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I didn't do it!

Posted on Thu Aug 25th, 2011 @ 7:12am by Major Patrick Smith & Major Maxim Kamarov

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Fighter Control

Patrick was sitting in the control room reviewing the sensor logs again but still wasn't finding anything. Pulling up the hanger exit footage he could clearly see the device strapped to Jim's fighter now he knew where to look. A pity they didn't have anything facing into the hanger. The case would have been closed in hours had it been.

He started to think about who on earth would want Jim dead but he got nowhere. Throwing his padd down onto a console he walked outside to take another look at the fighter. The damage was obvious. From the flight recordings he had gathered had Jim not been manoeuvring left at the time the explosion would have done more damage. It was only by chance that he was heading so that the explosion would reach just short of fuel cells.

Maxim had another call from Captain Smith and he let it pass. The boy was becoming a pain. His XO's fighter exploded and he was acting like it was an invasion! He rang for Captain Fulton.

"You called, sir?"

"I need you to go down to the Fighter Bay and have a chat with Captain Smith. The man is a good aviator and a seasoned leader, but he has to lead his men. See if you can impress upon him the need to make command decisions."

Fulton grinned mightily. She loved chewing anyone's ass, whether figuratively or in actuality. The brothels on board the station would no longer allow Amanda into their establishments with her posting a 2-bar latinum deposit. "Aye, sir!"


Captain Fulton walked with a purpose towards the damaged fighter of Captain Holbridge. She quickly assessed the damage and walked up to the man next to the fighter. "Are you Smith?"

Smith cringed. Not the person he wanted to appear. "That would be me. How can I help you Captain Fulton?"

Amanda moved towards him, her eyes fixed on Smith's form like a predatory animal waiting to strike. "I am assuming that you are a Marine officer because you sure dress up like one," she began, a touch of sarcasm in her voice. "Is it beyond your realm of understanding when it comes to making command decisions?"

Patrick paused. "I'm not quite sure what you mean by command decisions."

Amanda smiled ferally as Smith had taken the bait. "I mean that you cannot keep crying to your superior officers every goddamned time something happens! I swear by the gods, you must have shit for brains! One of your pilots was in an accident! Investigate it! Juts keep Major Kamarov and I in the loop when something important turns up! You don't need to con-fab with the major or myself everytime you have a decision to make, unless of course you feel you cannot make informed choices based on evidence at hand. Just say the word and I'll be happy to have Holbridge take over the Fighter Detachment."

"I'm sure you don't believe I've been sat here beside this fighter since it happened scratching my arse. The investigation is proceeding." Smith handed her a padd. "For the moment it appears as it was one of the Valkyrie pilots. The detonator, as you can see, came from their store supply room." He saw she was about to jump on that. "And no not anyone could have lifted it. Stores can only be accessed by crews from that flight. Hell I get stopped when I try to enter. That drops the suspect list down to 20 people. And coincidentally means that we can restore the CAP."

Fulton read through the report. "This jibes with what Sgt Major Woodard turned up in his investigation. However we still need to addess a fundamental issue here: you are the commanding officer of the fighter detachment, unless you want to be relieved?"

Patrick shook his head no. "Good!" Amanda continued. "Get this investigation concluded and the the normal Cap back in place." Amanda's face softened. "Where is Holbridge?"

Patrick nearly laughed. "That tends to be what restoring the CAP would indicate would happen wouldn't it? Think you need to spend less time trying to get rid of us fly boys and more time cleaning out your ears Captain. As for the investigation. It will be concluded when I find out who did this." He took the padd back off her. "My padd thanks. As for Holbridge he is some place you can't annoy him."

A Post By,

Marine Captain Patrick Smith
Got his kick in the arse,


MCAPT Amanda Fulton
Insufferable Bitch


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