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Before the Big Show

Posted on Sat Aug 20th, 2011 @ 1:33pm by Cadet Senior Grade Eli Ziyad & Cadet Senior Grade Chance Conradi

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: The Nexus Club

It was the afternoon before the Speaker's visit and the Nexus was a hotbed of activity. Engineers were in installing extra sensors, Security personnel were in going over every inch of the place, mapping out locations for guards, both uniformed and plain clothes. Eli was currently setting up the speaker's table and the velvet rope around it. A transporter module had been installed in the ceiling directly over it so that in case of trouble, the Speaker could be beamed immediately to safety. He watched as Jackson appeared and began checking over the stage, and under it, then returned to his work, whistling cheerily.

Chance entered the lounge and glanced about at all the work. Feeling slightly out of place, he spied Eli and went over to him. "Are you working all night?"

He smiled warmly at Chance as he arrived. "Just through the first set. I'll be at the bar to help get things moving when the Divitians arrive and then I'm doing two duets with Janice tonight. Free after that till lights out." Yes, Eli had just said he'd be singing tonight and he looked more than a little nervous.

"You're singing?" Chance chuckled. Brave of you, he thought and winked.

"I am. What? You didn't know I could sing?" Eli lowered his voice. "You were apparently not listening when I was in the shower."

"I must have been sleeping. I have this guy who comes over and makes sleeping difficult," Chance frowned playfully, teasing Eli. "I might have to start locking my door."

"Good thing you have an understanding roommate," Eli replied. "Coming to hear me sing? Your sister will be here too. I've till not met her yet officially, but Jackson said she was asking about me. Any idea why?"

Lots of ideas why floated through Chance's head. From his mouth came, "Probably just checkin' up on her little brother." He shrugged and added, "I'll introduce you to her later."

"Good. I can't wait, even if she's not wild about telepaths. Maybe we can not dwell on that part, huh?" Eli finished setting up the table and stepped back, smiling at Chance.

"She'll like you, don't worry about that," he assured Eli. He almost put an arm around him but held off, not knowing how Eli would react or whether Eli was comfortable with public affection. He looked around the lounge again. "Lots of work for just one party."

Jackson knows already. He hasn't said anything to me yet but he was thinking about us yesterday. Eli passed the thought to Chance, then spoke aloud.

"It is, they are terrified that something will happen to the Speaker while he is here. Understandable, so we are taking every precaution we can think of."

"Are you familiar with these Divitians? What are they like?"

"Not really, no. They've been busy with more important things. I've just seen a few of the guards who were in and out of here today checking on things." Eli shrugged and then smiled as another thought reached Chance. They look like fish.

"Fish? Perhaps I'll have salmon for dinner...," Chance lamely joked.

"Salmon. Earth fish. I've heard it's very good. I do have a break coming up...." He let that linger between them.

"Sounds like you have a dinner date, then," Chance gave him a sly grin. "Unless the break isn't long enough for that."

"Two hours, and it's b
re in a tuxedo. That's plenty of time I think." He gave the table one last swish with the towel and declared it good. Then, with a wave to Jackson, and a nod, he led the way out of the Nexus.

* * *Later* * *

Chance shook his head and chuckled as Eli's voice reverberated around the shower stall and bathroom. He checked Eli's tux then entered the shower and caught Eli in mid-note. "Ok, okay, you can sing," he teased him.

"I'm glad you appreciate greatness." Eli laughed as he turned his back to the shower and leaned his head back. "And you got a show besides. What more could a guy ask for, huh?"

"Not much," Chance kissed him, though they were supposed to be getting ready to head back to the Nexus Club not back to bed. His thoughts, if Eli went with them, would take them to the bed.

"Dinner was good, the dessert better," Eli said. He closed his eyes, enjoying the last of the shower and smiled. "I heard that, you know."

"I meant for you to," Chance answered, "Now, either kick me out of here, or I'll make you late."

"Kick you out? Hard choice but duty calls. Besides," Eli paused to turn off the shower and step out. He grabbed a towel and wrapped it around him. "You have to tie my bow tie. We didn't have those contraptions on Enara."

"Oh, fine," he took the towel and disappeared into the other room. "I'm glad I don't have to wear a silly thing like this. That's the price you pay for working."

"I think I prefer you out of such things too. Well, everything." He tugged on the shirt and fastened it with the gold studs, then added the cufflinks. Once his pants were on, he tucked in the shirt and fastened them. Next came a black brocade vest and he turned to Chance. "Tie me up."

Pausing, Chance raised an eyebrow and simply looked at Eli. All sorts of tying scenarios ran through his head and, after a moment, he grinned and looped Eli's bow tie around his neck and deftly tied it like it should be. "Don't tempt me, or you might find yourself unable to leave these quarters."

"Save that for the weekend, huh?" Eli smiled and touched Chance's cheek. "I'll be done after the first set. I have a few things to look over before class but it won't take long. I fed the materials through the computer and have been listening to them while at work."

"I'll stop by in time for your set; I think my sister's supposed to be there tonight, so I'll visit with her a little."

"She's got a table just near the Speaker's, close enough to be right there if there's trouble. And I need to go." He checked his hair, gave Chance a peck on the cheek and turned to go.

"Be careful, Eli," Chance called as Eli left. He didn't mean just with the Speaker, either.

She can't be that bad..., rose in Chance's mind. Nothing reassuring came from Chance.


Cadet Eli Ziyad
Clean of Body


Cadet Chance Conradi
Dirty of Mind


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