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Checking out Jackson's Competition

Posted on Sat Oct 22nd, 2011 @ 3:25pm by Commander Oralia Zeferino

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Promenade, New Restaurant
Timeline: Before "Too Much Between Us"

Start Log

Glancing at her companion, Oralia Zeferino smirked. "Looks like Jackson has competition."

Gilroy snorted as only Klingons could. "He's had competition from the day you and Connor came aboard Berkeley." He grinned at his boss and gestured for her to enter the Starbase's newest establishment ahead of him. "Ladies first."

Her jaw had tightened at his words. She hadn't let on as to the change in her circumstances, that Connor had walked out on her. No matter, she walked into Cravings, knowing that Gilroy was probably taking the 'ladies first' moment to check out her rear assets. Stopping in the main lobby of the new place, she looked around and commented, "Wow... laser fountain... little gaudy, huh?"

Nodding silently, Gilroy took in the red and gold laser fountain then glanced at the four sitting areas around the circular room. No one was sitting in those areas, but then, Gilroy knew, the place was barely open. "Have you met the proprietor?"

Oz looked at her minion and frowned. "No, that's why we're here. I'd like to see what can be seen about him."

"Right, okay." Gilroy nodded and paced a few steps away from Oralia.

"Lieutenant," Oz glanced around to see if anyone else was nearby, "have the guards on Doctor McKinney reported in?"

"Reported in as to what, Ma'am?" Gilroy turned towards her, confused.

"Whether he's been released from Sickbay."

He had expected that she would already know, since he lived with her. "Ah... he has been released, yes. Jeeves and... I forget the other fellow's name, have taken up posts out...," he'd have continued his report, but was stalled by the appearance of someone who obviously worked for Cravings. He quickly smiled at the person.

Our first guests already!?!, Jono thought to himself as he saw the two patrons walk in the front door. He could see every area in the restaurant (except the restrooms) using the security monitors arrayed upon the wall in his office. Getting up from behind his desk and stopping for a second to check himself in the mirror by the door, he strode confidently and smiling down the corridor to the front of the house to greet his very first patrons in his new establishment.

"Welcome to Cravings! I am Jono Rafaelas, proprietor. Are you here to dine? Or perhaps for a drink at Whets?"

Oralia adopted a small, tight smile. "Mr. Rafaelas, I'm Lieutenant Commander Oralia Zeferino. This is Lieutenant Gilroy." Gilroy nodded at Jono. "We're just here to meet you, see the new place, that sort of thing." She glanced about the room, noting the downplayed red and blue colors in the place. "If you have any troubles here, which I doubt you will, we're the ones you would call."

"Oh, I see...false alarm then...huhu. I'll tell you what. From this day forward, whenever your on duty and you feel like stopping in to Whets for a quick cup of coffee or a drink, non-alcoholic of course, please feel free to do so. It'll be on the house. Oh, and you too Kilroy. And please, Lieutenant Commander, feel free to look around all you want. Or would you like a tour perhaps? Seeing as how you will be my first line of defense, so to speak, against any out of control frivolity that may arise?"

Oz hid her amusement as Gilroy grumbled that his name started with a 'g'. "A tour would be great, unless you don't have time?"

"Not at all! Please, follow me." Jo lead the two officers into the center of the main dining area and motioned toward the stage. "Here, every night, entertainers of all kinds will appear for our guests to enjoy while they dine. I have an extensive library of holo-programs that I have acquired over the years. Any questions? What do you think?"

As they walked through the dining and entertainment area, Oralia smiled slightly. "What sort of holo-programs? Do you have ancient Earth stuff, like Ella Fitzgerald? Louis Armstrong? Cassandra Wilson?" There was a reason she liked Jackson Banning's Nexus Club: he had a thing for oldies like Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin and the like.

"Absolutely! Most of my collection is of Earth entertainment and I have many of the ancient Jazz vocalists and musicians. Any suggestions for our opening night line-up? I hope you are able to attend. Should I reserve a romantic little table for you and your Klingon partner here?"

While Oralia frowned at the question, Gilroy elbowed her ribs and chuckled, "Boy, that'd drive Connor a little mad, huh?" He laughed.

Ignoring Gilroy's attempt at humor, Oralia shook her head and replied, "No, that's all right. I'll attend opening night, but I don't require any special arrangements, thank you, Mr. Rafaelas." The trio had wandered through Cravings and ended up in Whet, the bar area. "I won't take up anymore of your time," she gave Jono a friendly smile, "Thanks for the tour and I'm sure you'll see me soon as a patron instead of as Chief of Security."

Jono nodded happily and waved as Oz and Gilroy left his establishment.

LC Oralia Zeferino

Lt. Gilroy

Jono Rafaelas


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