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A Night At The Nexus - Part Three

Posted on Sat Sep 17th, 2011 @ 9:38am by Captain Li Hawke & Lieutenant Commander Kh'ali & Lieutenant Commander Leto & Jackson Banning V & Cadet Senior Grade Eli Ziyad & Commander Oralia Zeferino & Commander Patrick Leroy & & Major Patrick Smith & Cadet Senior Grade Chance Conradi & Lieutenant Norval Tigan & Janice Gree

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: The Nexus Club

The Speaker's group moved on into the Nexus, and Jackson stepped up front and center.

"Good evening, Speaker Zee'Hrai." Jackson gave a respectful nod to the Speaker. His next greeting was to the Captain, and finally to Kh'ali. "If you'll come this way, your table's reserved and waiting." He turned to lead the way towards the table and now, he cast a glance to Oz and Connor on the dance floor. As he understood it, they were to join the Speaker and Kh'ali, so as to have Starfleet Security at ground zero.

They reached the table and Jackson held the velvet rope aside. "Enjoy your evening. The show starts in one hour."

"Thank you." Zee'Hrai said to the address of Jackson as he seated "Maybe I can come to the counter after the show to see your renowned skill with cocktails at work? Would you try your hand at Divitian Dark Nebula? That is my favourite."

"I'll be more than happy to, Speaker. We'll add it to the regular menu in honor of your visit." Jackson moved away, leaving the Speaker and Kh'ali alone at the table. A glance to Eli, who nodded, told him that so far, things were quiet.

Out on the dance floor Connor had seen them enter. With his arm down lower below Oralia's waist, his fingers tightened over hers, and he moved them in a slow motion circle around the dance floor until the Speaker's group were in her view.

Quietly, Oz groaned as she saw the Speaker, et al., finding their seats and settling in. "I was hoping to have dinner before they got here," she said, glancing up at her partner. "Oh well. Guess we'll join them in a moment. You don't have to stay if you don't want to."

Stopping their dancing, yet keeping hold of her hand, Connor stared intently back at Oz before glancing around with the same look in his eyes. "I'm not going anywhere", he said.

She was both relieved and concerned. Relieved that she wouldn't be alone, but also worried that her attention would be divided; there were times around Connor when she couldn't think of anything but him. She squeezed his hand and nodded her head towards the table, "C'mon, then."

Oralia and Connor joined the table as the rest of the divitian soldiers scattered around the room, but never too far from Zee'Hrai.

"It is a pleasure to have you at our table Commander Zeferino" Zee'Hrai greeted Oralia "And you too Dr. McKinney." Once they were seated Zee'Hrai leaned towards Oralia addressing her in a softer tone "I know that the tasks assigned to your department regarding our visit here may have seemed ungrateful. You've probably met the less alluring side of divitian culture but rest assured that your efforts are greatly appreciated."

Smiling, Oralia bowed her head slightly. "Thank you, Speaker Zee'Hrai. Your Captain has been interesting to work with," she admitted.

Patrick slid away from the other officers and headed straight to the bar. Sitting turned around in his seat he listened in and watched to see which of the Guards would react to being mentioned. A tough looking bunch he eyed up each one before casually scanning the room while he waited to be served.

Index moved into the empty space at the bar next to Patrick. He ordered a drink in guttural tones, then glanced around as he waited. His attention settled on Li and he smiled briefly. He didn't focus on her too long for fear of gathering attention, simply playing the part of an admiring male. He had to wonder why such a small, seemingly fragile-looking woman had spooked Ring so badly. His drink appeared and he thanked the bartender, moving on to get lost in the crowd.

"You ready baby?" Janice slipped up beside Eli at the bar. "We're on in two minutes."

"Sure." Eli smiled to Norval and Chance, then followed her through the door and around to the wings of the stage. He took a deep breath as he waited.

"You'll be just fine." Janice gave him a reassuring smile and squeezed his hand. Moments later, they heard Jackson welcoming the crowd and introducing them. The stage lights went down and he and Janice moved out to their places in the dark.

As the stage lights went down, Nenita slipped up beside Li. "Hey honey," she whispered.

Li jumped at the voice, but settled down immediately seeing Nenita. "Sorry, you surprised me."

"Well, that's a first. You normally know who's coming before they get within twenty feet. What gives?"

"Long story, Nita, but I"m not running at full power tonight."

Nenita gave her a speculative glance, then nodded. "Any sign of our mysterious telepath?"

Li shook her head. "Nothing yet." She fell silent as the stage lights came back up and Eli stepped out on stage.

The music began, an old, swing Earth tune by Frank Sinatra. Eli stepped up to the microphone and began to sing, his voice a rich, velvety tenor that evoked smoky back rooms of a time long gone.

Those fingers in my hair.
That sly
come hither stare
that strips my conscience bare
it's witchcraft.
And I've got no defense for it.
The heat is too intense for it...

"Holy shit, the kid's good!" Nenita exclaimed.

"Indeed," Li answered. "And singing one of my favorites."

It seemed the other patrons were of the same mind as murmurs of appreciation spread through the Nexus. Another watcher, Middle, who stood in the shadows in the back had to agree. He hummed along with the tune in his head as he scanned the crowd. His gaze fell on Index, then passed on without any sign of recognition.

Norval had taken advantage of the time that Eli and Chance slipped away, smirking to himself as he removed the tricorder from his hip. The scans were full of data: of people, equipment, plenty of alcohol... but so far nothing out of the ordinary. That was a good sign, the Trill thought, even as he replaced the device and slid up next to one beguiling Betazoid, nodding to Nita in the process.

In his head, he was already working on a line. Something about assuming Sakkath's duties while he was away, which logically meant he should ask Li to dance. Several of his previous hosts groaned in protest within, even as he realized he was standing next to a telepath. Less thinking, he told himself, more doing.

And so, he simply extended his hand. "Care to dance?" he asked with his usual easy grin.

Li turned to look up at Norval with a smile. "That line is much better than your first impulse, my friend. And I'd love to." Placing her hand in his, she walked with him to the dance floor. Once there, wrapped in his arms, they began to move in time to the music.

"I thought you might like to know that the scanners haven't found anything," Norval said as they swept around the dance floor. "It seems our guest of honor should be quite safe."

"That's a relief. I've picked up a few unhappy emotions with his presence here but nothing that seems to be any overt threat. Maybe we'll get through this in one piece and then we can go home and relax." Li smiled at Norval as he spun her around and they continued to dance.

"Jackson's promised me free drinks if it goes as well as you say," Norval smiled as he dipped Li, admiring the rubies on her neck and the way her raven hair cascaded towards the floor. Damn his Vulcan hide, indeed. As he spun her back up, he was hopeful that things really would work out. "Here's to hoping," he concluded.


Lt. Connor McKinney
ACMO/Chief Surgeon

Marine Captain Patrick Smith

Lt. (j.g.) Norval Tigan
Acting Chief of Ops

Lt.Cmdr. Oralia Zeferino

Speaker Of Divitia

Lt. Commander Kh'ali
Chief Diplomatic Officer

Lt. Commander Li Hawke
Chief Intelligence Officer

Lt. (jg) Nenita Quidley
Intelligence Officer

Chance Conradi
Cadet 4th Class

Eli Ziyad
Cadet 4th Class

Jackson Banning V
Owner & Master Of Ceremonies
The Nexus Club


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