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Courage Tastes Like Lemonade

Posted on Sat Sep 10th, 2011 @ 7:24pm by Cadet Senior Grade Chance Conradi & Jackson Banning V & Cadet Senior Grade Eli Ziyad

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Nexus Club Storeroom

* * The Nexus Club * *

It's showtime...

Jackson's words echoed in Eli's head as he watched the Speaker and Khali enter, surrounded by the Divitian guards. Everyone in the place seemed to sit up a bit straighter and the realization that he'd soon be onstage singing in front of this crowd hit him like going to warp without the dampers engaged. Breathing was suddenly very hard.

Chance rubbed his own chest and winced before looking over at Eli. "Hey, relax and breathe," he urged him.

"Breathe?" Eli's voice was laced with panic. "This," he motioned to the club, "is big time. What the hell have I gotten myself into?" He grabbed his glass of lemonade Jackson-style and vanished into the storage room just behind the bar.

The human followed Eli. "C'mon, you know you can sing, babe," he offered encouragement. "You'll go out there and knock 'em dead." He grinned and rubbed Eli's shoulder.

"What if I open my mouth and croak? Like the opera singer in Phantom Of The Opera? They laughed her off the stage. She was a wreck. And Janice would kill me." He took several gulps of the lemonade. "This stuff is really good."

"Ah..., yeah," he took the glass from Eli, sniffed it, took a sip and nearly choked as the alcohol gave him an unexpected kick. Swallowing hard and clearing his throat, he nodded, "I can see why it is." He set it aside and took Eli by the shoulders. "Really, you have nothing to worry about. If you keep this case of nerves going, you'll be a self-fulfilling prophesy."

"I"m just not used to it, I guess. Back home, I wasn't that popular. I was the kid sitting at the monitor who related better to computers than people. Here, everyone seems to know who I am, where I came from, they all talk to me, watch me. Now I'm going to be in the spotlight. With Janice. I mean you've heard her sing."

"I have," Chance confirmed. "And I've heard you sing. You're up for this, Eli."

Eli grabbed his glass and took another long drink of the lemonade. He stopped moving entirely. Then, he seemed to stand a bit straighter and lowered the glass with a satisfied sigh. He eyed Chance and a leisurely smile spread across his face. "Oh my..."

Liquid courage, Chance mused. "Oh my," he grinned and moved in to kiss Eli. He held the kiss for a moment, enjoying the taste of the lemon and bourbon. "I knew you'd get over the stage fright."

Eli gave Chance a gentle kiss, then straightened his tie, smoothed his jacket. "I feel better already." Taking Chance in his arms, he began to dance him around the storeroom, singing softly.

Laughing, Chance let Eli lead, unaware that his sister was letting Connor do the same thing out in the main area. He hummed along with Eli's song.

"I'll be singing the perfect song for you, Chance." Gone was the hesitant tone, replaced with pure unadulterated confidence.

"For me? What song would that be or do I have to wait till you're out there singing it?"

"You'll see." He winked at Chance as they danced around the storeroom. "And thanks, I feel so much better."

"Hmm...," Chance squeezed the Charmin, and agreed, "You do feel good."

"I should bring some of that lemonade home with us."

"You do that and we might have a hard time...," Chance raised a brow at Eli, "Getting up for class."

"Tomorrow's the weekend, remember?" Eli smiled just as Jackson poked his head in the door.

"Ready Romeo? Janice is lookin' for ya."

Eli nodded. "Showtime." He let go of Chance and slipped out to join Janice.

After he left, Jackson looked at Chance curiously. "Well?"

"Hmm?" Chance smiled at Jackson. "Guess I'll head out to Oz's table for the show."

"Guess that lemonade did the trick. Enough to give him some courage anyhow. How's Oz takin' all this?"

"All this? Do you mean the Divitian thing? Or Connor living with her? Or her little brother showing up without notice?" Chance smirked. "She's stressed. Y'all might not see it, but I do."

Jackson nodded. "I can tell." He left it at that, not wanting to admit he'd been watching. "I was referrin' specifically to you two, though."

"Me and Eli?" Chance smiled. "She doesn't care. It's not like she's got a problem with this kind of relationship." He left it vague as to whether he meant 'casual' or 'same-sex'.

"Good. Eli's...concerned. Well worried but hey." Jackson shrugged. "I gotta go open the show, you comin'?"

"Yeah, just not out on stage," he winked at Jackson and turned to head back to the bar.

"Hey Chance?" Jackson stopped him before he passed through the door.

"Hmm?" He turned back.

"Tell her if there's anything I can do, all she's gotta do is call." He frowned for an instant, then turned to make his way out of the storeroom.

"Will do, Mr. Banning," Chance nodded. As Jackson passed him, he watched the man for a moment, wondering about that message. Half a second later, he shrugged to himself and found a seat by the bar from where he could watch Eli.

Eli Ziyad
Cadet 4th Class
Swimming In Liquid Courage

Chance Conradi
Cadet 4th Class
Appreciating the Effect of Liquid Courage

Jackson Banning V
Owner & Everyone's Caretaker
The Nexus Club


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