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If the Station's a Rocking...

Posted on Sat Nov 12th, 2011 @ 8:28pm by Commander Oralia Zeferino &

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Holosuite

His off the cuff comment ("I know") in answer to her statement of love had cooled her ardor slightly, but, then again, she wasn't about to stop him as he kissed her... right there, right where it counted. She gasped and wrapped her arms around his bare shoulders and one leg around his naked hip... he molded one hand over her behind and down her leg, pressing intimately against her, with the intention of so much more as he lifted her other leg.

"Oh..., oh dear...," she tilted her head back... and felt the Station move.

Really move, hard enough that it sent the two sprawling into the sand, Oralia under Connor, as klaxons started blaring. They tangled there, sliding in the sand as the Station tilted and as gravity generators and inertia dampeners tried to compensate and failed. "That wasn't just us, was it?", she unnecessarily asked Connor.

His chest vibrating against hers, his head lifted. "No", his breathing was ragged, "Something isn't right.." his head began to clear, and he let go of her legs, then grabbed her hands, helping her up. "Bloody hell...!", and he began hastily grabbing at his clothes, tossing hers at her.

"Ya think?", she snapped, sarcasm lacing her words. She caught her dress as Connor threw it and hit the commbadge before yanking it over her head, "Report!"

=^=Ma'am, there's been an explosion in Hangar 51! Two visiting ships were damaged; injured are being transported to Main Sickbay.=^=

Shaking sand out of her hair and brushing it from her backside, Oz glanced at Connor, swallowing hard. "Understood, I'll be there shortly." a sandy dress, no bra and... where were her panties?

His pants still unzipped, Connor began pulling on his top, oblivious to her situation, he was in full medical mode. It didn't matter if he had worked his limited duty shift for the day, that Natalia had obviously ordered he was not to be called even in the case of emergency, he needed to get to Piper Medical Center.

Deciding she was dressed enough, Oralia moved to the doors and asked, "You ready?" She paused to look at him and knew the two officers outside the holosuite would probably have a very clear idea what Connor and their boss had been up to.

"Bloody hell...", Connor mumbled again, "Oralia..not yet", he looked exasperated. His briefs still tented out, he began to carefully pull up his zipper.

As he did so, she saw a flash of red and realized he'd just found her lost undergarment. She didn't call him on it, though. Later, she supposed, he'd find the panties there, lodged between his briefs and his jeans. "Need some saltpeter?", she asked, seeing the humor in the situation, despite the tragedy that awaited them both.

Finishing, his jeans feeling too tight, he forced a smile and looked at her as if to say 'smartass'. "This is your fault," he said, quickly leaning into her, to kiss her fully before hitting the panel to open the doors.

The doors snapped open, much to the relief of the two guards standing outside, and much to Oralia's ...and Connor's, frustration. "It was your idea," she answered him, touching his cheek before pulling away and switching into Chief of Security mode. Pointing at the two outside the door, she gestured at Connor and they nodded as she headed away at a quick jog.

Just as quickly, Connor indicated for them to follow, "This way, mates", as he rushed off in another direction.


Doctor Connor McKinney

Lieutenant Commander Oralia Zeferino


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