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Just Out Of Reach

Posted on Sat Aug 20th, 2011 @ 2:38pm by Captain Li Hawke & Commander Patrick Leroy & Ensign Aure'l & Commander Oralia Zeferino
Edited on on Sat Aug 20th, 2011 @ 2:55pm

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Science Department
Timeline: Concurrent with 'Fine Tuning'

* * SB900 Science Department * *

The previous night weighed on Li's mind as she wound her way through the station towards the science department. The break-ins at Norval's and Kh'ali's quarters was bothering her, and that lily even moreso. On the face of it it seem weird and random, but given the flower's meaning, it didn't bode well for Kh'ali and they would have to be extra vigilant. She was also a little apprehensive about what she had planned for this morning, but maybe it would shed some light on things. She hoped.

She stepped through the doors of the department to find Aure'l and Patrick's assistant, Ensign Veiron, waiting, as well as the crystal, which was now out of it's container.

"I-I don't know if this is proper procedure Ma'am. Commander Leroy has been very specific about the crystal. No one was allowed to take it out of the force field cubicle without his consent." Veiron timidly addressed her.

"I would not consider it if it were not extremely important, Ensign. We have reason to suspect that there may be trouble brewing around the Divitian contingent, and there is an unknown telepath mixed up in it. What I need is a boost, temporarily, to try and find him and see what he is up to. Aure'l is here to monitor me in case things get rough and assist in ending the connection. I will cover this with Commander Leroy."

"Well then." The Bolian nodded, none too convinced. "I'll put the crystal on the table under the projector. I've read the notes left by Commander Leroy on the subject: Theta waves are to be used with considerable caution in this case."

Veiron took then the crystal and brought it right under the projector in the center of the lab.

"If you're ready to assist, Ensign Aure'l, I'm ready to start." Veiron said addressing the Vulcan assistant diplomat. "I mean if you're ready too Commander." He then added turning to Hawke.

Aure'l nodded and stepped up beside the table. Remembering the effects of her last contact, Li chose to sit and once comfortable, she rested her hands on the table and focused on the crystal. The theta waves had stirred a bright blue glow in the stone, but the instant Li's mental energy connected, the light grew immeasurably brighter, pulsing and cycling through all the blues in the spectrum. Vivid waves of blue washed over the walls of the science lab and Arue'l and Veiron. The room faded from Li's vision as a wave of vertigo swept through her. Then the scene changed, and she was looking down on the promenade.

Veiron's voice then came echoing to her as if from immense distance: "Theta band one-point-zero-one... One-point-zero-two... Please Commander tell me if you start to feel pain in your head or if your perceptions become garbled. I'll stop the projector at once."

The thoughts of those standing near her were so clear now like terse summer night sky where you can count stars, everyone of them, none hiding behind the veil of clouds. And so it was also clear how concerned the bolian ensign was. His worry for having something going wrong and have it to explain to Leroy later...

As the wave power increased, their voices faded from Li. The promenade shifted before her, becoming bathed in a blue glow. Thousands of thoughts echoed in her head, but instead of a garbled mess, they were all clear and she could understand each one. She sorted through them, looking for one in particular. The first that stood out was one she had not heard in a bit - Iggy. It started with a faint hiss, then a squeal of surprise. Likely Oz was wondering what was happening, if she was in her quarters to hear it.

What's this? In Oralia's quarters, the only occupant of the apartment at the moment, a frighteningly large spider, shot from under her camouflage and scuttled around her terrarium, hissing all the while. Along the connection with Li, she rejoiced: Oh! Someone can hear me again! I can feel you! I've been lonely since we last touched minds, Li. Ever since the male moved in, Oralia has been distracted. She no longer comes and strokes me. Tell her to make the male go away. The arachnoid ranting continued at full speed, without a pause that might have let Li interject.

I don't think that will happen unless hse decides it, Iggy. I'll remind her to visit with you more often though. Li smiled.

She should just eat him after mating with him; some of my brethren do that, Iggy grumped.

One-point-zero-three... came again Veiron's voice fading in the distance.

Aure'l raised an eyebrow at Li's expression and looked to Veiron. "Is this safe?"

"It wasn't safe to begin with." The Bolian grumbled as he typed commands on the console shaking his head.

The scene changed again blue turning to a dark indigo hue. Her mind hovered above all the tiny lights representing the thoughts of all the people on the station until she spotted one different: it moved around warily like a ghostly weasel.

I've found him. Li passed the thought to Aure'l, who nodded and moved closer to her.

But no matter how hard she tried the weasel escaped any attempt to contact, hiding behind the thoughts of a weeping child then those of a cursing adult... a serene old man watching the stars. The pursuit exhausted her and she decided to catch her breath. The light around her had become solid jagged walls of blue amethyst with no way forward and no way back and in the little space she found herself in now, there was only a little white table with a hypo on it. It was then that she heard... No, felt that old voice.

I've been waiting for you a long time... Imzadi.

Li looked back over her shoulder, then took in the space around them. It was crowding her and her breathing increased, her chest rising and falling rapidly. In the lab, her hands suddenly gripped the table till her knuckles were white. She ignored the voice, trying her best to reach that moving point of light, the interloper. There was the problem, and she knew now that it was the man from outside the restaurant.

What? No greeting for your old lover? No tender words? Spent them all on the Vulcan, did you? The voice drew closer and the chilly presence she'd felt in the cargo hold of the Berkeley wrapped around her, a tingle running up her neck from an icy finger. He will never appreciate you as I did, he is incapable of such fierce emotion, of true love.

You're wrong.
Li crossed her arms and backed away, but the sharp point of the jagged crystal wall stopped her.

Oh no... You're not leaving. We have something... Unfinished. Don't you agree my dear?

The hypo started floating from the table on his own accord, coming closer... and closer. Suddenly the hypo was blocked by a dark purple and black mass with eight legs. No! She's my connection to the world; you can't hurt her! The arachnid hissed and took on a defensive stance.

Back in the lab, she'd risen from her seat and backed away from the table rapidly, only stopping when she bumped into the wall. She gave a small growl, then spoke in her native language, so rapidly that the translator could only catch a few words that sounded to Aure'l and Veiron like trouble. Aure'l rose and started across the lab towards Li while the Bolian frantically shut down the projector.

The glimmer from the mineral became fainter while the colours of the room shifted back to normal spectrum.

I will be here for you Imzadi... Always.

Li shuddered violently as Rhys' last words echoed in her mind. Slowly the lab began to come back into focus and she felt Aure'l's Hands holding her shoulders. She looked from the Vulcan to Veiron, noting the concern and curiosity on her face.

"Do I need to call Dr. McKinney?" As Aure'l touched Li she fell silent, then frowned and snatched her hand away. "Who...was that?"

"You don't want to know." Li's spoke with some effort as the pounding pain started in her temples. She pressed her hands to her head, and continued. " Need to see Oz. Got...someone to find. Get me up, Veiron."

The Bolian hurried to her side and helped Li to her feet. "Are you sure you don't want to get to medical ma'am?" he urged.

"It will pass. I need to find Oz and get ready for tonight. Lock that thing back up, and thanks." Li took a moment to get her balance, then slowly made her way out of the lab.

Lt. Commander Li Hawke
Chief Intelligence Officer

Ensign Aure'l - Diplomatic Officer
Ensign Veiron - Science Officer
(Written by Patrick & Li)

Written by Lt. Commander Oralia Zeferino


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