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Sleeping Beauty

Posted on Thu Aug 20th, 2015 @ 5:34pm by Lieutenant Commander Solis & Ensign Six of Ten & Jackson Banning V & Suresh & Vic & Commander Oralia Zeferino

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: The Nexus Club/ Piper Medical Center
Timeline: Concurrent With 'The Turning Point'

* Piper Medical Center *

“She looks pretty beaten-up,” Solis warned as they reached the door of Six’s recovery room. “We had to revive her twice and she lost a lot of blood, which we had to replace. She’s also on some heavy drugs for pain and to keep her relaxed while the nanites do their internal work. She’ll be coming out of anesthesia any minute now and Ophelia will be in shortly to check on her. “ He paused as he looked back at Suresh. “What you need to take from all this is that she is going to recover with no problems, it just might take a bit. We’ll keep her here for a few days, then you can take her home.”

Suresh nodded as he took in all the information. "I see. I don't know how to thank you, Solis. I don’t know what I’d have done if….” He let that drop, refusing even to entertain the idea.

“No problem, it’s what we do.” He smiled and clapped Suresh on the shoulder. “Go see your woman.”

Suresh stepped in and discovered Solis was right - Six did look a little rough. But she was alive and breathing and that’s all he cared about. The sudden lump in his throat made it hard to swallow and his feet didn’t seem to want to move. Moments later, however, he saw her fingers twitch and that set him in motion. He was across the room and at her side in a flash. Gently, he took her hand in his and squeezed it. He could see, however, that she was still under and so, he lowered her hand, kissed her forehead, then moved over to the comm panel in the corner. He had a call to make - one that was rather difficult, but seemed to be the right thing to do. After all, he wasn’t the only one here who cared about Six. He glanced back at her, breathed a sigh of relief, then opened a channel.

* * *

Stepping out of the employee break room, Vic looked all sorts of confused. He hurried to Jackson's office and started the conversation with: "I have to go. Six was attacked by Riley." After Suresh had called him, he'd called Darwin, who had given him the full picture. At Jackson's slightly blank look, he sighed and explained further, "Six? The girl I've been working with for Intel? Trying to date? She was stabbed by Riley Sukotav. You know, the calm guy dating Reva?" Jackson and he knew Reva - she'd been in the Nexus fairly often after Vic's spider hunt with her, Eli and Chance.

“Stabbed? By Riley,” Jackson repeated slowly. “You’re sure about this?” One look at Vic’s face told him it was true. “Oh hell. Go. Go. I’ll have Harley fill in for you. Wait, hold a sec.” He tapped his terminal and nodded. “Reva’s gonna be here tonight, want me to let her know?”

"Yeah, if she hasn't been told already. 'Course... That's awkward: her boyfriend tried to kill her best friend? Who is also his friend?" He shook his head and left without saying more.

* Piper Medical *

Stopping at the main desk on his way in, Vic had been directed to Six's room. He entered and stopped, the sight of her arresting him for a moment. He was lucky, though he didn't know it; her nanites had already started repairing the visible bruises. His gaze shifted to Suresh. "She'll be okay?"

Suresh looked up and nodded. “Yes. It was a rough one from what I understand but they said she’ll be out of here in a few days.” Seeing Vic brought back Six’s revelation that they had kissed but he shoved it out of his mind. It didn’t really matter anymore and Vic obviously was just as worried as he was. “She should be awake any time now. Since you’re here, I’m going to stretch my legs a little and get some coffee, if that’s alright?”

"Yeah, go ahead," Vic said, "I'll be here." He waited a moment for Suresh to leave then approached Six's bedside. Taking her hand, he brushed a bit of hair back from her temple and kissed her gently. "Six," he whispered against her skin, "I'm here for you, whenever you need me."

Her hand tightened around his, though the grip was weak. A moment later, her eyelids fluttered open and she took a moment to try and orient herself. “Vic? This isn’t the Arboretum.” She turned her head slightly to look at him and there was a faint whirring sound from the implant by her eye. “Sickbay.”

He smiled, his fear alleviated by seeing her wake. Before he thought about it, he kissed her, all of his heart and happiness was expressed in that kiss.

She smiled slightly against his lips. “What happened? I remember walking with Bryce and then he was shouting…..” She paused as memory began to return and fear leaped into her eyes. “Riley….”

He gripped her hand and straightened up a bit, knowing how it'd look if he were bent over, nearly kissing her when Suresh walked in. "Um... Yeah, Riley attacked you with a knife. Bryce tried to stop him, but... couldn't. Bryce is fine, so don't worry about him. And you'll be fine, too."

She frowned for a moment as she looked up at Vic. “Something is wrong with him. It was Riley but it didn’t feel like Riley. Where is he? You have to tell them.” She grew agitated as she spoke. “They need to know, he wouldn’t….” Her grip on his hand tightened.

"Ow," he complained and extricated his hand from hers. He massaged the offended hand. "He's in the Brig, getting what he deserves, I'm sure," he spoke sharply, allowing some of his anger about her being injured to show.

“Will you tell them?” She smiled as he rubbed his hand. “Sorry.” She paused and took a shallow breath, surprised when she felt no pain. “Good drugs. Vic? I’m glad you came. How’d you know I was here?”

"Ah... Suresh told me. He stepped out, but will probably be back in a minute." He smiled at her, "I'll always be here when you're in trouble, Six."

She nodded, but was rather surprised Suresh would call him. She knew he’d read that thought but it was okay. She considered his words for a moment. “Thank you. It means a lot. I know this isn’t easy.”

"Nothing worth having is easy to get," Vic said, chuckling. He turned as the door opened.

Suresh stepped back in, a mug of coffee in hand. When he saw Six was awake, a bright smile appeared on his face. “Six,” he breathed. “Welcome back.”

She smiled as well. “I figured I’d had a long enough nap.” She laughed but it was more of a wheeze. “Vic was just telling me to stop laying down on the job.” She was obviously joking again, to cover the rush of emotion in Vic that showed clearly on his face.

He laughed, changing his expression, and said, "Yeah, look at her."

“Tell Dae I may need a few days off.” She smiled and reached for Vic’s hand. She could sense the worry that mixed with the other emotions swirling within him. “I’ll stop in as soon as I get out of here. Don’t forget to tell Bryce what I said...about Riley.”

"I will," Vic agreed. He looked at Suresh and added, "I should get going, though. Let you two have a moment."

“Sure.” Suresh moved over to kiss Six’s forehead, then sat back down by the bed and left his mug on the table there. “Thanks for coming Vic. Wait, what’s this about Riley?”

"Hmm? Riley?" Vic looked at Suresh. "Just... It's Riley, her attacker." He realized Suresh hadn't known. Crap.

Suresh looked at Vic as if he’s grown two heads. “Riley? Surely not….” He looked back at Six and saw the truth in her expression. “I don’t….” He shook his head. “How is that possible?”

“I don’t know but he wouldn’t have on his own.” She looked at Vic, hoping for some help. Beneath Suresh’s shock she could sense anger building.

"Riley adores Six; he wouldn't hurt her if he was himself." Vic tried to add to Six's defense of the man. It felt wrong, though. He could understand Suresh's anger, hell, he felt it himself. "Fuck it. Suresh, he did it. He stabbed Six in the back. If you want to beat him up, I'll help you. But he's in the brig."

“I appreciate that Vic.” Suresh’s voice was surprisingly calm. He took Six’s hand gently in his. “But as you say, he is in the brig and Security might take a dim view of the two of us storming in to drag out a prisoner.” He met Vic’s gaze and held it for a moment. “I’m sure Security’s doing everything they can to figure out this mess.”

"Agreed." He looked at Six, hoping they'd just defused that tricky bomb. "So we'll let them do what they do. I'll come visit again, Six, if you're here long enough for another visit." He gently squeezed her hand, nodded to Suresh and took his leave.

Suresh watched him go and turned back to Six with a smile. “I am so happy to have you awake and talking.” He kissed her hand and smiled again. “And don’t worry, everything’s going to be just fine. I promise.”

Six nodded. She started to speak but the door opened and Ophelia entered to check her over.


Lt. Solis
Ensign Six Of Ten
Jackson Banning V


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