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An Old Friend Returns

Posted on Wed Feb 24th, 2016 @ 5:13pm by Lieutenant Commander Kh'ali & Maxym Balasz & Commander Patrick Leroy

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Diplomatic Offices / Docking Bay

* Diplomatic Offices *

Kh’ali sat looking at the arrival notice, more than a little concerned. It was an official communique from Betazed, announcing the assignment of one Maxym Balasz as the new ambassador from Betazed. That was fine, it would be great to have more diplomats on 900 but it was the name that concerned her. Surely it was a coincidence?

Turning to her viewer, she pulled up the info on the new ambassador and saw that no, it wasn’t. He was Rhys’ brother, and the resemblance was startling. If she were to pass him on the street, she would’ve thought he was Rhys. Kh’ali wasn’t sure what she thought about that. On one hand he wasn’t Rhys, but on the other he was his brother. She hoped the crazy didn’t run in the family. Her next thought was of Li. She knew Li was in an awful place right now, this surely wouldn’t help. Then again, she didn’t know Li’s history with this brother. Thinking on all of it made her head hurt.

She was glad, therefore, when a call came in from Aros. “Hi Aros, what’s up?”

“Just a second.” He turned away from the screen to pluck something from D’veidh’s hands. “Better. I just wanted to let you know we’re about to take off. We’re stopping by Commander Rousseau’s for a few minutes to let D’veidh see one of Iggy’s offspring, then we’ll be at the Arboretum. We’re meeting a...a friend and her daughter so they can play and have lunch.”

“A friend?” Kh’ali smiled back at him. She had noticed his smile as he said it. “Who?”

“My dinner date from last evening actually,” he admitted.

“Oh? I take it that went well?” Kh’ali had suspected so when Aros arrived that morning and was whistling a tune as he entered her Quarters.

“That is something of an understatement.” Aros’ smile widened. “Anyway I need to go. She and Saye will be there by 1100. We’ll see you tonight.”

His words sent a shock through Kh’ali. “Wait...who?” Surely she hadn’t heard him right.

“Saye….and her mother, Aia. Anyway, we’ll see you tonight.”

The channel closed, leaving Kh’ali sitting there with her mouth hanging open. Aia? He’d had a date with Aia? What the hell? And obviously he had no idea who Aia was. Oh dear….. She pressed the panel on her desk.

“Aure’l? Umm….could you tell me what month and year it is please?”

Aure’l was silent for several seconds, then the doors to Kh’ali’s office opened. “I am uncertain whether you were being humourous or if that was a legitimate question,” the Vulcan officer commented. “But it is stardate is 65144.8. May I ask why?”

Kh’ali nodded. “I just came across something strange and wondered if I had somehow fallen asleep for a year and missed a lot.”

“Please explain?” Aure’l asked.

Kh’ali waved it aside. “Nothing important. I’m just out of the loop apparently. Has Ambassador Balasz arrived?” Even as she asked the question, the outer doors opened and Maxym entered.

“He has,” Aure’l commented, her tone dry.

Kh’ali immediately began to laugh. “Show him in then.”

When Aure’l escorted Max into the office, Kh’ali was still laughing. She stood and inclined her head to Max. “My apologies, Ambassador. Welcome to Starbase 900.”

Max looked behind him, then down at himself, and finally smiled back at her. “I just wanted to make sure I hadn’t forgotten my pants,” he joked.

His words sent Kh’ali into another spasm of laughter. She finally quieted down and came around from behind her desk to take Max’s offered hand. “Your pants are just fine,” she said, causing him to begin laughing. “It’s just that I have recalled what happens when you ask your Vulcan assistant a seemingly illogical question. We’re glad to have you aboard, Ambassador. Please have a seat.” She was pleased to see that so far, he was nothing like Rhys, who had always been so uptight and intense.

Max bowed formally over her hand, then sat. Once Kh’ali had taken the seat beside him, he smiled again. “Should I ask?”

Kh’ali shook her head. “No, it was just something my son’s caretaker said that made me realize I may not be at all current on station gossip. How was your trip?”

“It was agreeable,” Max answered, “though a bit long. You all will have me a while as I don’t intend to the return any time soon. The only less than pleasant thing was the news of Commander Sakkath’s death. My family and the Hawkes are very close. Li’s mother called to tell us.”

“I see.” Kh’ali replied. “I was acquainted with…..” she stopped, debating how to put this delicately.

“My brother,” he finished for her and she nodded. “An unfortunate end to a very troubled man, and a terrifying situation for Li. I am learning that many of this crew knew him, but so far most have been willing to keep an open mind where I am concerned. It’s a pleasant surprise. I don’t know that I would be so accepting in the shoes of you and the rest of Li’s friends and colleagues.”

“You’re not him,” Kh’ali said simply. She wondered, though, how Li would react once she learned of Max’s presence.

“Regarding Li? I don’t know,” Max said truthfully. “That remains to be seen. I wasn’t reading you, it’s just that seems to be everyone’s question, including mine.”

“You will work it out, I have no doubt.” Kh’ali smiled gently at Max. “You’re here just in time though. Ambassador Zee’Hrai, of the Divitians, is landing and I need to get there to meet his ship. You can come with me.”

“Sounds good.” Max rose and smoothed his jacket, then watched as Kh’ali opened one of her desk drawers. She lifted out a black box and from it withdrew a necklace made of a wide ornate collar of a shiny gold-colored metal native to Divitia Prime. A large stone hung from it that shone brightly, the colors slowly changing as he watched.”It’s mesmerizing,” he said. “and it suits you.”

“It is,” Kh’ali agreed, “and thank you. It was a gift from the Ambassador after we foiled an assassination plot here. Is it straight?” When he nodded, she put the box away. “Let’s go.”

* Docking Bay *

The door leading to the umbilical opened and a Divitian in martial attire entered the room. A Divitian that Kh’ali knew well.

“That’s Captain Ehr’Raal,” she said to Max in a whisper. “A bit callous but not hostile.”

Without a word Ehr’Raal gave a curt nod of his head to Kh’ali and then his eyes looked all around lingering on Balasz as if assessing potential threats that could be coming from him. Eventually satisfied with his inspection, he turned to the door nodding in assent and Zee’Hrai emerged, hands draped behind his back, and walked over to meet them.

“I’m sorry for this short preamble to my arrival, Kh’ali. But Ehr’Raal insisted to check out for potential danger to my person despite my assurance that we have nothing to fear here,” Zee’Hrai said casting a sidelong glance to his Captain.

“We’ve seen what happened last time we were here,” Ehr’Raal responded, his tone neutral, the image of the perfect soldier. Then he nodded briefly again to all of them “I’m returning aboard the Nightsong. We’ll be standing-by for any requests you might have, Zee’Hrai.” Ehr’Raal turned and strode back into the umbilical.

“You see? As always he’s taking care of me like… How do you use to say? A mother hen, right?” Zee’Hrai addressed Kh’ali “Now we can properly salute each other.” He ended then smiling to the both of them.

Following formal Divitian custom, Kh’ali gave a low curtsy to Zee’Hrai. Once she stood tall, she indicated Max. “Ambassador, may I present Ambassador Masym Balasz of Betazed.”

Max bowed, to Zee’Hrai. “It is a pleasure to finally meet you. I’ve read of your visits here, of course. I will be honored to offer you any assistance you might need.”

“The honor is mine. And any help is gladly accepted as well as I’m eager to assist you in the effort that awaits all of us.” Zee’Hrai responded with a bow of the head and then, regarding Kh’ali “Ah… The jewel I gave to you. As always it suits you splendidly albeit its great value is really nothing compared to that of the one who’s wearing it.”

A warm smile lit Kh’ali’s face and now that the formalities were over, she wrapped Zee in a tight hug. “I’m so glad to see you back here. It’s been far too long. Come to dinner and we can get caught up. An informal one, at home?”

“I gladly accept.” gently reciprocating the hug “With the passing of time I’m beginning to find far more pleasure in ‘informal’ talks between friends and the welcoming atmosphere of small places.”

“As you say.” Kh’ali took his offered arm and the three of them began to walk to the docking bay exit. They by-passed the check-in desk and soon were in the turbolift that would take them to the VIP Quarters. “Will you require a security detail while you are here? Besides Ehr’Raal and his men?”

“What your base can afford will be fine for me. I’ve strictly forbidden Ehr’Raal from taking over this aspect of my visit here this once. I think he’s holding a grudge for that.” Zee’Hrai replied with a knowing smile “Ah… The effort I made back then to convince him time and again to get along with Commander Zeferino… It took all my skills and also represented as much an headache as the problem we were confronting itself.” He ended allowing himself a slight chuckle. “Perhaps we are boring ambassador Balasz,though, with our talking of the past. I’m sorry for that.”

“Please do not worry yourself,” Max assured him. “I understand how it is when you’ve not seen someone you are very close to in a long time.” HIs thoughts immediately skipped to Li and he wondered if their reunion would be as warm as this one.

“About Commander Zeferino,” Kh’ali began. “She is, at the moment, off-duty.” She related the story of the assimilation and the rescue, as well as the death of Sakkath. “They just returned a few days ago and she is still in Piper. She has been fully recovered from the Borg implants, however. I think she will be glad to hear from you.”

Zee’Hrai’s look became pensive for an instant “These are sad news indeed. I’m sorry to hear that, both for Commander Zeferino and especially for Commander Sakkath. I knew him only slighlty personally but all the reports about the coping with our crisis depicted him as very efficient and capable and, believe me, obtaining such recognition with Divitian people for a stranger is no small thing.”

He breathed then and turning to Kh’ali he made a proposal “Perhaps you could invite Commander Zeferino at our dinner? This is just an idea, if she doesn’t feel like it or if her conditions do not allow that, do not force her.”

“She should be out of Piper some time tomorrow, so we could do it the day after? I’ll be glad to check with her,” Kh’ali answered. “Till then, do you wish to stay in tonight? Or can I lure you out to the Nexus?”

“I’ll allow myself to be lured.” He smiled.

“Excellent.” She smiled at Zee. “I will be at your door at 1900 hours. Would you care to join us Ambassador Balasz?”

“Perhaps tomorrow?” I’m still getting settled into permanent quarters and I have some personal business to attend to this evening. My apologies Ambassador Zee’Hrai. But tomorrow night I would love to join you.”

“Don’t worry Ambassador. Take your time to settle your things, it will be tomorrow then.” Zee’Hrai responded.

The lift stopped finally on Zee’s deck and Kh’ali waited for him to exit the lift first. “I’ll see you tomorrow Max.” She flashed him a smile, then followed in Zee’s wake.

“Looks like just us tonight. Patrick is filling in as XO until Captain Hawke is back on duty.”

“I will not keep you too long then. Commander Leroy will surely want to partake of your company after a long day of work.”

They reached his quarters and she unlocked the door. “I’ll leave you to settle in then, and be back at 1900.”

“Agreed. I’ll be ready by then.”

Lt. Commander Kh’ali
Keeping Her Sense Of Humour

Ambassador Maxym Balasz
Making New Friends

Ambassador Zee’Hrai
Meeting Old Friends Again


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