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Make It A Double

Posted on Mon Jul 4th, 2016 @ 6:29pm by Rafael Hernandez & Kaeli & Isaura Panossian & Patch

Mission: Further Challenges
Location: RIS Opius / Romulus

* RIS Opius *

“We’ll be fine. You’re not going,” Isa said, sharply - surprisingly so, considering her usual casual attitude. On this debate, though, she was adamant, and a little tired of discussing it. “Like we did on Cardassia, you’ll stay here and beam us back. And keep Zarv from beaming down behind us.”

Rafael crossed his arms as he leaned in the door, blocking her path. “So that is it? I’m supposed to just hang out here and play kadis-kot with Zarv? Maybe take in a movie while you two go down and get yourselves killed?”

“Yeah. I hear the movie Waiting for Godot is a real treat,” she said, sarcasm dripping from her tone. “Look, I’m doing this to protect you: if you go with us, Rekar’s people will mark you. They already know me and Kaeli; there’s no more harm in them seeing us. But you? I won’t risk that, Raf.”

“And Patch? I suppose he’s going to bring the popcorn?”

“No, he’s going with us. Kaeli’s ‘turning him in’.” She paused, frowning. “Oh... at least I think he’s going with us. I need to check with Kaeli on that.”

Rafael frowned and a grumble came with it. “When we get away from Romulus we are going to have a long talk about all this protectiveness. I didn’t live through what I did to be babied now. But as much as I hate to admit it, you’re right. A human on Romulus would cause a riot and make them think I’m a Federation spy. You still have that device I gave you?”

“Yes,” she reached up to her lapel and fumbled at it, her fingers searching for what she couldn’t see. They didn’t find it and she hedged, “Ah... well...,” while she felt the rest of her clothes looking for the patch he’d given her. “It was here,” she said, looking around. When she turned her back on Raf, he could see it clinging to the back of her jacket.

He snickered as he reached out and plucked it from her jacket. “Here. Get it in place. It’s time.”

She took it from him, kissed him and, tucking the device into a pocket, headed for the transporter room.

Just down the corridor, Kaeli was slipping the last knife into place on her thigh. She smoothed her skirt and then fluffed her hair. “Ready to go, Mr. Prisoner?” she asked Patch.

He reached under her skirt and goosed her. Grinning, he nodded, “Sure am. Maybe we can keep these restraints for the ride home?” He toyed with the bracelets. One was already closed around left wrist. As they took their place on the transporter pad, he closed the other, loosely, around his other wrist.

“We’ll have to discuss that.” Kaeli flashed him a sly smile. “Energize Raf.” Moments later, they disappeared.

* Romulus *

They appeared on a transporter pad outside the main government building. “I called Rekar and he said Tindam has returned to Romulus,” she informed Isaura.

“You’ve told me that,” Isa nodded. “I’ll handle him. It’s why I didn’t want Rafe along with us - having him along would keep me from handling Tindam in the most efficient way possible.” She checked her watch.

“Gotcha.” Kaeli inclined her head in the direction of the building. “Showtime.” An officer was approaching. She reached over to take hold of Patch’s arm and yanked him closer. “You want to do the honors, Isa?”

“Ah... sure,” she shrugged and stepped ahead of Kaeli and Patch to address the Romulan, “Hey! We’re here to see Rekar. He’s expecting us.”

The Romulan eyed the Bajoran, scowling. “You must be Isaura Panossian.”

Isa smiled and glanced back at Kaeli, missing that the Romulan was moving in close to press a stungun against her ribs. “Ow!”, Isa cried and crumpled to the floor.

“Kaeli, you’re expected,” the Romulan said.

Kaeli reached out to grab the front of the man’s uniform tunic. “That’s not the way to impress me!” she hissed. “One more time and they will find you in pieces in the alley. Now pick her up and let’s go.” She glared at him, then let go and took hold of Patch.

Deciding he’d work on selling this little charade to the Romulan, Patch laughed and taunted Kaeli, “Looks like the Rommies like your partner as much as I do!”

The Romulan sneered and picked Isa up. She was partly awake, but not yet in control of her limbs. “Tindam requested she be ...tenderized for him.”

“Tinman... can... fuck... himself,” Isa slurred. “Imma gonna hurt you.”

“I’d suggest that once she can move that you are far from here,” Kaeli advised as they entered the building. “As for Tindam, I don’t want to lay eyes on him until I call for him. Understood?”

“I take orders from Rekar,” the Romulan said, “Besides, Tindam is in Rekar’s office.”

“Lovely,” Isa said.

Kaeli rolled her eyes and pulled Patch along with him. “Fine. Let’s get this over with. I have things to do that don’t include dragging a Cardassian around behind me.”

“We can trade and I’ll take the Cardie to the prison,” the officer offered.

“No, I said I’d bring him to Rekar and I will. There’s some things Rekar needs to know and he will want to hear them from this one himself.” They had continued through the corridors until they reached the doors to Rekar’s office suite. “Isa, can you stand up now?”

Glaring at Kaeli, as if it were Kaeli’s fault she’d gotten zapped, Isa gripped the officer’s uniform jacket and stood upright. After a moment, she nodded, “I can stand. Let’s go in and get this done.” The officer stepped forward, rang the chime on Rekar’s door then stepped back to give Kaeli a clear path into the room.

Kaeli led the way in, taking Patch with her. Once Isa was in, she closed the door before the officer could follow. Finally, she turned and approached as Rekar stood and stepped around his desk. “Hello Rekar.”

“Kaeli,” Rekar fairly well purred at her. He smirked as Isa, still feeling the effects of the stun gun, stumbled and ended up in Tindam’s arms. “And Isaura,” he said, with a bit more chill in his tone. “So good of you both to come back to us and to bring me a Cardassian to take apart.”

“Indeed.” Kaeli stood her ground as Rekar reached her and slipped his arms around her. “I never break a promise.” She shot a hard look at Patch, who was suddenly overcome with a fit of coughing, then smiled up at Rekar. “Now you and I have some things to...discuss.”

“Yes, we do,” Rekar smugly said. “Come,” he pulled her towards a door behind his desk, “Tindam, don’t let her get the best of you.” He laughed as he and Kaeli went through the door.

Isa slammed an elbow into Tindam’s belly; it was ineffectual since she still didn’t have complete control of her limbs and the blow was weak. Tindam huffed out a breath, partly as a laugh, partly in response to her elbow in his gut. “Stop tickling, Isa. You and I need to have a talk.” He pulled her towards the office door then paused and looked at Patch. “Don’t do anything stupid, stupid.”

Kaeli was silent until the door closed behind them. They were in a smaller room that held a sofa, two chairs, and a bar. The window gave an view of the city square behind the main building. It was Rekar’s space for more private business, a room Kaeli was very familiar with from years past. She moved past him to the bar and reached for a decanter of Romulan ale, then poured two glasses.

“So, what do you want first? The business or the pleasure?”

“I rather like pleasure, then business, then pleasure again,” he said, following her to the bar. He put his hands on her hips and leaned in to kiss her neck. “Makes business much more pleasant.”

“That depends on the business, doesn’t it?” She smiled and slipped a glass of the vivid blue ale into his hand. Then she touched her glass to his. “I bring some very good news that you’ll want to hear before anything else.”

“Ah, then spill it,” he said, sipping the ale.

Kaeli took a minuscule sip of the ale, then set her glass back on the bar. “You’ve heard the rumours that the Obsidian Order was being revived of course? Under Boroca?” Her smile returned. “Well, I can tell you now that Boroca is dead. There is no doubt. I was there. The official reports said it was some wild animal that ripped him to shreds.”

“I read those. The reports are strange - a wild animal in the area where Boroca’s cabin is? Especially one that killed two of his men and him? Without being shot or injured?” He shook his head. “Strange dealings.”

“You can say thank you now,” she murmured. “It was the work of only a few minutes and our hands are clean. There will be no tracing it back to anyone.”

He frowned at her. “How did you simulate an animal attack? I take it that your twit was with you?”

“If you mean Isa, then yes, she was. Or are you referring to Jarad?” Anger speared through her at his question, no matter who he meant. To cover it, she reached over, took her glass and had another drink.

“Isaura, of course. Tindam came back full of fire for her; I appreciate you bringing her with you. He’s been hoping for a few minutes with her. What did she do to him? He swears she put a spell on him.” He laughed at the absurdity of the idea.

“Tindam is a fool and a weak link in your armour, Rekar.” Kaeli’s tone was harsh as she continued. “It took me exactly one minute to arrange to have him removed from DS9, drugged and on a ship out and he had no clue. Is that really what you want so close to you?” It occurred to her that she was close to Rekar and was an even bigger danger. “You will regret it.”

“I know his mother,” he said, as if that explained everything. His thoughts filled in the blanks: he had Tindam’s mother in a prison cell. “He doesn’t dare do anything to cause me harm.”

“He would if it saved his own skin,” Kaeli suggested. “If he hurts one hair on Isa’s head, I’ll kill him. Does he know that?”

“I don’t think he cares. Nor should you. If she spelled him, then she’s likely spelled you, too,” he warned her. “Tell me about the Cardie you brought along. What’s he going to be able to tell me?”

“Enough to keep you busy for weeks,” she assured him. Once more she set her glass aside. “You realize that the one most likely to take over the Order is on Isa’s leash? So there will be plenty to report ongoing too. Now then, can the rest of the business wait?”

“Isa has the Order’s next boss under her thumb?” He stared at her. “Seriously, what does she put in your morning cereal?”

“You don’t believe that?” Kaeli laughed shortly. “You should. He’s also a close personal friend of mine. But we can discuss specifics later, hmm?”

“Oh, absolutely,” he grinned and pulled her in for a kiss.

It was sometime later that Kaeli stirred, turned over and propped herself up on one elbow. She looked down at Rekar, who still dozed, and fought back the revulsion she felt as she watched him. She wanted to rip him apart, just as Zarv had done to Boroca, but this situation called for subtlety. It was why she had given in so everything would appear normal. Slowly, she reached up into her hair and loosed the tiny disc of orange, keeping her movements casual. She re-attached it to her fingertip, then carefully peeled away the protective cover. Leaning down, she pressed a kiss to Rekar’s lips.

“Wake up, my darling.” She spoke loud enough so it would be heard, since she knew they were being recorded.

“Mmm, Kaeli,” he whispered, waking slowly. “More pleasure?”

“Oh, absolutely. I have to make good use of my time here before I go, don’t I?”

“Yes, you do,” he said and rolled over onto her, pushing her down into the cushions. “I’ll have to make sure you return every few months.”

“As you wish.” She reached up and took hold of his shoulders, her fingers pressing into the back of his neck. “Maybe you can convince me to stay a little longer this time…”

“Oh, I’ll--,” he stopped, sucking for air and clutching at his chest. After a moment, he keeled forward, landing atop Kaeli.

“Rekar?” She pressed against his shoulders but he was dead weight. “Rekar!” This time her voice was louder and when he didn’t move, she screamed aloud, knowing someone was likely just outside the door. “Computer, medical emergency in Rekar’s office!” Kaeli was strong but at Rekar’s size, his dead weight wasn’t going anywhere, leaving her trapped beneath him. She screamed out Tindam’s name, then ordered the computer to find him.

An alarm went off and the door sprang open. Tindam, his shirt open and untucked, raced in. “What the hell have you done?”, he demanded.

“Nothing! We were just talking about extending my stay and then he -- he stopped talking! He couldn’t breathe and was holding his chest!” She sounded thoroughly panicked. “Then he collapsed. I think he is….he’s not breathing!”

Tindam helped her get Rekar off of her just as medical personnel rushed in and started assessing the Romulan. Tindam turned his attention to Kaeli. “You did this, didn’t you?”

“Do you think I am insane?” she demanded. “Who in their right mind would kill Rekar in his own office? I know this room is monitored, watch the feed if you doubt me. If I wanted to kill him, would I have been in here for the last three hours just lying around?”

Glancing at Rekar, laid out on the floor with the medics working on him, Tindam grimaced with disgust. “I’d rather not watch the feed, thanks. How could you spend three hours under that? Bleh,” he stuck his tongue out and shook his head.

In the doorway, Isa peered in. “Kae? You okay?”

Kaeli grabbed the sheet and wrapped it around her, then approached Tindam. Without warning, her hand flashed through the air and she slapped him hard enough to make him stumble. “How dare you speak of him that way?” She turned to Isa and shook her head. “He is dead, Isa.”

Kaeli’s slap was so hard even Isa flinched. “Well. Maybe dudes as old as he is shouldn’t be trying to have sex with women like you. Serves him right for being stupid. Can we go now? ‘Cause I think Tindam would like to kill me.”

Kaeli looked back at Tindam. “I am going to get dressed, in private, and then I will be on my ship. Security will review the feed in here. If they have any questions, they can reach me there. Protocols are already in place for Halloran to take over, and I know he will want to see me before we go.” She knelt down beside the still form of Rekar and stroked his cheek. Finally, she grabbed her dress and stepped into the small bathroom in the back of the room.

Tindam snarled at her back as the door closed. He then turned on Isa, who retreated to the office, and grabbed her by the throat. “You do this, don’t you? You’ve got her under some enthrallment, like you did to me, don’t you?”

“Me? I had nothing to do with this, Tinman,” Isa choked out, “You, you’re weak-minded. Easy to manipulate. Lemme go, this hurts.”

“I’ll make it stop hurting,” he growled and bore down on her throat. In the next moment, he went down heavily, felled by a blow to the back of his head from Patch.

Patch looked at Isa and asked, “You okay?”

She nodded, gasping for breath. “Kaeli will be out soon.”

Kaeli could be heard speaking to the medical staff and the members of security that had just arrived. Finally, she emerged, dressed and looked at Tindam on the ground. “Should I have them lock him up?”

“That’d work for me,” Isa said, nodding. “But can we go? This hasn’t been fun.”

“No, it hasn’t. Besides, Tindam was here with Rekar before we arrived, how do we know he didn’t do something? Give me one sec.” She returned to the other room, gave the order to security, then came back. “Alright, have Raf get us out of here.”

Isa checked her pockets, finding the device in the last one she checked, and triggered it then grabbed Kaeli and Patch as the transporter activated. “Rafe’s gonna flip,” she said to Kaeli.

* RIS Opius *

Rafael was waiting in the transporter room when they arrived. Once they had fully materialized, he spoke. “Everything okay?”

“Yeah, yeah, sure,” Isa nodded. “Gotta get Kaeli to the medbay real quick. We’ll catch up in a few minutes,” she said, hustling Kaeli out of the transporter room.

“I am so glad that’s done. I really need a shower, Isa, I feel so slimy after three hours, to quote Tindam, under ‘that. Ugh.” Kaeli shuddered. “At least he’s gone and out of my hair. Wait...why are we going to sickbay?”

“Four hours, Kae. You think Tindam was nice the whole time? Besides, that taser really hurt, and left marks. I’d rather not have Rafe know about them ‘cause then I’ll have to explain what happened.” She glanced back at Patch, who was talking to Rafe.

“Patch?” Kaeli called out. “Come on, I need you to check on something for me.” She nodded to Isa. “I want to be checked for know. I know where Rekar has been. But he won’t be going there anymore. Three hours seemed like forever. Good riddance.”

“Ah, yeah,” Patch nodded at Kaeli and clapped Rafael on the shoulder. “Get us out of here, friend. I’ll send Isa to ya in a few minutes.” He hurried off after the women.

Once they reached Sickbay, Kaeli ordered the doors locked. “Alright, get her fixed up. I can wait.”

He nodded and gestured for Isa to hop up on the bed. She did, exposing her neck to him. “He got me, as you saw, here. And here,” she pulled her shirt up and off.

Patch started healing her bruises and the taser mark. “Let’s never do this again, Kaeli,” he said. “I could hear everything in that office.” He glanced at her.

“I’m sorry,” she said softly. “He had to think I was fully back in the fold, that I was truly loyal. It’s a long story.” She rested her hand on his shoulder as he worked on Isa. “He’s gone for good and no, this won’t be happening again.”

“You can make it up to me on the ride home,” he said. “It looks like Isa got some payback for stunning you on Cardassia,” he laughed a little.

“Hey...,” Isa frowned at him. “I’m right here. And payback would have come from Kaeli, not random Romulan dude. Or Tindam.”

“True.” Kaeli watched as Patch began to heal up the lacerations. “Is this all Tinman did? You know they will keep him locked up until they’ve raked him over the coals and are satisfied he isn’t the guilty one. Which could be days.”

“All he did?” Isa looked at her strangely. “What else did he need to do? I really don’t care if they keep him and rake him over the coals or toss him into a targ pit.” She didn’t care that Romulans didn’t have targs.

“No I meant is there more,” Kaeli explained. She patted Isa’s shoulder gently. “They might have reason to think he’s lying, so yeah, he won’t be out for a while. We will still be within distance they can reach me or have me come back but I don’t think they will. They will see the feed and I made sure it was a good show.” She glanced at Patch a moment. “That is all it was.”

“That’s all Tindam did,” Isa confirmed, Physically, at least. He’s a stronger telepath than I am, but Rafe can’t see that.

Patch, who hadn’t been privy to the mental part of the conversation, finished up his work on the Captain and stepped back. “All done. Go wow Rafe,” he smiled at her.

Tell me. Kaeli helped Isa sit up on the biobed.

“Not now,” she said. “I need to calm Zarv and be with Rafe. I’ll tell you later.” Isa pulled her shirt back on and slid off the biobed. “You two have fun; I’ll see you later.”

“Sure.” Kaeli’s voice was soft as she watched Isa leave sickbay. If she was honest, she would rather Isa have stayed. It would delay the conversation she suspected she was about to have with Patch.

“Well, that’s done, should we get out of here?” She stepped around the biobed and towards the door.

“No,” he refused to budge from his spot by the bed. “Get up here. We have no idea where that Rommie has been and what he might have passed on to you.”

She hesitated, then climbed up and stretched out on the biobed. “Very well. And I apologize again. There was no other way. Did they do anything to you while you were waiting?”

He started a scan of her before answering, “No, Tindam took Isa out of the office... I think to another office next door, and left me alone in Rekar’s office. You won’t believe what he had on his computer. The man had some interesting emails.”

“Copies?” Her mind went immediately to business. “They could be really useful. Or did you send them to the computer here?”

From a small pocket in his shirt, he produced a small chip and brandished it at her. “I do work for Suresh,” he said. “He’d have been pissed if I hadn’t gotten copies.”

“Good man.” Kaeli smiled up at him. “Do I get a peek? Since I am supposed to be the loyal Tal Shiar operative? So I can gloat over what they don’t know we know?”

“So long as your peek doesn’t take time from me,” he winked at her. “Good news: the old goat didn’t pass anything on.”

For once Kaeli was glad Patch wasn’t telepathic. Rekar had passed along something unknowingly, but at least the physical question was settled. What he had given her was a matter to discuss with Ronin and Isaura and, ultimately Jarad and Drekkar. She smiled once more. “That’s good news. Can we go now? I really want a shower and some clean clothes. I may burn these.”

“Of course. As your medic, it’s my duty to help make sure you’re clean,” he helped her sit up.

“Thanks.” She rested her hands on his shoulders as he lifted her down from the biobed. “So now we can go home where things will be somewhat normal again, huh?”

“Define normal,” he muttered and smiled as they left the medbay.


Isaura Panossian
Rafael Hernandez
On Their Way Home


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