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Waiting In The Wings

Posted on Thu Sep 1st, 2011 @ 12:57pm by Lieutenant Norval Tigan & Jackson Banning V

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: The Nexus Club

=^= The Nexus Club =^=

Norval had foregone his Lothario-esque attire, so normal when frequenting the Nexus Club. He didn't even have any one... or any ones... on his arm. He was here now in his capacity as Acting Chief of Operations, though it was in plain clothes.

He had donned something almost formal. Black slacks and matching satin vest. His shirt was white, classic as to the tuxedoes that most of the club staff would be wearing, and his tie... well, his tie was his belt. He had to add some manner of flare to his wardrobe, after all. It was shockingly violet, slashed with gold. He felt it suited him, and still incorporated that color so important to his uniform.

He had to pass through Oz's security to start, through the very scanners he had approved installed. This visit meant everything, even though on paper it meant nothing in the grand diplomatic scheme. It would not aid the Federation in their relations with Divitia Prime, but it would show that they could keep the Speaker safe.

He only hoped that would translate into a larger role in keeping their world safe. He absently wondered how Sakkath and the others were faring. There had been no word as of yet, which could mean things were progressing smoothly or that little real progress had been made.

He surrendered the tricorder he had tucked into the back of his pants only to have it returned moments later after a security scan and then entered into the club proper. Jackson had outdone himself with the decor, that was plain to see. He let a slow whistle escape his lips as he looked around.

The preparations were done, just a few last minute adjustments. Norval could see a reserved table with a clear path to the exit. It was surrounded by a burgundy velvet rope. Jackson himself was not visible, but Janice passed by, dressed in a long, deep red silk dress.

"He's over under the stage if you want him." She gave Norval a motherly pat on the cheek and continued on, calling for Eli.

"Thanks," Norval said, flashing Janice a smile as he made his way over to the stage. He could hear Jackson more than see him, working on something or other. The Trill crouched down, tilting his head to the side which really only provided a view of the human's tousled hair.

"Keeping busy, Jack?" he called underneath.

Jackson grunted as he adjusted something attached to the bottom of the stage. "Afternoon, Norval. Just a few last minute things before the evenin' jumps on us. I swear, if anyone manages to lay a finger on the Speaker tonight, he'll have to be a genie to get past the people and the hardware." There was a metallic clink and a soft curse from Jackson under the stage.

"True enough. This place'll be locked up tighter than the brig, most just won't stay as long." The Trill smirked at the sounds coming from beneath the stage. "Do you need a little Operations know-how down there?"

Jackson poked his head out and gave Norval a quick look. "Yer kiddin', right? Dressed like that? You look too good to be crawlin' around under here." He disappeared back under the stage and resumed whatever it was he was doing. "You have a date tonight or somethin'?"

"Why, Mister Banning, flattery will get you everywhere," Norval replied jokingly. "And no, tonight's visit is sadly work-related." The Trill turned his head, looking around at the vast array of security technology that had been installed in the past few hours. "I want to be on hand should any of this malfunction."

"Good call." Jackson crawled out to take a short break and get some air. "Damn good thing I ain't claustrophobic. And I'm hopin' that no one tries anything stupid tonight. It's why I wanted all this so obviously visible. We also have some not so visible monitoring goin' on." He nodded to Eli. "Li will be here too. I guess we'll see. An' if it all comes off without a hitch, drinks are on me after."

Norval glanced in the direction of Jackson's nod, looking Eli over. A political refugee, hardly even a cadet. He was probably better suited to serving drinks than monitoring hundreds, if not thousands, of errant thoughts searching for that one veiled threat. But then, Jackson had never given Norval the impression that he didn't know what he was doing.

And you were that young too, once, child, Laylun Tigan reminded him. Yet you still garnered the attention of the Symbiosis Commission. Do not be so quick to doubt him.

"No offense to our resident mind-readers, but I'll put my faith in a good tricorder and our equipment here." He smiled impishly. "And I'll work especially hard if you're picking up the tab. I'm sure you've got something good and expensive I can quaff tonight."

Jackson pointed at Norval with the tool in his hand, a good old-fashioned wrench. "You're on, and I've got just the thing for you." He glanced at the wristwatch he wore and frowned. "I gotta get this wrapped up and get changed. Go tell Eli I'm gettin' your tab tonight and have a drink before it gets too crazy." With a smile, Jackson crawled back beneath the stage.

"Hmm, maybe the synthehol won't taste fake if I imagine it's whatever you're buying later. All right, you know where to find me if you need anything." Norval gave a rap to the top of the stage before standing, straightening his vest. He hoped that Jackson's faith in this evening passing without incident proved warranted, even as he made his way back towards the bar, content to wait.

Lt. Norval Tigan
Assistant Chief of Operations

Jackson Banning V
Owner & Optimist
The Nexus Club


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