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Posted on Thu Nov 10th, 2011 @ 8:52am by USS Paladin & Lieutenant Commander Kh'ali

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Diplomatic Corps Deck - CDO Office
Tags: Tatjana, Lismore, Aure'l

The arrival at Starbase 900 was impressive and after her reassignment towards the USS Paladin. She knew the layout of the station due her last assignment at Deep Space 7. Passing thought the Diplomatic Corps and nodding towards fellow Diplomatic officers Tatjana arrived at her location.

Giving a brief chime at the Chief Diplomatic Officer office Tatjana awaited for a formal response. It was a while since she got back in service again, yet this was the first time to a great voyage.

The main doors to the Diplomatic Offices are slid open. The area was rather quiet at the moment, with Kh'ali in Sickbay and Dobry on Divitia Prime. A Vulcan female was just stepping from one of the offices into the main area and seeing Tatjana, she inclined her head.

"Greetings. You are Lt. Lismore as I recall. I am Ensign Aure'l, Diplomatic Staff."

Tatjana looked at her and blinked a few times "Hello Ensign, I was expecting Lieutenant Commander Kh'ali? Is she around?" She looked a bit around as she wonder where the Chief was.

Kh'ali is, at present, out of commission. She was what held hostage for the past week and only recovered today. Her condition requires that she remain in Sickbay until recovered. In the interim, may I be of some assistance?" Aure'l regarded Lt. Lismore a moment, then motioned her to a seat if she wished.

"Nasty" she pointed out and walked towards the chair "I am here because I have to inform Captain Ro'Vaas about a direction that Starfleet wants the Paladin to go. Yet Starfleet gave me the choice to go towards the Divitian or a area that was not mapped, or rather marked as dangerous by Starfleet, the Pre-Warp Cradle" Tatjana leans a bit backwards "I am here for advise as to what the best choice is, is it good to meddle into the Divitian dealings? Or get into the Pre-Warp Cradle and explore the new areas?"

"It would seem logical to explore a new area, given our brief time in this quadrant. The Divitia Prime problem is under the oversight of Commander qeraQ'. The reports from there are contradictory at best. Often a case of one hand being unaware of what the other is doing. As such, there is not much more to be gained currently from retreading the same path."

Thinking for a second and leaning a bit forward looking at the Vulcan "There is in the reports I had about the Cradle a place called Senio, the planet is at the borders of Tynusian Empire. Maybe the Paladin can go there and I can cut a deal with the Tynusian Empire, its a lot of work as they are stubborn as a Klingon. What you think?"

"It is a risk, certainly. Rebellion is still thriving among the Empire's borders, so if this planet is among them, prepare to have your abilities tested. More recent information on the area would be useful, however. By all accounts, the initial instigator of the rebellion was killed. When such an icon dies, usually so does the cause. It raises the question now if someone has taken his place." Aure'l crossed her hands on the desk as she regarded Tatjana.

"Valid point," Tatjana pointed back out as she rethought. "But information does say that Rebellion activity is active. I can try to gain contact with the locals to find these rebels. Would this pose a possible threat for my presence at the planet itself?"

"Out here, Lieutenant, it is conceivable that anywhere we go could be a threat. Many see our presence here as an intrusion, with an eye to the view that we are here to take over. I would advise utmost caution. Rebels can be notoriously fickle. The likelihood that it will be dull, however, is remote." Which was about as close to a joke as Aure'l ever got.

Keeping her head a bit down she stared at the ground thinking of the wise words of this Vulcan, she was right after all, it was a tricky thing to do. "Would it be wise to instruct the Paladin Commander for a extra guards at this diplomatic attempt?"

"Perhaps, as long as they do not appear to be aggressive force. I wish you success in your endeavors and anticipate your reports as they come. Is there anything you require for the remainder of your stay?" Aure'l pressed a button on the console before her and the monitor came to life.

Tatjana stood up and shook her head "No, I got the advice I required and I am sure to report in, if you excuse me I've got an advisory report to put forward." She smiled and nodded towards the Ensign and turned around.


JP brought to you by:

Lieutenant Tatjana Lismore
Chief Diplomatic Officer
USS Paladin


Ensign Aure'l
Diplomatic Officer


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