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Time to Work

Posted on Sun Nov 13th, 2011 @ 1:50am by Lieutenant Kazvar Guten

Mission: In Our Time of Need
Location: Quarters to Deck 360 Engineering
Timeline: Explosion to current

His eyes were glued to the padd in his hand as he sat at the small desk in his quarters. The station was so big and had so many hangers, dry docks, pads and docks that he was going cross eyed looking at the plans for them. The station had a stream of shuttles and ships always going in and out with almost half of them requesting resupplies or repairs. The reports showed all the upcoming arrivals and what they were requesting. Most repairs were minor from general use of the ships, only a few were from battles. The resupplies were mainly for materials that could not be easily replicated on the smaller crafts or for items that had monetary value to someone.

Only a few incoming ships were of note. Top of the list was one arriving shortly, the Skareen Cargo ship Conquest. It was requesting something that could not be replicated, it was also something of value to some. The every so required deuterium. It was one of the two things needed for warp travel and was also very explosive. It was an easy enough thing to handle in it containers though. Accidents involving it were almost unheard of anymore in the fleet.

Looking at the time of the Conquests arrival he looked at the time on the on the padd. The Conquest was do to dock any minute now. Do to the size of her there was only a few hangers that could fit that class comfortably, although another ship would have to move for it to dock. That was just how things were. Plans had it set to dock at Hanger 51, that meant the USS Dublin would have to move. As long as everyone was told in time there would be no issues with it, after all it was like a dance trying to get all the ships and shuttles in and out.

Setting the padd down he leaned back in his chair and looked at the door to his quarters for a moment to reflect on everything. Taking in a breath he held it for a moment, then released it. The overwhelming feeling of all the stuff he would now have to coordinate and track was starting to fade away. Just as he finished letting out his breath he felt a slight rumble in his chair. It was a feeling he had felt to many times before, it was the shock wave of an explosion that would travel through the hull and structure of a ship.

Standing he heard the alarms start to sound through the ship. Here in the crew quarters the alarms were louder to help wake crew and get them to their stations. Rushing over to the computer console he tapped on the LCARS for a moment to bring up the situational report of what was going on. He was an engineer above all and would lend a hand were ever he was needed. The screen started to scroll through all the information from sensors and reports that were flooding in. It was a lot to take in, the size of the station was not helping. He was used to a ships with no more then 35 decks, this barge had 661 decks. It was a tall order but he would do what was needed of him.

Rushing out of his quarters he ran down the hall toward the turbo lift. A couple other crewmen were in the hall doing the same. They all stopped at the lift as they waited for it, the lifts were busy with everyone rushing around, but he wasn't close enough to hanger 51 to just use a couple access hatches to reach it, and he didn't know his way around that much yet. The lift doors opened and they pushed into the already occupied lift. It was either full now or over filled. Either way they all sounded off with where they were heading, Strangely he was the only one heading to Deck 360 Engineering.

It was the closest Engineering office to Hanger 51, so that was the best place for him to go to to see what he could do to help. The lift zipped around from stop to stop as people exited and entered the lift. Finally the lift stopped at deck 360 and he pushed his way out into the hall. The alarms were going off much louder here. There was the slight smell of smoke and burnt metal in the air. It was being vented out, but it wasn't the type of smell that just went away, the whole area would need to be washed and scrubbed to get it out. Running down the hall he looked for door to engineering, surely there would be a group of engineers there already busy working on getting the place back to normal operations.

Suddenly stopping he entered the engineering station to see people running about to different consoles, grabbing supplies and running out, others where just arriving like he was. Looking around he found what looked like the main console and headed to it, and the person at it to see where he could be of help and what the current situation was. He wasn't in the normal engineering chain of command, but he would help anyway, after all that is what a star fleet officer does.


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