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Fine Tuning

Posted on Sat Aug 20th, 2011 @ 1:29pm by Commander Oralia Zeferino & Commander Patrick Leroy

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: SB900 Security Chief's Office

"...and you'll be here, Darwin," Oralia pointed to a spot on an outline of the Nexus Club. Gilroy and Darwin nodded their understanding. They knew that this was the last planning session before everyone headed off to do what they needed to do before appearing at the Nexus Club later.

The doors of her office hissed open catching Oralia by surprise as the Divitian captain Ehr'Raal burst through them.

"I'm sorry commander. Couldn't stop him." Said ensign Levkova running beside him, two other Divitian guards behind her "He wouldn't listen to any reason..."

"Of course I won't. Especially when safety of the Speaker is the matter of my visit. Commander Zeferino we have to talk." The captain intervened dryly.

Glancing at Gilroy, Zeferino slightly rolled her eyes then answered the Captain. "Of course we do. Gilroy, Darwin," she nodded towards the door and they started that way.

At the same time, the Captain nodded to his guards who, in response, took hold of Ensign Levkova dragging her away.

"Get your hands off me!" the angered blonde woman managed to say struggling to free herself before the doors hissed close cutting short her words and leaving Oralia and the Captain alone.

"That's unnecessary and the next time your people treat mine that way, you'll find both your guards and yourself in my brig for assault and battery," Oralia's jaw tensed as she and the Captain locked gazes.

He sniffed and glanced away. "The Speaker has expressed the desire to have a recreational evening and therefore accepted your chief diplomat invitation. I want to know all the details of your plans to make this absurd meeting safe." He replied as if Oralia hadn't said anything. "Are we safe here? Can we talk?" He asked looking around her office with a skeptical look too evident on his face.

Tiresome jackass, Oralia thought with a mild sneer at him. "Captain, there is possibly no other place on this base that is as safe as this room, save for the Admiral's office and the Speaker's quarters." Directing his attention to the outline of the lounge, she went on, "These are our plans, so far. We have uniformed officers in these spots," she indicated gold spots on the layout, "and plainclothes officers in these." She pointed to several green markers. "We'll have eyes on every person near the Speaker at all times. He'll be safer in the Nexus Club and on his way there than he is on one of your ships." She smiled slightly and met the Captain's eyes again, clearly willing to let him take insult.

"Of that I greatly doubt." He sneered "Still I'm pleasantly impressed. I was expecting some... Resistance. If our meeting keeps proceeding this way I could forget your being a woman and even take into account your advice."

He didn't wait for the commander's response and went straight to the matter at hand. "As you will surely have been informed the plan is to have the Speaker disguised plainly as one of the soldiers of the Divitian guard. I'll send eight of my finest with him and they'll play the part of being a group of Divitians off-duty enjoying their time. This is the route the speaker will follow from the sector we're currently using to the Nexus..." He continued handing a padd over to her "And the second one is the return route. Obviously different from the first. Of course you'll deploy extra security along these two routes. A fair number would be twenty on the first and twelve on the second." He ended as if everything was just accepted and set.

"So you're encouraging anyone coming after the Speaker to just kill the entire party?" Oralia frowned at his plan to have the Speaker disguised as a guard. "Or will you have one of the guards take the Speaker's robes and place? Have you forgotten that Commander Kh'ali will be there and that it will be obvious to anyone watching that whichever guard she pays attention to is the Speaker? How will you keep the guards from reacting to the Speaker as the Speaker? How will you keep the Speaker from treating the other guards as he normally does? For such a guise to work, he would receive equal treatment, something that guards tend to have trouble doing when a higher-up tries to slum it as one of them."

"I'll acquiesce to your demands for the different routes to and from the Club, but... you should seriously rethink the idea of having the Speaker go as anyone other than himself," Oz said, already determined that, whether the Speaker were in 'costume' or not, her plans didn't need altering.

"Commander Kh'ali just does her job by speaking with any divitian, that should be in everyone's eyes. She hasn't to be stuck with the Speaker all the time. Avoiding formal dress for the Speaker will achieve the main objective of this encounter: to keep all others present quite natural in their behavior, those who are not committed to protect him that is, so that this can become a refreshing evening to the Speaker incognito. These are his desires."

Ehr'Raal then paused an instant considering the woman's words: "I see you may have a point though. Perhaps you should stay closer to the Speaker than commander Kh'ali. It would be only fitting with your profession. I'll concede that it takes some guts to stay close to a potential target. Your chief diplomat seems to have them despite her job." He added with a wry smile. "If you have nothing to add commander, I'm content with this little meeting and will take my leave."

Her plans would need revising, ever so slightly. She hadn't anticipated being part of the Speaker's entourage. "I have nothing at this time, Captain. See you at the Nexus Club." She managed a smile as the male turned and left. As soon as her door had closed, she sagged a little and muttered, "Oh, boy. There's a reason why I'm not in the Diplomatic Corps."


LC Oralia Zeferino
Not a Diplomat
Chief of Security


pushy and Stinging
Divitian Captain


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