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No Place Like Home

Posted on Sat Apr 9th, 2016 @ 9:57pm by Jackson Banning V & Commander Oralia Zeferino
Edited on on Wed Apr 13th, 2016 @ 9:21pm

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: Oralia & Jackson's Quarters / Promenade

* Oralia’s and Jackson’s Quarters *

“There, that should do it,” Nadia Conradi said, having just finished putting another pillow behind her daughter’s back. She stood looking at Oralia, a small smile on her features. The two looked, in coloration and size, so similar that their relationship as mother-daughter was obvious.

“Mom, I’m fine, really. I’m not sick and the doctors did a fine job patching me up,” Oz protested. Above and beyond what the doctors did, she had nanites running through her blood, repairing damage almost as soon as the damage happened. A nearby padd beeped and the computer announced a new message. Oz grimaced; she’d thought she had turned those notifications off. “Would you hand that to me, please?”

“Jackson said you’re not...,” Nadia saw Oz’s jaw harden and changed her mind. She handed the device to Oz. “Fine, but only a few minutes, only while Jackson’s not in here and not if you get agitated.”

“Yes, mom,” Oralia agreed, smiling. She opened her messages, scrolling through to find the most interesting ones - which was difficult: they were all interesting since they were reports on what was happening around the station. She opened one from Gilroy as her mom turned away to get them some drinks. Oz couldn’t help her outburst: “Oh, hell! Damndamndamn!”

That made Nadia turn and grab the padd from her. “Okay, that might be a record. What is that? Three seconds before work had you riled up?”

Oz reached for the padd and sputtered, “Oh, wait! C’mon, mom, there’s stuff I need to catch up on!”

“No,” she used her best ‘mother’ voice. “Now, sit back. I’ll get you some lunch and then I’m meeting Eli’s mother for a tour of the Promenade.” Oralia knew that meant ‘shopping’; she sat back, glumly staring across the room at the padd her mom had just taken away from her.

The main doors opened and Jackson breezed in. He gave Nadia a peck on the cheek as he continued on past her and into the bedroom.

“Honey, I’m home,” he joked, then pulled his hand from behind his back. In it was a bouquet of flowers. “How’s it goin’? Have ya hit stir crazy yet?”

She smiled and took the flowers from him, inhaling their scent. “I have, dear. I want to get up and go for a jog, go to the office, go do something! I have messages that need my attention...,” Okay, they didn’t really need her attention; Gilroy had everything under control. Oz just wanted to be on top of things. Her gaze shifted to the out-of-reach padd and she frowned. “I can’t believe Solis said I have to stay in bed. I have Borg tech in me! I’m indestructible now!”

Jackson shrugged. “Just for a day or two.” He leaned in close to whisper at her ear. “Your mother is goin’ out after lunch. How about I sneak you out too? I have to confess, Solis said this whole layin’ around thing was to keep you outta the office.”

“Oh, I like the sound of that,” she whispered back and turned her head to kiss his cheek. “We could walk the Promenade - something nice and sedate that we never do. Or the Arboretum? What do you have in mind?”

“Either is fine...or a trip through a holodeck? I’ll leave it to you whether ya want privacy or wanna people watch,” he answered. “But don’t tell your mother. She’ll skin me alive.”

“Funny: you two are worried the other will get upset for letting me be a normal person,” Oz commented and looked past him at Nadia in the doorway. “Mom, we’re going to go out for burgers on the Promenade - just a light, easy walk,” she said.

Nadia tsk’d then smiled. “I never could get you to stay in bed when you were sick. Just don’t exert yourself, Oralia.” She looked at Jackson and said, “Have fun. We’ll see you at dinner.” She turned and breezed out of the apartment.

Oz smiled up at Jackson. “No secrets.”

“Apparently.” He grinned at her, then slipped off the bed and took the flowers. “I’ll get these in some water while you get dressed. No uniform though. Yer still off-duty, Commander.” He winked at her, then strolled out to the kitchen.

* Promenade *

“There’s nothing like a good burger,” Oz said, licking mustard and cheese off of her finger. “I’m glad we didn’t stay in.”

“I am a firm believer that too much stayn’ in can have the opposite effect of the intended one.” Jackson reached out with his napkin to get a bit of mustard at the corner of her lips. “Especially for people like us.”

“People like us?” She reached for her beer and took a sip.

“Active types. Neither of us is the type to be content to sit at home and do nothing. You especially.” He smiled back at her. “A coupla rolling stones we are and it suits us.” He pushed his plate aside and reached for her hand. “You wanna come make use of my table tonight?”

“Mind if I bring Mom and Dad? Maybe Chance, too, if his schedule allows?” She laced her fingers with his. “And we can have a few dances?”

“Absolutely. I’d let Eli have the night off but with Vic gone, I need him. He’s takin’ Jan’s set tonight while she’s off doin’ whatever it is she does when I’m not lookin’ at her.” His smile lingered and turned wicked. “Wear those zebra shoes?”

“And that ribbon-back dress?” Her grin matched his and she nodded.

“Definitely. And tell ‘em all they don’t need to walk ya home. I can take off around midnight after Eli’s set’s done an’ he an’ Sam can close up. How’s that?” He raised Oz’s hand to his lips.

“That sounds good, J.” She watched him a moment then said, “I really do need to read some of those reports. Perhaps this afternoon, before dinner, I’ll get to those.”

“You know where Vic is, yeah?” he asked. “There’s more associated with that and it’ll be some interestin’ readin’ for ya.”

“He’s out on a patrol,” she answered with a nod, unaware she didn’t know the whole story, but getting the hint that there was more of a story there. “I... look forward to finding out what he’s patrolling.”

“I’d suggest you save that read for when you’re at home and won’t have anyone lookin’ over your shoulder,” Jackson advised. “You get the idea. They sent the girls too, and I suspect your report will explain why.”

For a moment, Oz wondered who the ‘girls’ were, then recalled a brief conversation she’d had with Gilroy. “Oh. Right. I’m not sure I appreciate that you know about that before I do.”

“Intel business.” Jackson shrugged and fell silent as the server appeared and refilled the drinks. “Which reminds me of somethin’ I wanted to ask. You know Chance has decided to go into the Intel branch?”

“What? Did I know that? Oh... I did, yeah. What’s up?”

“Good. I just...with all that has happened, I couldn’t remember if that happened before you left or after. He an’ Eli will be takin’ off for a few days once Dae’s back on duty.”

“Taking off with or without Dae? I assume this is their in-field training? At least I can vouch for Chance’s survival skills in the wild. Well, and in bars.” She laughed.

“Likely with Leto. Dae’s due for some time on station and besides, Leto is much more of a hardass.” He laughed for a moment. “She’ll work their asses off and bring ‘em home lookin’ for their teddy bears.”

“They’re each other’s teddy bear,” Oz said around a mouthful of fries.

“They grew up awfully fast didn’t they?” Jackson laughed once more. “Now I sound like an old man. I have to cut that out right now. That’s just what kids do, huh?”

“Yeah.... Speaking of, my mom asked, again, if we’re having kids. And when,” she said, blandly.

Jackson lowered his glass and raised an eyebrow at Oz. “You said that this time without curse words attached,” he commented.

“Given enough time, even water can wear away a stone,” Oz said. She shrugged, “She’ll keep asking. She’ll drop hints with you and then, eventually, start asking you. Someday, she might even make a demand. Though, at least Archie already had kids with his wife. It’s not as bad as it could be.”

“And what do you think of the idea?” he asked.

“You already called us rolling stones - it’s not like we really have time... Do we?” She shook her head. “Considering our lives, and the frequency at which we risk them, I think it’s a bad idea.”

“I meant, we don’t like being kept down.” He paused to consider the idea. “It hasn’t slowed Kh’ali down any. And now is a good time Oz. Just sayin’.....”

“Now?” She gave him a quizzical look.

“While we’re still young?” He joked. “It’s like Irina was sayin’ after Eli an’ Chance got hitched. If ya wait for ‘that day’ to come, it never will.”

“Oh...,” she nodded. “Um... Then I’ll bring that up with the doctors.”

“It might present them with an interesting question. I should think that since you were only assimilated for a short time, and had no lasting effects, aside from the little repair bots, it won’t be an issue,” he suggested. “I guess we will see, and you can tell your mother whenever.”

“Eh, let it be a surprise for her,” she laughed and shrugged. She hadn’t considered the impact of the nanites on a pregnancy... would the little things think the zygote was an invading presence and attack it? “Maybe it’ll be a surprise for us, too.”

“See what Will has to say.” Jackson finished his drink and set it aside. It occurred to him suddenly that the nanites might be a means of guaranteeing there were no problems for Oz and he said as much. “You never know. Besides, Iggy needs a new one to take care of, now that D’veidh has Aros and is getting older.”

“That’d be funny - Iggy as nanny. I thought it was funny when Kha’li took her on,” Oz laughed. “But having a telepathic nanny would be pretty nice.”

“I gather Kh’ali loved it. It sorta put an end to that ‘oh..what does the baby want now’ question,” he replied. “She always knew. Though Aros is telepathic too. I guess their little sprout got used to it.”

“It helps, I think, that Iggy is at that same mental level. Anyway... shall we take a walk? I rarely ever have time to wander the Promenade.”

Jackson rose and took her hand in his, pulling her to her feet. “Let’s do it.” He led her away from the table and out into the crowd.

Nadia Conradi
Oralia Zeferino
Jackson Banning V


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