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Consequences of Command

Posted on Sun Sep 11th, 2011 @ 11:53am by Lieutenant Valkris Edwardson- tSepeS & USS Paladin & Admiral Ricky Wegener

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: RADM Wegener's Office
Timeline: Current


Mek'tor stood upon the transporter pad, carrying only satchel containing a few items; gifts for Valkris, a bottle containing the last bit of vintage Klingon Bloodwine given to him the last time he was on the 900 and a PADD detailing his report on their last mission. looking up he saw the expectant faces of his soon to be ex Chief of Engineering and Second Officer, Lieutenant Leah Morland staring back at him. She had surprised him that morning when she had advised that she had put in for a transfer just before their arrival to the Halmar system.

With Chief Wexler, Lieutenants Dervin, Thomas, Markos and Damocles either requesting a transfer or coming to the end of their tours, The ship would have quite a few major department slots that would need to be filled before she would be underway again.

Fortunately, the repairs to the Paladin could be handled by the 900's crew leaving him time to deal with what had happened to Charles.

"...Mr. Mularkey....Energize.." Mek'tor said, closing his eyes before his field of vision became white washed by the transporter confinement beam.

Moments later he found himself staring at a the face of a woman who he had spent his entire career chasing from one end of the galaxy to another and back again.


"Welcome to Starbase 900..Lieutenant Commander.." Valkris announced as the confinement beam dispersed, revealing the form of a tall, powerfully built Imperial Klingon male dressed in a Starfleet Command uniform.

The look in his eyes was one of both joy and weariness, though he stood tall and proud, there seemed to be a slight stoop to his shoulders. Though he smiled as he looked at her, there seemed to be something else in his look that gave her a moments pause.

"....Thank you Lieutenant, it is good to be back here though it would have been preferable had it been under better circumstances!" Mek'tor replied with a wink and his trademark sarcastic half smile.

Valkris knew better than to make any display of affection while on duty, the wink and smile was all she could expect and after so many years, it was more than enough just to be in the same room with him.

"...Lieutenant Commander, I gather that it has been some time since you were last here and there have been a number of personnel changes here, The Admiral will be expecting you right away..." Valkris continued to stare into his eyes, trying to pull out of him what was troubling him so.

"' qeraQ serves as Executive Officer and..." Valkris stopped her comment in mid sentence, sensing that Mek'tor had more important things to discuss than celebrities of the Empire or any other trivial matters. "...but we can talk later after your debriefing..say 1900?"

"Thank you....Lieutenant, 1900 hours, the Nexus then.." Mek'tor replied as he continued walking towards the nearest turbolift.

Looking around he couldn't help but to chuckle at the memory of the first time he'd been here. It seemed like so long ago when he was on the Columbia serving as Chief of Strategic Operations and getting into trouble with Col. Charles Howden. Mek'tor smiled as he wondered what ever happened to the - Old Jarhead.


Some time later, Mek'tor found himself standing at the outer officer of RADM Ricky Wegener's Office, The Commanding Officer of Starfleet's 4th fleet, Task Force 38. Mek'tor waited for another officer ahead of him to finish speaking with the yeoman seated at the reception desk before approaching.

Lieutenant Beckman turned to the Klingon. "And what can I do for you?" she asked, knowing he too probably wanted time with the Admiral.

"Lieutenant Commander Mek'tor Ro'Vaas, Executive Officer and acting CO of the USS Paladin to see the Admiral.." He replied.

"Have a seat," she replied. "I'll let him know you're here."

He had barely gotten to his seat when Hope called him back. "Commander Ro'Vaas, he's ready for you now." She triggered a hidden switch unlocking his office, the enormous oak doors swung open about a foot waiting for the man to step in.

"..Thank you Lieutenant..." Mek'tor said with a nod and a smile as he proceeded in through the opened doors.

As Mek'tor walked into the office, it became apparent that he was in uncharted territory now. He had to give not just a report to the Commanding Officer of Task Force Thirty Eight, but mostly bad news to the man no less.

"Lieutenant Commander Mek'tor, Executive Officer on the Paladin sir!" Mek'tor announced as he approached. Not that the man didn't already knew who he was, or have a report on the status of the ship and her Commanding Officer already in front of him. "It is my unfortunate duty to report that Commander Charles Indigo would not be able to report to you directly sir!" Mektor placed a PADD on the desk in front of the Admiiral

"Commander Indigo has developed a particularly devious neurological condition that is specific to his genetic background. Dr. Wexler has done his best to treat him on board the ship but his condition had deteriorated to such a degree, warranted his being placed in stasis field, a kind of induced coma so that his condition wouldn't progress any further. Dr. Wexler removed Commander Indigo from active duty and by starfleet protocol, I was made acting CO."

"I see," Ricky said as he glanced over the PADD in front of him. "Is there hope that he'll recover from this condition?"

" Too soon to tell sir, initial reports from Dr. Wexler that he will be off duty for a while, he doesn't have a definite answer as to when he will return or even if he will be able to!" Mek'tor replied. "..aside from Indigo, we lost lieutenant Fisher, Rouseau and Ensign Mularkey are listed as KIA. Lieutenant Dervin at Ops, Counselor Thomas, and...Chief Engineer Morland have all requested transfers. We are moving people into those positions but...Morland was also 2XO and with Charles down...."

Mek'tor stoopped himself from sounding like he had given up. " sir. Despite our losses,we have a number of new crewmen who will help keep us in line and on mission!"

"I like the sound of that," Rick replied. "And we have some personnel on the base waiting for assignment. I'll get with personnel and have them assigned to the Paladin right away." He looked at the man in front of him and studied him a moment. "You know, with your CO incapacitated, I'm going to need someone to fill his seat. And from where I'm sitting, you've done a fine job filling in for now." He paused. "Care to make it a permanent position?"

"..Sir, I am a Klingon, we live to serve!.." Mek'tor said with a grin "....I have been fortunate enough to have had in Charles, a mentor who allowed me to run the Paladin my way and at the same time, ensure that his orders were carried out. I do have a few questions however..."

Ricky nodded, prompting the man to continue.

Charles was not just the CO of trhe Paladin but the CO of Task Group Daystrom as well. I understand that Charles was recently named to that position but what would it mean for me to....step into his position of the CO of the Paladin?" Mek'tor immediately thought back to the days since Indigo was named CO of the Task Group and how his personal workload on the ship seemed to increase almost immediately "..I understand that there are two other ships in Daystrom but to be honest, Charles left me to run the Paladin while the business of the task group..."

Mek'tor paused for a moment, thinking back to the recent past and wondering if they'd ever even received any contact with the other two ships in their group. "...My point is that I am also available, and capable of stepping in as Task Group CO as well! Though Charles did give me my shot as his XO, I prefer a much more involved style of leadership than he did. Not that I am a micromanager but I do require more contact with subordinates, at least until I can get a better feel for their performance anyway."

Mek'tor stood at attention as if some unspoken command had been given "...Sir, I would be happy to take over command of the Paladin on a more permanent basis, any decision as to command of the Task Group can be decided at your leisure! I have some people who Charles slated for promotion and with me taking over as CO, I'll need to name a new First and Second officer. The Paladin will be docked for a few days yet, we can discuss what our orders are when the minor details of command have been ironed out.."

Ricky thought it over and, at this point in time, he needed the position filled. The other COs in the task group were either too busy or not yet qualified for the position. "You are officially the commander of the USS Paladin and Task Group Daystrom, effective immediately. I expect you'll have to take a little time getting acquainted to both positions, but I'm sure you'll be able to handle it." He stood and offered his hand to the Klingon, who shook it. "Congratulations, Commander. Dismissed."

"Thank you sir!" Mek'tor replied as he shook the Admirals hand al million other tasks that he had to complete came to the forefront of his thoughts.

"Good day to you sir!" Mek'tor added finally as he turned to leave.

As he exited the Admirals office, he had no idea of the consequences of commanding a ship of his own would mean let alone of being responsible for other ships.



RADM Ricky Wegener
CO Starbase 900
CO Task Force 38

CDR Mek'tor Ro'Vaas
CO USS Paladin


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