhat Diplomatic


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